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词汇 Mirach
释义 Mirach
Explanation: As far as ghosts go, Mirach's Ghost isn't really that scary.说明:和真的幽灵比起来,奎宿九的幽灵并不十分让人害怕。
About 200 light-years distant, Mirach is a red giant star, cooler than the Sun but much larger and so intrinsically much brighter than our parent star.距离我们大约200光年,奎宿九是一颗红巨星,其表面温度要比我们的太阳低,但在体积和亮度上要比太阳都大的多。
Draw a line from Mirach through the upper streamer star, and go twice the distance.You've just located the Andromeda galaxy!连线奎宿九和丝带上方位置两倍距离,就完全定位到了仙女座星系。
In fact, Mirach's Ghost is just a faint, fuzzy galaxy, well known to astronomers, that happens to be seen nearly along the line-of-sight to Mirach, a bright star.实际上,奎宿九的鬼影只是一个黯淡模糊的星系,这一点天文学家已经十分清楚,只是碰巧看起来它几乎和奎宿九这颗明亮恒星处于同一个视线方向上。
Along the bottom streamer, star-hop from Alpheratz to the star Mirach.Draw a line from Mirach through the upper streamer star, and go twice the distance.You've just located the Andromeda galaxy!沿着下边一条飘带,从壁宿出发跃至奎宿九星,再从奎宿九星画一条线穿过正对上一条飘带的星星,再延长至其一倍的距离,这样,你就标出了仙女座星系的位置。




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