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词汇 misshapen
释义 misshapen 英mɪs'ʃeɪpən美'mɪs'ʃepən ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA³²⁵⁵⁵BNC³⁷¹⁶⁵iWeb²⁹³³⁶

so badly formed or out of shape as to be ugly;

deformed thalidomide babies

his poor distorted limbs

an ill-shapen vase

a limp caused by a malformed foot

misshapen old fingers

mis 不好 +shapen
mis-不;恶;坏shape形状⇒奇形怪状的;畸形的词根记忆mis坏+ shapen形状的⇒畸形的近义词 crooked弯曲的twisted扭曲的deformed变形的distorted扭歪的malformed难看的contorted扭曲的ill-shapen难看的irregular不规则的disfigured丑八怪的grotesque奇形怪状的warped动词warp的过去式,动…disproportionate不成比例的

用作形容词His knee ismisshapenand unable to move.他的膝盖有点畸形,不能动。
He held out a hand the size of a pie plate, in which lay a tiny,misshapenkitten.他伸出他那象馅饼盘一样大的手掌,上面有一只小小的、长得奇形怪状的小猫。adj.deformed
同义词 contorted,twistedaskew,awry,bent,blemished,bowed,buckled,crooked,curved,damaged,disfigured,disjointed,distorted,grotesque,ill-made,irregular,malformed,mangled,marred,out of shape,ugly,unshapely,warped
crookedadjective bent, angled
agee,anfractuous,angular,asymmetric,awry,bowed,catawampus,circuitous,cockeyed,contorted,crippled,curved,curving,deformed,deviating,devious,disfigured,distorted,errant,gnarled,hooked,incurving,indirect,irregular,kinky,knurly,lopsided,meandering,not straight,oblique,out of shape,rambling,roundabout,screwy,serpentine,sinuous,skewed,slanted,snaky,spiral,tilted,topsy-turvy,tortile,tortuous,twisted,twisting,uneven,warped,winding,zigzag
deformedadjective disfigured, distorted
askew,awry,bent,blemished,bowed,buckled,contorted,cramped,crippled,crooked,curved,damaged,disjointed,gnarled,grotesque,humpbacked,hunchbacked,ill-made,irregular,knotted,maimed,malformed,mangled,marred,misproportioned,misshapen,out of shape,scarred,twisted,ugly,warped
malformedadjective distorted
shapelessadjective formless
abnormal,amorphic,amorphous,anomalous,assymetrical,baggy,deformed,disfigured,embryonic,ill-formed,inchoate,indefinite,indeterminate,indistinct,invisible,irregular,malformed,misshapen,mutilated,nebulous,undeveloped,unformed,ungraceful,unmade,unshapely,unstructured,unsymmetrical,vague,without character,without form
stackedadjective shapely
abnormal,amorphic,amorphous,anomalous,assymetrical,baggy,buxom,curvaceous,curvy,deformed,disfigured,embryonic,ill-formed,inchoate,indefinite,indeterminate,indistinct,invisible,irregular,malformed,misshapen,mutilated,nebulous,undeveloped,unformed,ungraceful,unmade,unshapely,unstructured,unsymmetrical,vague,well-developed,without character,without form
uglyadjective unattractive
animal,appalling,awful,bad-looking,beastly,deformed,disfigured,foul,frightful,grisly,gross,grotesque,hard-featured,hideous,homely,horrid,ill-favored,loathsome,misshapen,monstrous,not much to look at,plain,repelling,repugnant,repulsive,revolting,unbeautiful,uncomely,uninviting,unlovely,unprepossessing,unseemly,unsightly A misshapen ball of pate is rolled on to the steak and an egg is cracked into the remaining space, cooked almost instantaneously by the boiling oil.
之后,人们放上一个牛肉丸并且在铁板剩余的部分敲上一个鸡蛋。滚烫的食用油能够在立刻煮熟这些原料。 yeeyan

ABOUT to turn40 and bruised by the end of his marriage, Jasper Rees, a British journalist, climbed up to his attic and found a misshapen case containing his childhood nemesis: a French horn.
英国记者加斯普•里斯年将40,却因自己婚姻的结束而痛苦不堪;他爬上自己的小阁楼并发现了一个被压变形的箱子,里面装有一个他童年时的奢求:一支法国圆号。 ecocn

From his bed, he showed me the many sores and scars on his misshapen body and all the bottles for medicine.
躺在床上,他给我看他那被岁月扭曲了的躯体上的疤痕,以及他所有的药瓶儿。 ebigear

From the first moment Quasimodo laid his misshapen eyes on her, the poor dope was madly in love with Esmeralda.
卡西莫多那双畸形眼睛第一次瞄见艾丝美拉达时,这可怜的家伙就疯狂的爱上了她。 yeeyan

The tolerances of these machines seem to be very fine because almost any mutation in the underlying genes leads to a misshapen protein and, consequently, to disease.
这些装置的耐受性似乎很小,因为几乎基础基因的任何突变都会导致蛋白畸形,并因此引发疾病。 yeeyan

The whole thing was compact, overwhelming, and misshapen. It seemed like the gun-carriage of an enormous cannon.
整体是庞大、笨重、奇形怪状的,就象一架大炮的座子。 ebigear

The misshapen cells lack plasticity and can block small blood vessels, impairing blood flow.
畸形细胞缺乏可塑性,会阻塞毛细血管,阻碍血液流动。 who

Baseball’s Hall of Fame was opened in Cooperstown when a misshapen leather ball found in the attic of a house near the town in1934 was heralded as the ball originally used by Doubleday.
在库珀斯敦名人堂对外开放的1934年,于城郊附近一所房屋阁楼内发现的一个早已变形皮革棒球,似乎也引导着大众:它是道布尔戴使用过的最原始用球。 ecocn

But during drought, the molecules are misshapen and unstable.
但在干旱气候下,分子会发生畸形和不稳定。 yeeyan

Can the heart become misshapen and contract incurable deformities and infirmities under the oppression of a disproportionate unhappiness, as the vertebral column beneath too low a vault?
人心难道也能象矮屋下的背脊一样,因痛苦压迫过甚而蜷屈萎缩变为畸形丑态,造成各种不可救药的残废吗? ebigear

Cars, trucks, trains and large ships lie swept into piles ashore or float in murky water like misshapen bath toys.
汽车、卡车、列车以及大型的船只,要么横七竖八地堆积在岸边,要么漂浮在混沌的浊水中,像残缺的澡盆玩具。 yeeyan

Causes of infertility are numerous, ranging from hormonal imbalances, to defects of the uterus, to misshapen sperm, low sperm count or low sperm motility in men.
导致不孕的原因有很多,从女性方面的原因,如:荷尔蒙失调、子宫问题;到男性方面的原因,如:精子畸形、数量少或者是不活跃。 yeeyan

For him, Sunday was like a misshapen moon that showed only its dark side.
对他来说,星期天就像是丑陋的月亮下那阴暗的一面。 yeeyan

Having established Perseus as a fearless hunk, however, the misshapen script won't give him a girl to love.
不过,在畸形的剧本把珀修斯塑造成一个无所畏惧的大块头之后,却不给他一 个姑娘来爱。 voa365

However, so seriously misshapen egg is rare in our daily life.
然而,如此畸形的蛋在我们的日常生活中还是比较罕见。 cri

I don't really mind what color we choose as long as I can find the right cut for my misshapen body.
只要能够找件合适我这畸形身材的样式我真的不介意穿什么颜色。 yeeyan

Idealism has a role to play — it can convince us that no matter how misshapen, decrepit, or dull we are, there is someone out there for us.
理想主义有一个作用--它使我们相信,无论我们多么畸形,衰老,或呆滞,总会有人帮助我们。 ebigear

Ironically, the plane was dripping, much like the misshapen model had assembled in my youth.
极具讽刺的是,当时飞机正在漏油,像极了小时候那个残缺的模型。 yeeyan

Like a misshapen weightlifter who exercises only one arm, the partnership bulks up its military limb, perhaps even overworks it.
就像一个只锻炼一支胳膊的奇形怪状的举重者一样,这对伙伴专事甚至是过度的锻炼军事这条臂膀。 ecocn

Many cultures consider unusual eggs-- misshapen, empty, yolkless, shell-less, or ones with the yolk and white merged--to be laid not by hens but by roosters.
许多文明认为不同寻常的鸡蛋——畸形、空心的、没有蛋黄的、无壳的、或是蛋白蛋清混合的——是公鸡生的而不是母鸡。 yeeyan

Now they just needed to figure out whether a galaxy was distorted or not, in order to determine whether misshapen galaxies were more likely to have AGNs.
现在他们只需要搞清楚星系是否被扭曲了,就能确认畸形星系是否更容易产生 AGN。 yeeyan

Smoking can cause sperm to be misshapen and move slowly.
吸烟会导致精子畸形和移动缓慢。 yeeyan

Soviet youth should look happy and robust, not misshapen, they said.
他们讲,苏维埃青年应该看上去活泼高兴,不是愁眉苦脸的样子。 ecocn

They try to take her child but she clings on even as she falls to her knees beside a body, limbs awkward and misshapen, head broken like a duck's egg.
人们让出一条道来给她通过,有些人试图帮她抱住孩子,但她不让,她跪倒在尸体旁,尸体的四肢扭曲而畸形,,头破的像打破的鸭子蛋。 yeeyan

We started with only a couple of hundred misshapen blobs of clay.
我们开始时只能做出几百个畸形的粘土废品。 yeeyan

When, in the early ages of the Earth, land and water had not yet distinctly separated, huge misshapen amphibious creatures walked the trunk- less forests growing on the oozing silt.
在大地的混沌时期,水陆还没有清楚地分开,体积巨大、奇形怪状的两栖动物,在从淤泥地里生长出来的、没有树身的森林中行走。 yeeyan

Misshapen from my birth-hour, how could I delude myself with the idea that intellectual gifts might veil physical deformity in a young girl's fantasy!
我生来畸形,我怎能自欺,竟以为知识和智能可以在年轻站娘的心目中掩盖肉体的缺陷! xue163

Misshapen eggs are common produced as a result of double ovulation.
畸形蛋很常见,一般是由于母鸡双排卵造成的。 iciba




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