

单词 misalignment
释义 mis·a·lign·ment 英mɪsə'laɪnmənt 高COCA⁵¹¹³⁵BNC⁷²¹²⁴iWeb²¹⁷⁴²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

the spatial property of things that are not properly aligned词根词缀: mis-坏,错误,否定 + a-来,临近 + lign直线 + -ment名词词尾misalignment voltage失调电压misalignment rate失调量misalignment loss失调损耗parallel misalignment平行性偏差,不平行性…misalignment signal失调信号angular misalignment角位移,角度失准…thrust misalignment推力偏心率velocity misalignment速度偏差press misalignment压力机调整不良…lateral misalignment轴的横偏,横向位移…mechanical misalignment机械不同轴性…
mis-坏-align-ment行为|结果⇒n.不重合³⁵;不对准²⁶;角误差¹³;偏心率¹³;误差方向¹³ The great top-down nation- state will be only cosmetically alive, weakened by deficits, politicians’ misalignment of interests and the magnification of errors by centralised systems.
预算赤字,政客利益的失调以及通过中央集权体制放大的错误,将使得伟大的自上而下运行的民族国家只在表面上存在。 ecocn

The leader and followers must unite around a shared vision. If there is a misalignment, a speech won’t work.
领导人和拥护者必须要团结在一个共同的理想周围——如果他们的理想不同,那演说是没有用的。 yeeyan

The misalignment, he said, probably would not have created a serious problem if the device had not been metal on metal.
如果植入的不是金属对金属介面人工髋关节的话,这个偏差可能不会造成严重后果。 yeeyan

After all, architecture always has been the antidote to complexity, misalignment and lack of direction.
毕竟,架构一直是克服复杂性、不一致和定向缺乏的方法。 infoq

How does the bill propose to calculate this misalignment?
这一法令通过什么方法计算货币失调程度呢? ecocn

However, Henry McVey, a strategist at Morgan Stanley, says that the answer lies in a “ misalignment triangle”, comprising listed companies, private- equity groups and fund managers.
可是,摩根斯坦利公司的战略员亨利•麦克维却称答案是蕴含在由上市公司、私人股本集团和基金经理人组成的偏差三角形中。 ecocn

I think U.S. cities really saw this as a misalignment of incentives.
我相信,美国城市确实视此为激励措施制定不当。 fortunechina

If you have been procrastinating for an extended period of time, it might reflect a misalignment between what you want and what you are currently doing.
如果你曾在很长一段时间里习惯了拖延,那也许可以反映出你想要的和你目标所做的之间的不一致的地方。 yeeyan

In many cases these opportunities exist where there is a misalignment of incentives for creating data transparency, such as lack of performance imperative.
在很多场合,机会存在于那些创造数据透明度的动机不对称,如缺少绩效驱动的地方。 infoq

It will track indicators such as heavy foreign- exchange intervention and“ fundamental exchange rate misalignment” in order to identify countries that are unfairly manipulating their currencies.
它将追踪如“严重的外汇干预”和“基本面汇率偏差”这样的指数,以此来确认那些不正当操纵自己货币的国家。 ecocn

Likewise, questions of market access, intellectual property rights, product safety and human rights will be aired along with issues of financial repression, subsidies, and exchange rate misalignment.
同样,市场准入、知识产权、产品安全和人权问题,伴随着金融衰退、补贴和汇率失真的问题,都会被涉及。 yeeyan

The second awkward conclusion is that the highly subjective nature of assessing currency misalignment will make it very hard for America or the IMF to agree on whether a currency is out of line.
第二个令人尴尬的结论是,评估货币偏差中带有强烈的主观特点,这使得美国或是 IMF在一种货币是否出现偏差上很难达成一致。 ecocn

The biggest risk comes from measures linked to China's supposed exchange-rate misalignment.
最大的风险来自测量假定的中国汇率失调的标准。 ecocn

There may also be misalignment between words, tone and body language, such as gestural slips, which are physical equivalents of speech errors and indicate internal conflicting thoughts.
语言,语调,身体语言或许会出现错位现象,例如摆错姿势,这是说错话时身体的一致表现,暗示内心的思想斗争。 yeeyan

There are issues with recognizing faces with unfamiliar poses and misalignment, with obtaining sufficient training, and with achieving scalability to large databases.
有着足够的训练并获得了可扩展的大型数据库后,在不寻常的姿态和未对准的情况下,人脸识别还存在一些问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

This approach leads to misalignment between the business goals and the developed services.
这个方法将导致业务目标和所开发的服务间的不一致。 ibm

This condition contributes to a “ misalignment” between business stakeholders and software delivery teams in both the value chain and the supply chain.
这种情况导致在业务出资方和软件交付团队之间存在两条不同的价值链和供应链。 ibm

We need to increase awareness of the misalignment between the research that is done and what needs to be done.
我们需要提高认识,清楚地看到所做的研究与需要做的工作存在着偏差。 who




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