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词汇 Ming dynasty
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the imperial dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644近义词 Ming中国的明朝…
The pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty is still in good repair.建于明代的那座塔现在还完好无损。
A Chinese dynasty established by the Mongolian ruler Kublai Khan at Peking. It was superseded by theMing dynasty.元朝由蒙古统治者忽必烈汗在北京建立的一个中国王朝, 它被明朝取代 Ended in 1644 by the Manchu, the Ming Dynasty had Nanjinghua as its official spoken language.
1644年被满族人推翻后,明王朝把南京话作为其官方的口头语言。 yeeyan

The years1410-20 saw the treasure- fleets of the Ming dynasty, vanquishers of the Mongols, sailing far abroad.
公元1410到1420年间,蒙古帝国的征服者大明王朝派出了满载珍宝的远航船队。 yeeyan

The Portuguese conquered Malacca in 1511 when China was under Han’s Ming Dynasty.
1511年葡萄牙人占据马六甲海峡,当时,中国在明朝汉族治下。 yeeyan

The village's nine terraced levels are linked by stone stairways that date back to the Ming Dynasty, and most homes still have paper windows rather than glass panes.
村庄分开位于九层梯田上,层与层之间由石阶相连,这些石阶的历史可以追溯到明朝,村里很多人家还在使用纸糊的窗户,而不用玻璃窗户。 yeeyan

“ I totally oppose what he’s doing, ” she said over lunch in the family home, off a crooked alley lined with Ming Dynasty houses.
“我完全不知道他在做什么”她说。 她坐在自家吃午饭,那是充满明代时代特征的弯曲的小巷。 yeeyan

“The Deer &the Cauldron” is set in the mid-17th century, some20 years after the Chinese Ming dynasty has fallen to fearsome Tartar invaders, the Manchus.
《鹿鼎记》以17世纪中叶为背景,在中国明朝落于可怕的鞑靼入侵者、满族人手中20多年后,零星的中国起义死灰复燃。 ecocn

Dating back to1545, this Ming Dynasty temple was built against the side of a massive cliff that stands like a pillar on the bank of the Yangtze River.
石宝寨的历史可以追溯至1545年,其始建于明朝,是一座建造在四壁如削耸立在江边的悬崖上的建筑。 yeeyan

Flaying is an ancient practice, used by Assyrians and Ming Dynasty.
剥皮是很古老的做法,曾被亚述人和中国明代所使用. yeeyan

Flourishing Silk Road links were severed when the Ming dynasty ceased trading.
当明王朝中止贸易后,一度繁荣的丝绸之路中断了。 ecocn

In the Ming Dynasty about500 years ago, it became such a holy food that emperors would offer it to their officials during festivals.
在距今500年前的明朝,腊八粥变成了神圣的食物,就连皇帝也要在过节的时候赐粥给群臣。 hxen

Indeed, the fact that the wall continues to stand at all is a tribute to the ingenuity of Ming dynasty engineers, who mixed sticky rice into the wall's mortar.
事实上,长城还能屹立完全归功于明朝建筑师的才智。他们在灰浆中掺入糯米,糯米和熟石灰的化学融合非常紧密,以至于很多地方寸草不生。 yeeyan

Many of these feats are noted on stone tablets in the temple and embellished in novels dating back to the Ming dynasty.
很多这样的功勋都被铭刻在庙中的碑碣上,而且上至明代的小说中对此也有溢美式的记载。 yeeyan

Ms. Wu fell in love with a richly decorated Ming dynasty pipa in the Met exhibit that she has not yet managed to lay hands on, but she is determined.
吴女士最近喜欢上了一件正在大都会博物馆展出的琵琶,为中国明朝时代的作品,经过精心雕琢。吴女士虽然还没有到手,但已经下定决心买入。 yeeyan

Nature has physically damaged the Ming dynasty wall enormously in the last350 years.
在过去的350年当中,大自然已经极大地损害了明代长城的躯体。 jukuu

Noting historical instances of societal collapse—the Mameluke Sultanate in Egypt, the Ming Dynasty in China— he cautions that America might face a similar fate.
在提到历史上一些社会崩溃的例子,如马穆鲁克阶层统治下的埃及和中国的明朝,他担心美国也许会面临同样的命运。 yeeyan

That, he argues, was what happened to Ancient Rome, the Ming dynasty in17th- century China, the Bourbons in18th- century France,20th- century Britain and, most recently, the Soviet Union.
这种情况曾发生在古罗马,17世纪的明朝,18世纪法国的波旁王朝,20世纪的英国,以及最近的苏联,因而弗格森如此认为。 ecocn

The last massive rebuilding of the Great Wall was in Ming Dynasty.
长城最后一次大规模的重建是在明代。 jukuu

The part we see these days was built during the Ming Dynasty, as the oldest parts have essentially disappeared and been rebuilt, replacing the original material of rammed earth.
我们今天看到的部分建于明代,因为最古老的部分实际上已经不存在了。 现在的部分是在原址上重建的,取代了原来的夯土材料。 yeeyan

We in the media have dubbed the Yao years the “ Ming dynasty.”
我们媒体将姚明的 NBA生涯称为“明王朝”。 yeeyan




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