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arias 基本例句 n.阿里亚斯 Mr. Micheletti confirmed Wednesday night in a statement that he had asked Mr. Arias to send an international envoy. 在周三晚上的一份声明里,米凯莱蒂先生已经要求阿里亚斯先生派遣一名国际公使来。 yeeyan Now the country's courts have given the go- ahead. The referendum will be held on October7th and Mr Arias is campaigning again: “ I am the face of‘Sí’,” he says. 对此,法院已经放行,全民公决将于10月7日举行,而阿里亚斯正再次投入论战:“我就是‘是的’的化身!” ecocn “ If they are freed there will be tension in our communities and perhaps even new displacements, ” Arias said. “如果他们得到自由,我们的社区会变得紧张,或许甚至会出现新的迁移,”阿里亚斯说。 yeeyan According to Mr. Arias’s proposal, Mr. Zelaya would be allowed to finish his term, which ends in January, although elections would be moved up by one month. 根据阿里亚斯总统的提议,虽然总统大选将会提前一个月时间,但塞拉亚先生将被允许完成他的任期,将于一月份结束。 yeeyan According to Rafael Arias, the general secretary of Dimayor, the league’s governing body, the old influx of easy cash encouraged clubs to spend freely. 根据甲组联赛管理机构 Dimayor秘书长 Rafael Arias表示,过去现金容易流入鼓励了各球会毫无顾忌地乱洒银子。 ecocn After his gambit failed, his future now depends on an attempt at mediation by Óscar Arias, the president of Costa Rica. 回国行动失败后,塞拉亚现在只能将希望寄托在哥斯达黎加总统奥斯卡•阿利亚斯的斡旋活动上。 ecocn Both sides have now agreed to attend talks mediated by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias, but the political standoff could last for months. 双方目前都同意参加由哥斯达黎加总统阿里亚斯主持调停谈判,不过政治对峙可能会持续几个月的时间。 iciba Having faced filibustering in Congress, Mr Arias wants a referendum to ratify DR- CAFTA. 面对议会的阻挠,阿里亚斯想要靠全民公决来通过 DR- CAFTA。 ecocn His gastric arias mostly stood in for conversation, but some evenings he managed a few words, such as the night he spotted Mandy’s library book on the credenza. 每次交谈的时候,他的胃部咏叹调总是会准时响起,可是有几个晚上他确实说了几个词儿,比如有一个晚上他在书柜上发现一本曼迪图书馆借来的书。 yeeyan If Mr Arias’s American- backed mission to mediate succeeds, Barack Obama’s administration may yet emerge from its first big test in Latin America with its prestige enhanced. 如果由美国支持的阿利亚斯斡旋之行能够成功,巴拉克•奥巴马政府也许就能顺利通过它在拉丁美洲面临的第一次考验,并赢得名声。 ecocn In return, the recipients reportedly gave money to Mr Arias’s bid for the Conservative Party’s presidential nomination. 反过来,据报道,这些接受好处的人把钱赞助给竞选保守党总统候选人提名的 Arias。 ecocn In Costa Rica Rodrigo Arias, the brother of a two-term president, has declared his candidacy for2014. 在哥斯大黎加,现任总统已经二连任的兄弟 Rodrigo Arias宣布参选2014年总统大选。 ecocn Mr Solis, a minister in Mr Arias's previous government in the1980s, insists that he is both pro- American and not against free trade. 索利斯在80年代时曾是上一届阿里亚斯政府中的部长,他坚称自己是亲美的,而且不反对自由贸易。 ecocn Mr Arias, who cannot run again until2018, won a Nobel peace prize for his efforts to end Central America's civil wars during his first term from1986 to1990. 阿里亚斯要到2018年才能够再度竞选,他曾因在1986年至1990年第一次任期期间,为终止中美洲的战争作出的贡献而获得诺贝尔和平奖。 ecocn Mr Arias campaigned hard for the accord, but only narrowly won a referendum on it in 2007. 阿里亚斯先生艰难地为此协议竞选,但只勉强赢得了2007年的全民公决。 ecocn Mr Arias is surely right to warn of worse bloodshed unless a deal is reached. 阿里亚斯的警告完全正确,除非达成协议,更糟的流血事件还会发生。 yeeyan Ms Chinchilla benefited from Mr Arias’s popularity, and a divided opposition. 钦奇利亚受益于阿里亚斯广泛地民意支持和反对党内部分歧。 ecocn Rather, she is a protégée ofóscar Arias, the outgoing president whom she served as vice- president and justice minister. 确切的讲,她曾担任公共安全部长和副总统的职务,是现任总统奥斯卡阿里亚斯的心腹。 ecocn She is expected to continue the centrist policies of her predecessor, Óscar Arias, and increase efforts to fight crime. 她预计会延续她的前任,奥斯卡·阿里亚斯的中立派政策,同时加大打击犯罪力度。 ecocn So he asked Mr. Arias to consider sending a prominent international political figure to help him stem the fierce opposition. 所以他要求阿里亚斯先生考虑派遣一名著名国际政治人物来帮他遏制强烈的反对态势。 yeeyan That is why Mr Arias’s mediation still offers the best way out. His proposal is sensible. 阿里亚斯的提议是明智的,这也正是为什么他的斡旋仍是最好的出路。 yeeyan The first meeting between President Arias, deposed President Zelaya and interim President Roberto Micheletti is set to take place Thursday in San Jose, Costa Rica. 阿里亚斯总统和被罢免的塞拉亚以及临时总统米切莱蒂计划星期四在哥斯达黎加首都圣何塞举行首次会谈。 iciba Though Ms Chinchilla’s party was originally social- democratic, under Mr Arias it has moved to the centre. 尽管钦奇利亚所在党起初是社会民主党派,但是在阿里亚斯的影响下,该党逐渐成为核心的政党。 ecocn Yang also met with former Costa Rican President Oscar Arias Sanchez. 杨洁篪还会见了哥斯达黎加前总统奥斯卡·阿里亚斯·桑切斯。 www.fmprc.gov.cn Yet too often the character breaks into ambling arias recalling days gone by or the latest communications from her son. 但是,这部作品将缓缓的咏叹调过于频繁地运用到了角色回忆过去或与死去儿子交流的场景。 yeeyan |