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词汇 Argentine
释义 ar·gen·tine 英ˈɑːdʒənˌtaɪn, -ˌtiːn美ˈɑrdʒənˌtaɪn, -ˌtinAHDärʹjən-tīn', -tēn'

any of various small silver-scaled salmon-like marine fishes
of or relating to or characteristic of Argentina or its people;

Argentinian tango

来自专用名词Argentina阿根廷。the argentine阿根廷
钱博士argent银+ineS.形→盛产银的⇒阿根廷的argent银+ineS.形→盛产银的⇒阿根廷的近义词 Argentinian阿根廷人

用作名词TheArgentineknows the Spanish League fairly well, as he played for Valladolid for three years.这个阿根廷人知道西班牙联赛非常公平,因为他曾经在巴拉多利德效力过三个赛季。
Heinze has emerged as an option for the French champions, with theArgentinefacing an uncertain future at Old Trafford.在阿根廷人面对着在曼联不确定的未来的情况下,法甲冠军成为他的一个选择而浮现。 The deterioration of the Argentine economy has raised concern about the nation's ability to properly maintain this architectural and historic treasure.
阿根廷经济的衰退使得人们开始关注这个国家是否还有能力妥善的维护这座建筑和历史的珍宝。 yeeyan

A more mature Argentine leadership would see oil exploration in the Falklands as an economic opportunity, not a political one.
一个更成熟的阿根廷领导高层,会将在福克兰群岛探勘石油视为一种商机,而非政治。 ecocn

A recent study has found that the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires is the noisiest city in Latin America.
最近的一项研究显示,阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯是拉丁美洲最嘈杂的城市。 cri

Britain ousted a small group of Argentine settlers in1833.
英国在1833年将这里的一小群阿根廷移民赶走。 ecocn

Buenos Aires province is the Argentine region that produces the most grains, and some farmers say attacks by the voracious birds can cause crop losses of up to 60 percent.
布宜诺斯艾利斯省事阿根廷粮食产量最高的地区,据一些农户所说,由于这些贪婪的鸟群的袭击,粮食最高可能会减产60%。 yeeyan

But the opposition has so far been unable to persuade Argentine voters that they would be better off ditching the team that has presided over the good times.
但是,反对派至今未能说服阿根廷的选民抛弃费尔南德斯的团队,并相信他们能更好得解决这些问题和推动繁荣。 yeeyan

I am sure the guys and Argentine football will pull through.
我肯定小伙子们和阿根廷足球可以渡过难关。 yeeyan

In 1999 Unilever had almost half of the Argentine market for deodorants; by2006 its share had increased to more than 70%.
1999年联合利华几乎占领阿根廷除臭剂市场份额的一半,到2006年为止其市场份额已经增加到70%以上。 ecocn

In fact, Argentine farmers are among the world's most nimble and efficient. They need to be: few countries have been as badly governed as Argentina.
事实上,阿根廷农民处在全世界最敏捷高效的行列当中,他们需要:几乎没有几个国家像阿根廷这样得到政府糟糕的治理。 ecocn

MARK SANFORD is a man alone these days. The Argentine lover whom he calls his “ soul mate” still seems to be in Argentina.
这些天来马克桑福德成了一个孤家寡人、他视为”红颜知己”的的阿根廷情人依然呆在阿根廷。 ecocn

Mr Garzón’s investigations provoked the arrest of General Pinochet in London and the trial and conviction of an Argentine navy captain in Madrid.
加尔松先生的调查使得皮诺切特将军在伦敦被逮捕,还帮助在马德里审判并定罪一名阿根廷海军舰长。 ecocn

Mr Garzón's investigations provoked the arrest of General Pinochet in London and the trial and conviction of an Argentine navy captain in Madrid.
加尔松先生的调查驱使皮诺切特将军在伦敦被逮捕和对阿根廷海军舰长在马德里被审判和指控。 ecocn

One of our main goals was just to provide a large resource for the community of scientists that study Argentine ant biology.
我们的主要目标之一就是为研究阿根廷蚂蚁生物特性的学者提供一个大型的种群资源。 yeeyan

The other main constituency is a group of60, 000 individuals from Italy, where Argentine bonds had been a popular retail investment.
剩下的主要由意大利的60,000名散户组成,阿根廷债券一度是那里走俏的散户投资产品。 ecocn

The Argentine officials sent to administer the islands no doubt had reason, after the event, to emphasise their goodwill towards the islanders.
毫无疑问,在该事件过后,派遣管理该岛的阿根廷官员强调自己对岛上居民的善意是事出有因。 ecocn

Whether the government and Argentine companies will be able to do so as cheaply as their counterparts in Brazil and Chile depends on Ms Fernández changing other policies.
阿根廷政府和公司是否可以向巴西和智力的他们同仁那样轻而易举地如愿以偿,取决于费尔南德斯夫人政策的变化。 ecocn

Argentine companies have no choice but to try to survive, generate cash and get it out of the country, a management consultant says.
阿根廷的企业别无选择,只有试着生存,获得利润后马上转移到国外,一位管理咨询师如是说。 ecocn

Argentine officials said they did not know exactly how the baby was infected with the virus, which contains genetic material from bird, swine and human flu viruses.
阿根廷官员透露他们并不知道这个婴儿到底是如何感染上此病毒的,此病毒中有禽类,猪和人类的遗传物质。 yeeyan




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