

单词 mischievous
释义 mis·chie·vous 英ˈmɪstʃəvəs美ˈmɪstʃəvəsAHDmĭsʹchə-vəs ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝TCOCA²¹⁸⁸⁶BNC¹⁵⁵¹⁸iWeb¹⁷⁵⁸⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

naughtily or annoyingly playful;

teasing and worrying with impish laughter

a wicked prank

deliberately causing harm or damage;

mischievous rumors and falsehoods

来自mischief,淘气,恶作剧。GRE红宝书mis坏, chiev = chiefn 首领, ous-坏首领-恶作剧的mis不能, chi吃, evous: 东西不能吃是因为有害的
来自mischief mis + chief 首领,头,对头不利→伤害;mis + achieve 达到,完成,没有,不让完成→损害,恶作剧
mis坏+chiev=chie f首领+ous→坏首领 →恶作剧的;
联想记忆mis坏+ chiev看作achieve完成,达到-ous具有→ 达到坏结果 ⇒有害处的联想记忆mis坏+ chiev看作achieve完成,达到+ ous → 达到坏结果 ⇒有害处的词根记忆mis+chiev=chief首领+ous=做坏事的首领近义词 arch拱bad坏的wicked坏的nasty下流的impish小鬼的malign有害的naughty顽皮的harmful有害的roguish捣蛋的implike淘气的elfish小精灵的prankish戏弄的rascally无赖的damaging有害的negative否定的spiteful恶意的playful爱玩耍的devilish魔鬼似的malicious怀恶意的hurtful造成损害的puckish爱恶作剧的tricksy打扮得漂亮的…pixilated 精神有点失常的…

用作形容词The little boy is asmischievousas a monkey.这个小男孩像猴子一样调皮。
She yelled out at hermischievouschild.她对她淘气的孩子大喊大叫。
The thought sent amischievouslittle smile to her lips.一想到这个念头,她的嘴角浮现一丝恶作剧般的微笑。
Not only is it a mistaken belief, it is amischievousone.它不仅是一个错误的观点,而且也是一个有害的观点。adj.devilish, wicked
同义词 impish,malicious,naughty,playful,rude,slyarch,artful,bad,bothersome,damaging,dangerous,deleterious,destructive,detrimental,dickens,evil,exasperating,foxy,frolicsome,harmful,hazardous,holy terror,hurtful,ill,ill-behaved,injurious,insidious,irksome,malignant,misbehaving,nocuous,perilous,pernicious,precarious,puckish,rascal,rascally,risky,sinful,spiteful,sportive,teasing,tricky,troublesome,vexatious,vexing,vicious,wayward
反义词 behavedgood,kindnice,obedient
archadjective knowing, coy
damagingadjective hurtful to reputation
deleteriousadjective harmful, damaging
detrimentaladjective damaging, disadvantageous
errantadjective wrong;deviant
aberrant,deviating,devious,drifting,errable,erratic,erring,fallible,heretic,meandering,misbehaving,mischievous,miscreant,naughty,off straight and narrow,offending,rambling,ranging,roaming,roving,shifting,sinning,stray,straying,unorthodox,unreliable,wandering,wayward
frolicsomeadjective playful
antic,coltish,frisky,fun,gamesome,gay,gleeful,happy,impish,jocular,jovial,kittenish,lively,merry,mischievous,roguish,rollicking,sportive,sprightly Along him were the chubby and mischievous Sanjoo, and the lanky Rajat, ready with his characteristic smirk.
阿舒旁边是胖胖的喜欢搞恶作剧的山乔和瘦长的随时准备露出他那标志性的傻笑的罗嘉特。 putclub

Now, it may sound strange, but when Mickey was first created in 1928 he was a mischievous, amorous“ rogue” who got into fights, played practical jokes.
这听起来或许有些奇怪,但是1928年米奇刚出生的时候,他是个调皮、多情的“流氓”,他打架斗殴,还做恶作剧。 iciba

Of course, but it’s also an opportunity for players to leave their mark with eye-catching performances and mischievous quotes that invite speculation and interest about their future.
本质上的确如此,但世界杯也是球员们留下个人烙印的时候,他们用无与伦比的优异表现和恶作剧般的漫天要价引发人们对其前途的关注和兴趣。 yeeyan

‘It’ll be a lovely legacy, ’ she says. Then a mischievous grin plants itself on her face.
“这会是份可爱的遗产,”她说着,淘气地露齿一笑。 yeeyan

“ Going out for exercise, ” answered Jo with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
“出去锻炼,”乔答,眼睛调皮地一闪一闪。 kekenet

After a couple of hours of reading employee gossip, messages to stock brokers, and even a few technical communications about ailerons that he didn't really understand, Ian had a mischievous thought.
在花了几个小时阅读员工聊天记录、股票经纪信息、和一些他不懂的技术通讯之后, Ian有了一个恶作剧的念头。 yeeyan

But his eyes told you he was kind, funny, a bit mischievous.
但是他的眼神会告诉你,他很慈祥和滑稽,同时还带着点小孩子的淘气。 yeeyan

Cheeky showcases erotic photography through a selection of nudes and mischievous lingerie shots featuring the likes of Kate Moss, Lily Cole and Helena Christensen.
《无耻》精选了一些裸体来表现情色,展出了一些恶作剧的女内衣镜头,就像 Kate Moss、 Lily Cole和 Helena Christensen那样。 yeeyan

For now Oscar has adapted to life as an indoor cat because his legs aren't ideal for an outside environment, but otherwise he's back to his mischievous ways.
目前为止,他已经适应了作为一只猫在室内的生活,但由于奥斯卡的腿对户外环境还不够理想,否则他就会又变得和以前那样顽皮。 ttpet

For him, yoga was“99% practice and1% theory”, as he liked to say in his squeaky, mischievous voice.
对他而言,瑜伽是「99%的身体力行,和1%的抽象理论」,也喜欢用他顽皮吱吱的口音这样向大家宣导。 yeeyan

He was charismatic, with large dimpled cheeks framing a permanent, mischievous smile, and he’d been going abroad since2004, so others in the group deferred to him.
他风度翩翩,有一双酒窝的脸上总是带着淘气的微笑。他早在2004年就开始出国,所以团里其他人对他言听计从。 yeeyan

However, he said there may have been a“ mischievous element” in allowing the images' release just before Mr. Gates's visit.
但是,他说,在盖茨先生访华之前允许这种照片发布,可能是一种‘恶作剧’。 blog.sina.com.cn

In a mischievous mood, Lord Krishna applied color on Radha's face, hence the tradition of applying color on loved ones.
在调皮的气氛中,克利须那就在拉达的脸上涂抹了色彩,从今以后,向所爱的人脸上涂抹色彩就成了传统。 gusong.cn

Incredibly, it can be even on occasion seem Disneyesque, as with a series of mini- adventures he has, at Prospect Cottage, with a mischievous crow named Jet.
难以置信的是,有时竟像迪斯尼的卡通,在“愿景草堂”与一头叫“喷气式飞机”的恶作剧奶牛的迷你探险。 yeeyan

Learn to be mischievous and coquetry.
学会恰到好处地撒娇调皮。 kekenet

One side note that I know will sound mischievous. If you really do shine more than the competition then sometimes seeing the VC’s who are looking at funding them can play in your favor.
一个有点恶作剧的提示:如果你真的比竞争对手更出色,那么见一见准备投资你的对手的 VC,对你是有好处的。 yeeyan

The science being used by cosmetics companies is impressive, but the way that is then twisted by marketing people is mischievous.
化妆品公司使用的科学是使人印象深刻的,但随后被营销人员歪曲的方式是有害的。 yeeyan

The mischievous boys blackguarded about the school.

To them, Princess Alice was like a mischievous poltergeist with attention deficit disorder: she did things because she wanted to, and that’s that.
对他们来说,爱丽丝公主就像一个不能集中注意力的到处恶作剧的鬼一样:她做事情只是因为她想做,那就是了。 yeeyan

Which raises a mischievous question.
这引发了一个不好的问题。 ecocn

Without specifically referring to the pub attack, Chidambaram said the Centre had been following developments in the state due to the “ mischievous and high-handed activities” of the SRS and RHS.
齐单巴拉姆称,由于 SRS和 RHS“有害而又横暴的行为”,中心一直在追踪国内的进展。 他并没有特别指出酒吧袭击事件。 yeeyan

You'd speak to your little son; he's too mischievous.

Your child is excessively mischievous.
你的孩子过分顽皮了。 edu.sina.com.cn

Mischievous laughter resounds outside.
门外面回荡着顽皮的笑声。 yeeyan




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