释义 |
missas 基本例句 米萨斯 When he finally made his Salzburg festival debut with the Missa Solemnis in 1991,the stage seemed set for Harnoncourt to assume the throne vacated by Herbert von Karajan.1991年,当他完成萨尔茨堡节日首演《庄严的大弥撒》之后,音乐舞台上能够填补赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬空下的宝座的人似乎非他莫属。 Since water defines Stockholm in so many ways, no visitor shouldmissatour by boat.既然湖海是斯德哥尔摩如此重要的特质,游客们就绝对不能错过游船观光。 Chapter two discusses the background of this work: Chilicot s life, the development of Missa Brevis and the style of Jazz.第二章为背景探究,第一节论述契尔考特的生平,第二节探讨简短弥撒曲的沿革,第三节简述爵士音乐的风格; He left over 60 motets , some 18 complete masses , and many superb secular songs in the chordal “Italian” style .他留下了六十首经文歌包括挽歌和大约十八首完整的弥撒曲包括小舌弥撒,及许多义大利和音风格的非宗教歌曲。 Beethoven Missa Solemnis by Bernstein and ACO贝多芬庄严大弥撒 |