

单词 misnamed
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These misnamed philanthropists

近义词 miscall错叫nickname 绰号
That tall man ismisnamedMr Short!那个高个儿男子偏偏姓Short! THE sadly misnamed Israeli-Palestinian “ peace process” is proceeding precisely nowhere.
悲惨的被错误命名的巴以和平进程现在在任何地方都不再进行了。 ecocn

A century ago, Pareto observed that eighty percent of the wealth in Italy went to twenty percent of the population. But Joseph Juran came to recognize that he had misnamed this principle.
一百年前,伯莱图观察到80%的意大利财富集中于20%的意大利人口中。但是,约瑟夫·朱兰认识到,他错误的命名了该法则。 hjenglish

Although it is called fermenting, the process of making black tea is technically misnamed.
虽说我们把制造红茶的这个步骤叫做发酵,但技术上来讲这个叫法并不对。 yeeyan

But Joseph Juran came to recognize that he had misnamed this principle.
但是,约瑟夫·朱兰认识到,他错误的命名了该法则。 hjenglish

But this crab also suffers from something of an identity crisis: Imported king crab is often misnamed Alaskan king crab, because most people think that's the name of the crab.
但这种蟹类也遭受了类似于身份危机的问题:由于大多数人认为阿拉斯加帝王蟹就是这种螃蟹的名字,进口帝王蟹通常被这样误称。 yeeyan

Now they want to start negotiating on what has been misnamed a transatlantic free- trade area, but is in reality an effort to scrap barriers caused by different standards and regulations.
目前他们正在进行一项被误称为跨大西洋自由贸易区的谈判,但实际上旨在消除因标准和规范差异引起的壁垒。 ecocn

The federal security council that approved the deal is misnamed: it is a conclave of ministers headed by the chancellor that does nothing but weigh up the pros and cons of arms exports.
联邦安全会议批准了这项交易是误传:这次会议是以总理为首的部长级秘密会议,会上除了权衡出口武器的利弊外什么也没做。 ecocn

You can avoid problems with misnamed variables by using explicit declaration.
通过使用显式声明可以避免由拼错变量名引起的问题。 microsoft




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