

单词 mirroring
释义 mirroring 英'mɪrɚ美'mɪrɚ 高COCA³⁰⁵⁷⁰BNC²⁹⁴¹⁶iWeb⁴⁵²²⁹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
动词 mirror:
reflect as if in a mirrorreflect or resemblemirror-ing动名词⇒adj.镜像的动词mirror的现在分词.
用作形容词The system administrator must create a separate endpoint in each server instance that is to participate in databasemirroring.系统管理员必须在将要参与数据库镜像的每个服务器实例中分别创建端点。as in.representing
同义词 characterizing,defining,delineating,depicting,describing,exhibitingillustratinginterpretingpersonifyingpicturing,portraying,presenting,reporting,reproducing,revealing,showing,symbolizing
反义词 distorting,misrepresentation,misrepresentingas in.emulation
同义词 simulationcopying,impersonation,mimicryapingas in.imitation
同义词 clone,impersonation,impression,mimicry,parody,reflection,replica,reproductionapery,copy,counterfeit,counterpart,ditto,dupe,duplicate,duplication,ersatz,fake,forgery,image,likeness,match,mime,mimesis,mockery,parallel,phony,picture,resemblance,ringer,semblance,sham,simulacrum,takeoff,transcription,travesty,Xeroxaping,carbon copy,counterfeiting,echoing,matching,paralleling,paraphrasing,parroting,patterning,representing
反义词 original,difference,opposite,reality,seriousness,solemnityreverseas in.simulation
同义词 reproductionclone,copy,counterfeit,duplicate,duplication,facsimile,fake,image,likeness,match,reflection,replica,shamcarbon copy,paralleling
反义词 difference,original,reality
emulationnoun imitation
imitationnoun simulation, substitution
Xerox,apery,aping,carbon copy,clone,copy,counterfeit,counterfeiting,counterpart,ditto,dupe,duplicate,duplication,echoing,ersatz,fake,forgery,image,impersonation,impression,likeness,match,matching,mime,mimesis,mimicry,mirroring,mockery,parallel,paralleling,paraphrasing,parody,parroting,patterning,phony,picture,reflection,replica,representing,reproduction,resemblance,ringer,semblance,sham,simulacrum,takeoff,transcription,travesty
representingadjective purporting to depict
simulationnoun imitation
carbon copy,clone,copy,counterfeit,duplicate,duplication,facsimile,fake,image,likeness,match,mirroring,paralleling,reflection,replica,reproduction,sham The report shows that the impacts of the economic downturn on the world's six developing regions vary significantly, often mirroring export patterns.
报告表明,经济下滑对世界六个发展中地区的影响有很大不同,往往反映了他们出口模式上的差异。 worldbank

Another use of FUSE is mirroring, or maintaining copies of files in parallel.
FUSE的另一个特性是镜像,即并行地维护文件的拷贝。 ibm

As with geographic mirroring, there are both synchronous and asynchronous options.
与地理镜像一样,这里也存在同步和异步复制两种选项。 ibm

As you can see, the advice involved in the column is to accept this, embrace it and, in some cases, “match their moves.” In other words, come to recognize the concept of“ mirroring.”
如你所见,专栏中的建议是应该接受这一点,不用怀疑,而在某些状态下,“跟着他们移动”,换句话说,就是要懂得“反射”的概念。 yeeyan

Best practices would not recommend MPIO and mirroring on the same system.
最佳实践不建议在同一系统上同时配置 MPIO和镜像。 ibm

Can the world we live in really be re-imagined into something more sustainable, something mirroring near- Utopia?
我们生活的世界真的能变成这更加可持续,近于乌托邦的样子吗? yeeyan

Disk mirroring can also be deployed using disk- mirroring technology from other storage vendors.
磁盘镜像也可用来自其他存储供应商的磁盘镜像技术部署。 ibm

Further, there are double the number of physical partitions than logical partitions, which signify that you are mirroring your systems.
而且,其中逻辑分区的数目是物理分区的两倍,这表示您正在对系统进行镜像。 ibm

Geographic mirroring can be used with any type of disk, internal or external, and is also agnostic to whether the disk is natively or virtually attached.
地理镜像可以同任何一种磁盘内部磁盘或外部磁盘协同工作,它并不关心磁盘是实际还是虚拟的。 ibm

Hence the name, mirroring.
因此,名称为镜像。 yeeyan

Here is where you can have multiple copies of the physical portions for purposes such as disk mirroring.
在其中,您可以拥有物理部分的多个副本,以用于各种目的,如磁盘镜像。 ibm

If you select Mirroring Continuous replication, any data inserted into the source database is replicated continuously to the target database.
如果选择 Mirroring Continuous复制,那么插入源数据库中的所有数据会连续复制到目标数据库中。 ibm

If the other person is mirroring your body language, chances are they like you.
如果别人正在效仿你的肢体语言,他们就会变得像你一样。 yeeyan

It allows you to manage replication on various servers, specify replication parameters, and initiate refresh and mirroring operations from a client workstation.
可以从客户机工作站管理不同服务器上的复制、指定复制参数以及启动刷新和镜像操作。 ibm

My reporting ended up mirroring the study's results.
我的报导最终佐证了这项研究的结论。 iciba

Starting in version7.1, asynchronous geographic mirroring is also available. This allows for a greater distance between the production and backup systems without affecting the local response time.
从7.1版本起,异步地理镜像就可用了,它允许生产系统和备份系统之间的距离较长,并且不影响本地响应时间。 ibm

Step5 is the same as deleting any other document, with the additional revision parameter mirroring how the document was retrieved.
步骤5等同于删除任何其他文档,这要使用一个额外的修订参数,该参数反映如何检索文档。 ibm

Storage is a more complex matter and has been solved by simple mirroring in the backup host.
存储方面的问题更加复杂,但可通过在备用主机中的简单映像进行解决。 ibm

The mirroring process can take some time.
这个镜像过程需要一些时间。 ibm

This argument is far from resolved, and mirroring it is another intense battle at local level.
这个争论远远没有解决。 对它的监督对地方来说是另一个艰苦的战斗。 ecocn

Mirroring Darwin's voyage, Hooker called in on Ascension on the way home in 1843.
像达尔文的航行一样,胡克在1843年回家的路上造访了阿森松。 yeeyan

Mirroring is when someone copies your body movements whilst retaining eye contact.
镜像是指有人在与你眼神接触时会复制你的肢体动作。 yeeyan




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