

单词 minimum
释义 min·i·mum 英ˈmɪnəməm美ˈmɪnəməmAHDmĭnʹə-məm ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛46八COCA⁴⁸⁵⁰BNC⁴⁵⁷⁴iWeb²¹⁷⁴Economist¹⁵⁹⁴


least or smallest amount , degree


that is minimum

the smallest possible quantitythe point on a curve where the tangent changes from negative on the left to positive on the right
the least possible;

needed to enforce minimal standards

her grades were minimal

minimum wage

a minimal charge for the service

minimum → -min-小
用作名词 n.
介词+~be at a minimum处于最小限度at the minimum of cost以最低的成本keep…to a minimum把…保持在最低限度reduce〔bring〕…to a minimum把…减少到最小〔低〕限度
mini小的,少的+m最+um名词后缀→最小值⇒转作形容词最小的。非常记忆mini迷你+mum妈妈⇒迷你妈妈是最小的方振宇词汇奥秘minim小+um名词后缀→最小量词根记忆mini小+mum→最小量词根记忆min小+imum→最小的词根记忆mini小+mum→最小量词根记忆minim+um近义词 jot少量speck斑点little小的bottom底部iota极微小least最小的modicum少量smidgen少量lowest最低的particle颗粒admission承认maximum最大量minimal最小的smallest最小的slightest最少的lower limit下限acceptable合意的反义词 lowestn.maximumadj. least
用作名词n.This price is his minimum; he refuses to lower it any further.这个价格是他开的最低价,他拒绝再作任何降价。
He smokes a minimum of ten cigarettes a day.他一天最少吸10支烟。
Cost must be kept to a minimum.必须把开支维持在最低限度。
When we are asleep, the rate of breathing is at a minimum because the need for oxygen is then very small.当我们睡着时,呼吸次数减少,因为人睡着时对氧气的需求量很小。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.He couldn't join the army, because he was below the minimum height allowed by the rules.他不能参军,因他的身高达不到规定的最低标准。
What is the minimum price?最低价是多少?
Today's minimum temperature is 10℃.今天的最低气温是10℃。
20p is the minimum fare on buses.公共汽车的最低票价是20便士。



用作形容词That is theminimumnumber necessary to complete the circuit.这是完善循环的最低限度人数。
Theminimumwage is 4.25 dollars an hour.最低工价为每小时四点二五美元。用作名词Repairing your car will cost aminimumof 100 dollars.修理你的汽车最低限度要100美元。
The class needs aminimumof 6 pupils to continue.这个班最低限度要六个学生才可以继续办下去。
Consolidate everything to the bareminimum.把一切巩固到最低限度的最小量。
And when I did, I tried to keep it to aminimum.吃的时候,我也要保持在最小量。adj.least, lowest
同义词 minimalleast possible,littlest,merest,slightest,smallest,tiniest
反义词 largest,maximum,mostnoun.lowest amount
同义词 marginatom,bottom,dab,depth,dot,gleam,grain,hair,iota,jot,least,modicum,molecule,nadir,particle,pittance,point,scintilla,scruple,shadow,smidgen,spark,speck,trifle,whitlowest,narrowest,slightest,smallest,soupçon
反义词 dullness,lotlargest,maximum,most
Lilliputianadjective tiny
bitsy,bitty,diminutive,dwarf,infinitesimal,insignificant,itsy-bitsy,itty-bitty,little,microscopic,midget,mini,miniature,minikin,minuscular,minuscule,minute,negligible,pee-wee,petite,pint-sized,pocket,pocket-size,puny,pygmy,slight,teensy,teensy-weensy,teeny,trifling,wee,yea big
atomnoun smallest part of something
leastadjective slightest, smallest
atomic,bottom,entry-level,feeblest,fewest,finical,first,gutter,infinitesimal,last,lowest,meanest,microcosmic,microscopic,minimal,minimum,minute,minutest,molecular,most trivial,nadir,next to nothing,niggling,piddling,poorest,second,short-end,third,tiniest,trivial,unimportant
littlestadjective minimal
basal,basic,essential,fundamental,least,least possible,lowest,minimum,nominal,smallest,token
lowestadjective shortest
meageradjective small, inadequate;poor
bare,barren,deficient,exiguous,flimsy,inappreciable,inconsiderable,infertile,insubstantial,insufficient,little,mere,minimum,miserable,paltry,puny,scant,scanty,scrimp,scrimpy,shabby,short,skimp,skimpy,slender,slight,spare,sparse,subtle,tenuous,too little too late,unfinished,unfruitful,unproductive,wanting,weak At a minimum, she hopes for at least a modicum of attraction.
至少,她希望能遇到一个对她有一点点吸引力的人。 yeeyan

At a minimum, they will filter based on the iteration, but they can choose from a variety of important fields to display in the query.
最小化时,他们将基于迭代进行过滤,但是他们能够从各种不同的重要域中选择将哪些内容显示在查询中。 ibm

There should be no allocation minimum, and growth of a provisioned volume should not have to be done in certain size increments.
产品不应该在最小需求的时候进行容量分配,但如果未能达到一定的增量也不应该增加卷的增量分配。 yeeyan

What’s the minimum wage in this country?
这个国家的最低工资是多少? ebigear

Am I at the minimum feature set yet?
我现在是在关注最小特性集合吗? infoq

As mentioned above, the basic algorithm imposes a minimum chunk size that can be very wasteful for very small requests.
如上面提到的,基本算法对于很小的请求也征用一个最小的块,这是十分浪费的。 yeeyan

At the critical point, however, you get maximum transmission with minimum risk of descending into chaos.
但是在临界点,你可以冒着最小的降到混沌的风险得到最大限度的传输。 yeeyan

However, there is plenty of argument over whether a rise in the minimum wage is the best remedy.
然而,对通过提高最低工资来改善泰国经济是否是最佳的方式,仍存在许多争论。 ecocn

I suggest you also maintain a minimum standard of giving.
我建议你也维持一个最低的奉献标准。 yeeyan

Only give your users the minimum necessary information to perform the tasks you want them to perform.
只给您的用户在执行他们的任务的时候所必需的最低限度的信息。 yeeyan

Since the database is used only to “ persist” an object and retrieve it, a database with minimum of overhead has an advantage in this model.
由于数据库仅仅用于“持久保存”对象以及检索它,所以系统开销最小的数据库在该模型中就占有优势。 ibm

That is how I get my minimum. More about this tomorrow.

That is the minimum number of agents your system should have.
这是您的系统应该具有的最小代理数。 ibm

This is the minimum quantity we require.
这是我们所要求的最小数量。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

This value is then sent as the note velocity on a channel8 with the usual minimum and maximum.
然后将在通道8中使用通常的最小值和最大值把此值作为通知速率发送。 ibm

To ensure they are safe to use, they only go off when they are required to go off and they do the minimum of collateral damage.
为了确保这些炸弹在使用时的安全性,人们只要在需要的时候将它们扔下去就可以了,我们尽量将间接损害降到最低。 kekenet

Within this area is a double minimum in pressure with one center collocated with the vorticity maximum and the other about3 km farther north.

You can specify for each process template in which end state its processes are deleted and the minimum time spent in this state before being deleted.
对于每个过程模板,可以指定删除处于特定结束状态的过程,还可以指定删除之前处于此状态的最小时间。 ibm




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