释义 |
miss fire 基本Thesaurus v.打不响;达不到预想的效果 as in.miscarry 同义词 abort,fall throughbackslide,blunder,decline,deteriorate,fall,fizzle,flop,flounder,fold,founder,misfire,miss,slipback wrong horse,be defeated,be demoted,be found lacking,be in vain,be ruined,break down,come to naught,come to nothing,fall flat,fall short,go astray,go down,go down swinging,go downhill,go up in smoke,go wrong,hit bottom,hit the skids,lose control,lose out,lose status,meet with disaster,miss the boat,miss the mark,play into,run aground,turn out badly 反义词 accomplish,achieve,ascend,build,correct,develop,do well,go up,improve,rise,succeed miscarryverb fail to attain goal abort,back wrong horse,backslide,be defeated,be demoted,be found lacking,be in vain,be ruined,blunder,break down,come to naught,come to nothing,decline,deteriorate,fall,fall flat,fall short,fall through,fizzle,flop,flounder,fold,founder,go astray,go down,go down swinging,go downhill,go up in smoke,go wrong,hit bottom,hit the skids,lose control,lose out,lose status,meet with disaster,misfire,miss,miss the boat,miss the mark,play into,run aground,slip,turn out badly |