

单词 minutely
释义 minutely 英maɪˈnuːtliː, -ˈnjuːt-, mɪ-美maɪˈnutli, -ˈnjut-, mɪ-AHDmī-n›tʹlē, -ny›tʹ-, mĭ- ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA⁴⁵⁵⁸⁹BNC²⁹⁶²¹iWeb³⁴⁴⁰¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

in minute detail;

our inability to see everything minutely and clearly is due merely to the infirmity of our senses

minute-ly像⇒adj.每分钟的²⁰;持续的¹⁰;经常的adv.每分钟地¹⁰;经常地¹⁰;仔细地¹⁰;详细地²⁰;微小地¹⁰近义词 closely紧密地exactly精确地precisely精确地thoroughly彻底地meticulously仔细地painstakingly费力地exhaustively用尽一切地microscopically用显微镜carefully小心地,谨慎地…circumstantially因情形地

用作副词Especially modem sports, it connects with the economyminutely.尤其现代的体育,每时每刻都要与经济相联系。
After the accident we examined the carminutelyfor sign of damage.事故发生后,我们仔细检查了汽车,以弄清损坏情况。
Heminutelyexplained the details of the plant and machinery.他非常详细地解释了该厂和机械的情况。
The film has beenminutelydissected by the critics.影评家对这部电影做了详细的分析。
This clock varies onlyminutely.这只钟的误差极小。as in.closely
同义词 firmly,hard,intently,intimately,jointly,meticulously,scrupulously,sharply,strictly,thoughtfullynearlyby the skin of one's teeth,exactly,heedfully,in conjunction with,mindfully,punctiliously,searchingly,similarlyas in.specifically
同义词 categorically,clearly,correctly,definitely,especially,exactly,explicitly,individually,pointedly,precisely,respectively,speciallyaccurately,characteristically,concretely,distinctively,in detail,indicatively,in specie,peculiarly
closelyadverb approximately, carefully
by the skin of one's teeth,exactly,firmly,hard,heedfully,in conjunction with,intently,intimately,jointly,meticulously,mindfully,nearly,punctiliously,scrupulously,searchingly,sharply,similarly,strictly,thoughtfully
specificallyadverb expressly, particularly
accurately,categorically,characteristically,clearly,concretely,correctly,definitely,distinctively,especially,exactly,explicitly,in detail,in specie,indicatively,individually,minutely,peculiarly,pointedly,precisely,respectively,specially Far from deciding on a sudden or partial view, I would patiently go round and round the subject, and survey it minutely in every possible aspect.
我不会作出突然的片面的决定,而会耐心地把问题反复研究,仔细观察其各个方面。 chinafanyi.com

The bounds of the manor are minutely set out in the survey.
庄园的边界在本次勘测中被详细地确定下来。 nciku

A tall coastal or marshy sedge of eastern North America, Mexico, and the West Indies, having leaves with sharp, minutely toothed margins.
一种产于北美东部、墨西哥和西印度群岛高海岸或沼生的蓑衣草,叶片具有尖利的小齿边缘。 iciba

But all of these concepts need to analyzed more minutely. I don't even go into it here.

Especially modem sports, it connects with the economy minutely.
尤其现代的体育,每时每刻都要与经济相联系。 iciba

Even today I have my daughter's minutely graded third- grade science exams, with grades like 23/25 or A minus.
我至今留着女儿三年级时细细批改过的科学小测验,得分基本是25题对23题或者 A-程度。 yeeyan

Even the levels of carbon dioxide can be minutely altered.
甚至二氧化碳的浓度每分钟也有改变。 edu.sina.com.cn

Firstly, the paper minutely introduces the conception and traits of AE, and puts forward the steps of formulating agile strategy by comparing AE with traditional enterprises.
首先,本文详细地论述了敏捷企业的概念、特征,将敏捷企业与传统的大批大量制造企业进行对比,提出了企业制定敏捷化战略的步骤。 cnki

Her decisions as an appeals- court judge will be minutely examined in the coming weeks.
她在上诉法院法官任上的判决将在未来几周内被详细地审查。 ecocn

Her decisions as an appeals- court judge will be examined minutely in the coming weeks.
未来几个月里,她在上诉法庭法官任上作出的判决被逐项审核。 yeeyan

I reached forward, without thinking, to touch his folded hands, but he slid them away minutely, and I pulled my hand back.
我向前伸出手,不假思索地,想要触碰他交叠着的双手,但他不着痕迹地把手移开了,我只好把手收回来。 putclub.com

In this article, we shall minutely discuss the reasons and conditions of the contrast reversal. We shall also discuss some of its details in the image of the grating.
本文详细讨论了发生对比度反转的原因和条件,也讨论了像在对比度反转中的一些细节问题。 cnki

Only the dynasties after the Shang could be minutely documented and dated in his work.
《史记》只能详细记述商代以后的历史,提供准确的年代。 chinafanyi.com

The author introduces minutely the nature and utilization method of EVA hot glue in the light of thermo-binding art.
本文从胶订工艺的角度出发,详细地介绍了 EVA热熔胶的性质和使用方法。 cnki

The authors described minutely the prospects of utilization of computer vision in forestry production, analyzed the possible problems and offered the solutions.
详细介绍了计算机视觉技术在林业生产应用中的前景,对存在的问题做了分析,并提出了解决的方案。 cnki

The report minutely limned the trade situation.

The second part, each content of the feasibility study of solid mineral geologic items was minutely expounded in the part.
第二部分详细阐述了固体矿产地质项目可行性研究的各项内容。 cnki

Therefore in the paper high-speed- board design techniques have been minutely analyzed in many sided, combining with optical receiver module making.
为此,本文结合光接收模块的制作,从多个方面对高速板设计技术进行了详细的分析。 cnki

This volume, colossal in scope yet minutely detailed, laid the foundations of modern biology.
这部书研究视野宏大而详尽,成为现代生物学的奠基之作。 yeeyan

Three others, one British, two Soviet, were minutely pored over before being scrapped.
另外三艘——一艘英国的、两艘苏联的——在报废之前,都受到过细致入微的研究。 yeeyan




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