

单词 miscegenation
释义 mis·ceg·e·na·tion 英mɪˌsedʒəˈneɪʃən, ˌmɪsɪdʒə-美mɪˌsɛdʒəˈneʃən, ˌmɪsɪdʒə-AHDmĭ-sĕj'ə-nāʹshən, mĭs'ĭ-jə- 高GCOCA⁶⁰⁸⁰¹BNC⁶⁹⁷⁰⁵iWeb⁴⁴¹⁸⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
reproduction by parents of different races especially by white and non-white persons1863年由美国记者David Goodman Croly 生造,并不符合构词法规则。第二个词根gen-理论上应该采用完整形式gener-。钱博士misc混合+e连接字母+gen生殖+ation动名词后缀⇒种族混合;杂婚
词源解释1863年由美国记者David Goodman Croly 生造,并不符合构词法规则。第二个词根gen-理论上应该采用完整形式gener-。
misc混合+e连接字母+gen生殖+ation动名词后缀⇒种族混合;杂婚。近义词 interbreeding杂种繁殖crossbreeding杂交育种
as in.mixed marriage
同义词 interfaith marriage,intermarriage
mixed marriagenoun interracial marriage
interfaith marriage,intermarriage The mixing of races or miscegenation was usually considered as something to be avoided in the name of racial purity.
种族混合或通婚通常被认为是要避免的,以保持种族的纯度。 kekenet

Chinese ancient marriage system had come through the historical changes form miscegenation, communal marriage, allelomorph marriage to plural marriage of patriarchy.
中国古代婚姻制度经历了杂婚制、群婚制、对偶婚制、父权制一夫多妻制的历史变迁。 dictall

The BNP says that it does not, nor will it ever, “ accept miscegenation as moral or normal”.
国家党称,该党现在不会,将来也不会“承认异族通婚是道德的和正常的”。 yeeyan

Their500-year history of miscegenation was an unhappy one, the result of European colonisation, exploitation of the native Amerindian population and a long history of African slavery.
他们五百年的异族通婚历史是不幸的历史,是欧洲殖民地化、当地美洲印第安人的开垦和长期的非洲奴隶制的结果。 yeeyan

Miscegenation, he says, is “ essentially unnatural and destructive”, and mixed-race children“ are the most tragic victims of enforced multi- racism”.
他说,异族通婚“从本质上来说是非自然的,具有破坏性的”,混血儿童“是实施多种族主义的最悲惨的受害者”。 yeeyan




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