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Minnesota Twins 基本例句 明尼苏达双城队 Father A: What a coincidence! I work for theMinnesota TwinsBaseball team!父亲A:多么巧合啊!我在明尼苏达双子棒球队工作。 It is why they have negotiated with theMinnesota Twinsabout trading for Johan Santana.那就是为什麽他们与明尼苏达双城谈判了关于交易桑塔纳。 Meanwhile, the Yankees have been stockpiling young pitching as though they were theMinnesota Twins.这其间,洋基队储备年轻投手战力,就好像明尼苏达双城队一样。 Cashman made that clear again this week, when he refused to depart from his long-term strategy and passed on theMinnesota Twinsace Johan Santana, who went to the Mets instead.这个礼拜凯许曼当他拒绝背离他对洋基的长远计划而决定放弃交易双城队王牌投手桑塔纳让他被交易到纽约大都会队的时候,就把这个意图表达得再清楚不过。 After whisking through his allotment ofMinnesota Twinson Thursday, Wang said his bowling ball-like sinker is still catching a bit too much of the zone, a point he'll need to rectify.在星期四完成了先发出战明尼苏达双城的投球之后,王建民说他那像是保龄球般沈重的伸卡球进入好球带时仍然很高,这是他需要改正的地方。 |