

单词 minicomputers
释义 minicomputers 'mɪnɪkəm,pjuːtə COCA⁷⁴⁹⁴¹BNC⁴⁸⁵⁶⁴
💻️n.计小型计算机;微型电脑原型minicomputer的复数 Data-storage and data-acquiring minicomputers are interfaced to some of the instruments, such as the recently constructed quadrupole resonance mass spectrometer.
一些仪器带有数据库及数据查询的微机,比如最近引进的四级共振质谱仪。 dictall

Based on the structurally symmetric property of the nodeadmittance matrix, we propose a sparse- matrix technique, which is particularly suitable for minicomputers.
本文根据电路节点导纳矩阵基本对称的特点,提出一种适合小型计算机使用的稀疏矩阵技术。 cnki

Convenient in operation, reliable in accuracy and Productive of tangible economic benefits, this system for feed formulation is applicable to several models of minicomputers and Pocket calculators.
该配方系统适用于多种微型计算机和袖珍计算机,操作简便,计算精确可靠,具有明显的经济效益。 cnki

Ever cheaper and more powerful chips made it possible to move from mainframes to minicomputers to personal computersPCs and now to hand-held devices.
便宜又强劲的芯片推动了大型主机到微机到个人电脑再到手持设备的转变趋势。 yeeyan

Just as mainframes gave way to minicomputers, which in turn gave way to personal computers, the PC now is being displaced by smart phones and tablets.
正像大型机让位于个人电脑一样,如今是该轮到 PC被智能手机和平板电脑所取代的时候了。 yeeyan

Many small and medium-sized companies today use minicomputers.
当今许多小公司和中型公司使用小型计算机。 iciba

Microcomputers now can do much of the work that only minicomputers or mainframes could do in the past.
很多过去只能在小型或大型机上做的工作现在微型计算机都能完成。 bbs.edify.com.cn

Terminals could also be hooked up to mainframe and minicomputers over relatively short distances with simple serial lines or with more complex multidrop systems.
终端机也已经可以通过几根简单的串行线或者更复杂的多点系统,在短距离内与大型计算机或微型计算机连接。 yeeyan

That is partly because he believed, wrongly, that minicomputers were a passing fad.
有一部分原因是他一度错误地相信小型计算机很快就会过时。 ecocn

These games date back to the time of serial consoles, mainframes, and minicomputers.
这些游戏的历史可以追溯到串行控制台、大型机和小型机时代。 ibm

Minicomputers also proliferated during the fourth computer generation.
小型计算机也在第四代期间迅速增长。 www.8875.org

Minicomputers and mainframe computers can work much faster than microcomputers and have many more storage locations in main memory.
小型计算机和主计算机的运行速度要比微型计算机快得多,并且在主存中拥有更多存储单元。 iciba

Minicomputers are often used to control the telecommunications.
小型计算机常常用来控制远距离通信。 kuenglish

Minicomputers are smaller and more compact systems, and fewer operators can use them compared with a mainframe computer.
小型计算机是比较小、结合紧密的系统。与大型计算机相比较,只有少数人员可以使用小型计算机。 winitcn.com




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