

单词 minarets
释义 minarets ˌmɪnəˈrets COCA⁵¹⁰¹⁹BNC⁶²³⁰⁹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.清真寺旁由报告祈祷时刻的人使用的光塔minaret的名词复数原型minaret的三单 A city whose main landmark is a medieval cathedral may soon share its skyline with another place of worship: a large mosque with minarets more than50 metres165 feet high.
这个主要建筑都是中世纪天主教风格的城市,可能很快就要出现另一座礼拜场所:一座尖塔超过50米合165英尺高的大清真寺。 ecocn

From the start, the guerrillas had used the minarets: to shoot, to spot, to signal one another.
一开始,游击队就以尖塔为基地射击、找人、互对暗号。 yeeyan

The four slender minarets, which rise so strikingly at the outer corners of the structure, were added singly and at different times;
四个瘦削的尖塔,在建筑物的转角上如此醒目地竖起,在不同的时期显得额外地单独; chinaufo.com

The Libyans have been angered by a Swiss ban on building minarets and the detention by Swiss police of Colonel Gaddafi's son in 2008 on assault charges that were later dropped.
由于瑞士禁止建造伊斯兰寺院尖塔,而且2008年,瑞士警方以攻击罪拘留了卡扎菲的儿子,该指控随后被放弃,利比亚人非常愤怒。 hxen

A month ago he called for a jihad against Switzerland to punish it for banning the building of new minarets following a referendum.
一个月以前,针对瑞士他组织了一次讨伐异教徒运动,以此来惩罚瑞士经过公民投票对建立新的叫拜楼建设的禁令。 ecocn

Another popular sight is the old Red Fort that dominates the horizon with its minarets.
另一个受欢迎的景点是古老的红堡,它以它的尖塔俯视着地平线。 zxkt.com

But, corruption notwithstanding, the economy is ticking over, as the construction cranes that rival the minarets in Kazan's skyline attest.
但是,尽管腐败照常,经济仍在缓慢发展,正如那些可以同喀山市天际处的伊斯兰教尖塔相匹敌的工程起重机所见证的一样。 ecocn

In 1453, when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans, it became a mosque with minarets.
1453年,君士坦丁堡被奥托曼人攻陷后,它便成了一座带有宣礼塔的清真寺。 edu.sina.com.cn

It includes four minarets, each more than13 stories tall.
其包括有四个宣礼塔,每个的高度都超过13层。 yousoon

Other illusionary effects have been accounted for in the geometry of the tomb and the tall minarets.
其它错觉影响已经将陵墓的几何形状和高光塔计算在内。 docin

Reporting from Cairo— First a deafening cheer erupted and echoed to the minarets.
开罗报道——首先爆发出震耳欲聋的欢声,很快回声在穆斯林礼拜堂嗡嗡作响。 yeeyan

Resolve the five yellow, three ghosts, big old, old broken and the various forms of evil, such as minarets, electricity column, and roads washed windows shot.
化解五黄、三煞、大岁、岁破及各种形煞,如尖塔、电柱、路等冲射门窗。 lzzp5.com

SOME of the gunmen stormed the minarets and fired their AK-47s down at the police and into the mosque below.
一些持枪歹徒突然攻占数个宣礼塔,用 AK-47向下面的警察扫射,而后冲进宣礼塔下的一座清真寺内。 ecocn

The issue of bans or restrictions on religious symbols, including minarets and Islamic dress, was a delicate question that raised several human rights issues.
限制宣礼塔和伊斯兰教服等的宗教符号的使用,是一个很微妙的问题,引发了一些人权问题。 yeeyan

The call to prayer not only sounds five times daily from minarets but all the time from everywhere: millions of Egyptians have downloaded it as a ringtone for their mobile phones.
曾经每天5次从宣礼塔中传出的唤礼辞如今时时刻刻响在大街小巷:因为有成千上百万的埃及人把唤礼辞当成手机铃声。 ecocn

These purchases usually went along with embellishments such as minarets.
这些购置通常也伴随着注入尖塔等的装饰。 ecocn

Minarets were shown as a menacing force: on posters, dark shapes resembling both minarets and missiles rose from a Swiss flag.
在宣传海报上,宣礼塔表现为一种威胁性的力量:既象宣礼塔又象导弹的阴影从瑞士国旗上升起。 ecocn

Minarets symbolize a religious setting like a mosque which is a sacred place of worship.
宣礼塔象徵一个宗教摆设,如同清真寺,是个神圣的膜拜地点。 newdaai




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