

单词 minimizes
释义 min·i·mize·s 英'mɪnɪmaɪz美'mɪnɪmaɪz COCA²⁷²⁶²BNC⁵⁵⁸²⁶
vt. 把…减至最低数量〔程度〕

lessen to the smallest possible amount or degree

vt. 对某事物作最低估计;极力贬低某事物的价值〔重要性〕

estimate sth at the smallest possible amount;reduce the true value or importance of sth

make small or insignificant;

Let's minimize the risk

represent as less significant or importantcause to seem less serious; play down;

Don't belittle his influence

minimize on use自动缩成图标…minimize button最小化按钮
近义词 at在pare削减abate缓和prune修剪decry责难lower低的laugh发笑lessen减少reduce减少curtail缩减dismiss开除belittle轻视diminish减少minify使变小misprize轻视slight轻微的satirize讽刺ridicule嘲笑laugh at嘲笑derogate贬低downplay低估disparage蔑视play down降低shrug off不理brush off刷掉write off勾销attenuate变细underrate低估disregard不顾denigrate诋毁abbreviate缩写caricature讽刺画minimise尽量减少make light of轻视underestimate低估understate轻描淡写地说…反义词 maximize使增加至最大限度…
S+ ~+n./pron.You can minimize the dangers of driving by taking care to obey the rules of the road.严格遵守交通规则,你就能把行车危险降到最低点。
He minimized the value of her contribution to his research so that he got all the praise.他极力贬低她在那项研究中的贡献,从而独获全部奖励。


用作动词Governments consider it prudent tominimizethe risk.各国政府均认为把这种危害降低到最小程度的做法是明智的。
The polar explorers took every precaution tominimizethe dangers of their trip.极地探险者十分小心谨慎,以便使旅途的危险性减少到最小。
A sound approach to the problem is tominimizethe number of parts.正确解决这一问题的方法是把零件的数目减至最少。
Heminimizedthe value of her contribution to his research so that he got all the praise.他极力贬低她在那项研究中的贡献,从而独获全部奖励。 The Micro- Grid also minimizes power outages.
微型电网技术也最大限度地减少停电。 www.etiri.com.cn

The right-hand side of this graph explains how it minimizes WIP while sustaining continuous flow.
图表右侧说明了如何在维持连续流通的同时,最大限度地减少在制品。 infoq

The system minimizes the number of questionnaire preparation- answer processing cycles.
系统要最小化从制作调查表到处理回答的循环次数。 ibm

Although a lake, the Caspian is not a freshwater lake; the water delivered by the Volga River minimizes the lake’s salt content at the northern end, but the Caspian grows more saline to the south.
尽管里海是湖,但它不是淡水湖;由于伏尔加河的淡水注入,湖水的含盐量在北端最低,南部逐渐加大。 yeeyan

BI Server Foundation minimizes this effort by providing a sophisticated internationalization service.
BI Server Foundation通过提供完善的国际化服务降低了这种工作量。 ibm

By staying lean, however, the frequent collection of team-wide feedback actually minimizes the time spent heading down the wrong path.
通过保持精益,经常收集团队的反馈会最小化走错路浪费的时间。 infoq

By using these statistics, the optimizer minimizes disk I/ O and data movement, two factors that reduce performance in a data warehouse system.
通过使用这些统计数据,优化器最小化了磁盘 I/ O和数据移动,这是降低数据仓库系统性能的两个主要因素。 ibm

Early involvement of the test team minimizes the dependency on supportive documentation for writing effective test cases.
测试团队及早介入,于是在编写有效的测试案例时,尽可能不依赖支持文档。 ibm

Experience is important here, because it minimizes the amount of guessing the team has to do.
在此,经验十分重要,因为它将团队所必须做出的猜测减到最小。 ibm

Implementing hot backup for DB2 Content Manager affords business continuity and minimizes data loss or no loss of data if handled properly.
为 DB2 Content Manager实现热备份将带来业务连续性,若处理得当,还将最小化数据损失,甚至完全不会有损失。 ibm

In addition, it minimizes error- prone, time- consuming, command- line-driven administrative tasks.
另外,它还可以最小化易错、耗时、命令行驱动的管理任务。 ibm

Such a discovery also minimizes the need for engineers to redesign products so they won't require problematic components.
这样的发现也可减小工程师重新设计产品的必要,他们也无需制造有潜在问题的组件了。 yeeyan

The boy plays up his strong points and minimizes his weaknesses.

The system of linear equations is solved y the method of least squares which minimizes the sum of the squares of the differences between the observed and calculated arrival times.
这个线性方程系统由通过最小方解决的,最小化了观测时间和计算时间之间的不同的方。 yeeyan

This allows for more control and governance on these common types and minimizes the interdependencies between the service providers' schemas.
它支持对普通类型有更多的控制和治理,并将服务提供商的模式之间的联系最小化。 ibm

This approach also breaks up the code into manageable pieces and minimizes the integration code, in the form of stubs and drivers, required for testing.
这种方法也将代码分解成了易于管理的片断并最小化了以存根和驱动程序形式的、被测试需要的代码集成。 ibm

This behavior is ideal, because it minimizes the overhead of storage and simplifies the distribution and lookup of data.
这种操作是理想的,因为它把存储的开销最小化,简化了分配和数据查询。 ibm

This greatly minimizes the number of times requests and responses have to be sent over the network.
这大大减少了通过网络发送的请求和响应的次数。 ibm

This minimizes the number of unusable small chunks.
这最小化了不可用的小块的数量。 yeeyan

This minimizes the overhead of creating and destructing agents.
这样就减少了创建和销毁代理的开销。 ibm




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