

单词 minimized
释义 min·i·mize·d 英'mɪnɪmaɪz美'mɪnɪmaɪz 高COCA²⁵¹⁴⁴BNC³⁸⁵⁵⁷iWeb³³¹⁹⁷
vt. 把…减至最低数量〔程度〕

lessen to the smallest possible amount or degree

vt. 对某事物作最低估计;极力贬低某事物的价值〔重要性〕

estimate sth at the smallest possible amount;reduce the true value or importance of sth

make small or insignificant;

Let's minimize the risk

represent as less significant or importantcause to seem less serious; play down;

Don't belittle his influence

minimize on use自动缩成图标…minimize button最小化按钮
近义词 at在pare削减abate缓和prune修剪decry责难lower低的laugh发笑lessen减少reduce减少curtail缩减dismiss开除belittle轻视diminish减少minify使变小misprize轻视slight轻微的satirize讽刺ridicule嘲笑laugh at嘲笑derogate贬低downplay低估disparage蔑视play down降低shrug off不理brush off刷掉write off勾销attenuate变细underrate低估disregard不顾denigrate诋毁abbreviate缩写caricature讽刺画minimise尽量减少make light of轻视underestimate低估understate轻描淡写地说…反义词 maximize使增加至最大限度…
S+ ~+n./pron.You can minimize the dangers of driving by taking care to obey the rules of the road.严格遵守交通规则,你就能把行车危险降到最低点。
He minimized the value of her contribution to his research so that he got all the praise.他极力贬低她在那项研究中的贡献,从而独获全部奖励。


用作动词Governments consider it prudent tominimizethe risk.各国政府均认为把这种危害降低到最小程度的做法是明智的。
The polar explorers took every precaution tominimizethe dangers of their trip.极地探险者十分小心谨慎,以便使旅途的危险性减少到最小。
A sound approach to the problem is tominimizethe number of parts.正确解决这一问题的方法是把零件的数目减至最少。
Heminimizedthe value of her contribution to his research so that he got all the praise.他极力贬低她在那项研究中的贡献,从而独获全部奖励。verb.make smaller;underrate
同义词 curtail,decrease,diminish,downplay,lessen,play down,reduce,underestimateabbreviate,attenuate,belittle,cheapen,decry,deprecate,depreciate,derogate,detract,discount,disparage,dwarf,knock,miniaturize,pan,pooh-pooh,prune,shrink,underplaycut down to size,cut rate,knock down,make light of,make little of,poor-mouth,put down,run down
反义词 develop,enlarge,expand,extend,grow,increase,lengthen,prolong,raise,strengthen,approve,build up,commend,compliment,exalt,laud,praisemaximize,overestimate,overrate The impact of changing demands on the business can be minimized and absorbed by rewiring business components rather than wholesale application code changes.
可以通过重新编写业务组件而非完全更改整个应用程序代码来最小化和专注于业务需求变化的影响。 ibm

This is because jobs begin as soon as their dependencies are satisfied; Therefore, idle time is minimized, and throughput improves significantly.
一旦作业的依赖性得到满足,这些作业就会开始;这样,就最小化了空闲时间,并显著改进了吞吐量。 ibm

A serious bottleneck with locating processes that map a page is minimized to a simple operation using this approach.
通过这一途径,查找定位映射某个页的进程这一严重瓶颈被最小化为只需要一个简单的操作。 ibm

All you want is a leisurely walk, so you seek ground where the overall steepness of your options is minimized.
所以您要寻找的是到达平地的所有路径中将陡峭的总和减少到最小的路径。 ibm

As discussed above, complexity can't be avoided or even proven to be minimized.
正如上面所讨论的那样,复杂性不能被避免,甚至不能被证明为最小化。 ibm

At first glance, garbage generation might seem like a bad thing that should be minimized.
乍看起来,垃圾生成似乎是一件坏事,并且应该尽量减少为好。 ibm

Attribute value pairs cannot be minimized.
不能最小化属性值对。 ibm

Backup and recovery are essential for any business environment where data loss must be minimized if not totally avoided.
对于必须最小化数据丢失如果不能完全避免的话的任何业务环境,备份和恢复是最基本的操作。 ibm

Claiming that these losses should be ignored or minimized because they came from a less valuable division is flawed.
而如果因为这些损失是来自于一个价值相对较小的部门而忽略或最小化,这样做是不合理的。 yeeyan

Even after you've minimized the parts that involve security, those parts still have to be correct.
甚至在您已经最小化了那些涉及安全的部分以后,那些部分还是必须是正确的。 ibm

For example, if you want to receive a new IM while in a meeting, the message box is delivered minimized rather than opening on the screen.
例如,如果想要在开会时接收新 IM,则消息框以最小化方式显示,而不会在窗口中打开。 ibm

HACMP will still have to fail over all other resources like the network adapters, but the disk failover, which is the longest, will be minimized.
HACMP还必须对所有其他资源如网络适配器进行故障转移,但是,将会最小化时间最长的磁盘故障转移。 ibm

However, to overcome the complications mentioned above, a model-based approach is required, so each of those potential problems can be avoided or minimized.
但为了克服上述复杂因素,需要使用一种基于模型的方法来避免或最小化这些潜在的问题。 ibm

If the display terminal window is minimized, restore it to see the host screen navigation.
如果显示终端窗口被最小化,就恢复这个窗口以便能看到主机屏幕导航。 ibm

Listing6 shows how to use the two methods to skin the task bar buttons when a window enters a minimized state.
清单6显示了当窗口进入最小化状态时如何使用这两种方法来对这些任务栏按钮进行皮肤处理。 ibm

Once GC pauses have been minimized, other factors that can cause perturbations to a running application become more noticeable.
一旦 GC暂停被最小化,其他可能给一个运行中的应用程序造成干扰的因素就变得重要起来。 ibm

Small- power distance countries such as Austria, Finland, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand, and Israel hold that inequality in society should be minimized.
澳大利亚、芬兰、丹麦、挪威、新西兰和以色列等权力距离小的国家认为,社会上的不平等应该得到最小化的处理。 edu.sina.com.cn

Team members at each site work with their local copy of the repository, so WAN or intranet performance issues are minimized.
每个站点中的团队成员用他们自己本地的数据存储的副本进行工作,因此 WAN或企业内部网性能问题被最小化。 ibm

The first question to raise is: why should social costs be minimized?
第一个提出的问题是:为什么要尽量减少社会成本? blog.sina.com.cn

The actual membership information flowing through the wire has been minimized to a large extent because of the use of PAC identifiers.
由于 PAC标识符的采用,在线路中传递的实际成员信息已经在一个很广泛的范围内被最小化了。 ibm

The technology must be available to match our next version product delivery schedule and the risks to adopting it must be minimized.
该技术必须匹配下一版本产品的交付进度,并且采用它的风险必须降到最小。 ibm

This impact can be minimized by careful placement of the federated server logs on high-performance disks.
通过小心地将联邦服务器日志放置在高性能磁盘上,可以最小化这种影响。 ibm

This process results in writes to the consumable storage and should therefore be minimized.
此进程会导致写入到可消耗的存储,因此应尽量减少。 ibm

Using hot swap hardware facilities: Hardware recovery time can be minimized by using hot swap hardware facilities such as disks, network cards, and so on.
使用热插拔硬件设备:硬件恢复时间可通过使用磁盘、网卡之类的热插拔硬件设备来达到最小化。 ibm




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