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词汇 mired
释义 mired

entangled or hindered as if e.g. in mire;

the difficulties in which the question is involved

brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion

来自mire,泥沼。即陷入泥沼的,比喻义陷入困境的。近义词 involved涉及的
The car wasmired.车子陷入泥中。
My car wasmired.我的车上溅满污泥。
The most brilliant person may bemiredin detail and confusion.即使是最聪明的人也会陷入琐事与混乱之中。as in.stuck
同义词 adhered,baffled,caught,fixed,frozen,glued,joined,perplexed,puzzled,saddled,stumped,stymied
stuckadjective fastened
adhered,baffled,caught,fixed,frozen,glued,joined,perplexed,puzzled,saddled,stumped,stymied And that kind of moralizing is the reason we’re mired in a seemingly endless slump.
正是这种道德说教使我们陷入似乎无边无尽的经济不景气之中。 yeeyan

In a world where seemingly every day a new fad diet hits the shelves, eating healthy can be mired in confusion and doubt.
现今世上,时尚饮食的书籍似乎每日都泛滥于书架,如何吃得健康的问题在混乱和疑惑中陷入困境。 yeeyan

The debate over EDCs is mired in controversy, akin to the debate over global warming, with environmentalists on one side, big business on the other, and scientists caught in the middle.
对于 EDC的争论也陷入争议,与全球变暖的争论一样,环保主义者站在一方,大公司站在另一方,科学家加在中间。 yeeyan

The rain mired the cart and it couldn't be moved.

Unfortunately bubble fusion is also mired in controversy.
然而,气泡核聚变也陷入很大的争议。 ecocn

A good politician today could be mired in lifelong scandal tomorrow.
今天一个算好的政客明天可能就陷入终身丑闻之中。 yeeyan

A world in which most people enjoy prosperity and opportunity is surely better than one in which 80% are mired in economic stagnation.
一个大多数民众享受繁荣与机遇的世界无疑要好于一个80%的国家陷入经济停滞泥潭的世界。 ecocn

And so we get mired in decision-making quicksand.

But with north Somalia recovering somewhat, while the south is mired in famine, one conclusion is inescapable.
除索马里北部有所恢复,南方则陷入饥荒,这就不可避免地得出一个结论。 ecocn

Events over the years have led to an image of a country mired in endless conflict, plagued by piracy and lawlessness.
过去几年发生的事情已经使这个国家陷入不断的冲突,盗窃横行,律法失控的状态。 yeeyan

Future possible cases have become mired in the politics of the court, and in Cambodian politics more generally.
以后可能的案例已经陷入法院政治体系的阻碍,更普遍的来自柬埔寨的政治体系。 ecocn

I think we exaggerate the degree to which the sexes are mired in conflict.
我认为我们夸大了男女之间的差异,这让两性陷入冲突的沼泽。 yeeyan

In contrast, the ratification of a landmark agreement between South Korea and America is mired in Congress.
相反的,关于美韩两国签署里程碑式协议的议案在国会内陷入僵局。 ecocn

In fact, Mr Bush's main contribution to peace this week was to try to shore up Mr Olmert, mired in the latest in a long series of corruption scandals, by describing him as an“ honest guy”.
事实上布什本周对和平的最大贡献就是努力支持奥尔默特。奥尔默特自称是“最诚实的人”,但他最近陷入一系列贪腐弊案,这让以色列人大跌眼镜。 ecocn

Just a year ago, as America was mired in recession, Obama visited China and spoke of “ deep and even dramatic ties” with what is now the world's second largest economy.
就在一年前,美国陷入经济衰退的泥淖中时,奥巴马访问中国,就说过要和现在的世界第二大经济体建立“深入乃至决定性的密切关系”。 yeeyan

This makes it particularly galling for WestLB to be mired in a trading scandal that prevents it from playing an active role.
这使西德意志银行为自身陷入贸易丑闻的泥潭以至于发挥不了积极的作用而感到烦恼不已。 ecocn

This would be an economic catastrophe even if California were not already mired in a deep recession.
这可能将是一场经济灾难,即使加州还没有陷入到严重的经济衰退中。 ecocn

Unsuccessful projects, on the other hand, have typically gotten mired in striving for crisp boundaries between activities.
另一方面,不成功的项目则陷入了挣扎着寻找活动间清晰的界限的误区。 ibm

Mired in debt, the city sold the building to an investor who found a pretext to terminate the leases.
陷入债务危机之后,政府将这栋大楼出售给了投资商,投资商又找借口终止了租赁合同。 yeeyan

Mired in poverty, many Indonesians petition the land’s volcanic powers for a better life.
陷入贫困的许多印尼人为争取更好的生活,祈求大地的火山力量。 yeeyan




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