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词汇 Argonne
释义 Ar·gonne 英ɑːˈgɒn, ˈɑːgɒn美ɑrˈgɑn, ˈɑrgɑnAHDär-gŏnʹ, ärʹgŏn Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

an American operation in World War I 1918; American troops under Pershing drove back the German armies which were saved only by the armistice on November 11argonne national laboratory阿贡国家实验室…
近义词 meuse篱芭或墙上的裂缝或穿孔…Meuse-Argonne默兹-阿尔贡地区第一次…

用作名词The university operates theArgonneNational Laboratory.该校也负责阿尔贡国家实验室的运作。
York was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism during World War I'sArgonneOffensive.他因一战时期在阿尔贡战役中的英勇表现被授予国会荣誉勋章及优秀士兵十字勋章。 The stretcher-bearers in the Argonne, for example, who had told him they didn't dare leave the trench for fear of German fire.
例如,担架手们,在阿贡( Argonne曾告诉他,他们因为害怕德国人的火力而不敢出战壕; ecocn

The Argonne patents that GM has licensed cover a cathode material that consists of lithium, nickel, manganese, and cobalt.
阿尔贡,通用汽车已授权涵盖了正极材料,包括锂,镍,锰,钴专利。 yeeyan

This Argonne supercomputer visualisation shows the mechanism behind the violent death of a short-lived, massive star.

Three years of research at an abandoned coal mine in Argonne, Illinois.

With employees from more than 60 nations, Argonne is managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC for the U. S. Department of Energy's Office of Science.
来自60多个国家的员工,阿贡由芝加哥大学管理阿贡,为美国能源部科学办公室美国能源部公司。 ddqcw

But now LG Chem is building a battery- manufacturing plant in Michigan and must license the intellectual property from Argonne for use in products made there.
现在 LG化学公司在密歇根州建立一个电池生产厂,必须使用来自阿贡知识产权取得许可证的产品。 yeeyan

But by2030-41, a study by the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois projects, oil demand for road transportation in China will equal that in the United States.
但根据因伊利诺斯计划建立的阿贡国家实验室的一项研究说,到2030-2041年,中国公路运输的油耗将直逼美国。 yeeyan

Engineers at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois have at least made a stab at it.
伊利诺斯阿尔贡 Argonne国家实验室的工程师们至少在尝试说清这件事。 yeeyan

In2005, however, the Argonne National Laboratory installed a powerful new x- ray beam, so the researchers took their samples to Chicago.
但是在2005年,阿贡国家实验室安装了一个新的强大的 X射线器,所以研究者将他们的样本带到了芝加哥。 yeeyan

It has licensed battery- electrode materials developed at Argonne National Laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy Lab.
它已授权在阿贡国家实验室,美国能源部能源实验室开发电池电极材料。 yeeyan

Other companies such as Sharp are also commercializing batteries with nickel- manganese- cobalt electrodes, but of types not covered by Argonne's patents.
夏普等其他公司也与商业化镍锰钴合金电极的电池,但不是阿贡的专利保护类型。 yeeyan

Papers from Argonne Battery Technology Group were the most- cited work in the battery field from1998 to2008.
从阿尔贡电池技术组论文被引用最多的电池领域1998至2008年工作。 ddqcw

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory repurposed a1.6-kilowatt industrial laser to burn through shale, limestone, and sandstone.
阿尔贡国立实验室的科学家们再次计划使用一支1.6千瓦的工业激光器击穿页岩,石灰岩和砂岩。 yeeyan

Scientists at the US Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago have reached a milestone in the study of emergent magnetism.

The company has signed a license agreement to use lithium- ion battery technology developed at Argonne National Laboratory, a government- funded research facility.
通用公司刚刚签了一个协议,可以使用政府资助的研究机构阿贡国家实验室新开发的锂离子电池新技术。 voanews

The DOE Vehicle Technologies Program provides funding for battery research and development at Argonne.
能源部汽车技术计划规定了电池的研究,并在阿尔贡才有发展的资金。 ddqcw

The nation's first national laboratory, Argonne conducts leading-edge basic and applied scientific research in virtually every scientific discipline.
全国第一个国家实验室,阿贡进行领先的基础和应用科学的几乎所有学科的科学研究。 ddqcw

The company has been able to use the materials because the Argonne patents only apply in the United States.
该公司已经能够使用这些资料,因为只有在美国阿贡国家实验室申请的专利。 yeeyan

This paper describes the up to date research results of using plastics in waste heat recovery at Argonne National Laboratory.
介绍了塑料作为耐腐蚀涂层在废热回收中的应用研究成果。 chemyq

Argonne is also ranked sixth in the world on the list of high- impact citations.
阿贡也是排名世界第六位高影响引文列表。 ddqcw




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