

单词 arg
释义 arg 英'ɑːɡ美'ɑːɡ COCA¹³⁰³⁰⁶BNC⁶⁶⁵³⁹
Argc I'm iterating on the outside from I to Arg C, zero to Arg C; I on the inside, I better not use I; otherwise bad things are going to happen.
我从 I迭代到 Argc,从0迭代到;,在里面,我最好不是用;,否则坏事情将会发生。 v.163.com

Now in his second and final term in the Arg, the fortress that was home to Afghan kings, Mr Karzai must choose his place in history.
Arg是阿富汗国王们居住之地,在这里,卡尔扎伊将度过他的第二个、也是最后一个总统任期,他必须选好他在历史中的位置。 ecocn

The calculation and complexity of the matching process increase nonlinearly by the general matching method just because of the complex relation of the branches described by the ARG of strokes.
但其中由笔划间的关系图描述的部件通常关系复杂,其匹配问题如果采用传统的匹配方法来解决,其计算量和复杂度是非线性递增的。 cnki

The no- arg constructor builds a DOM object with no values contained in the tags.
不带参数的构造器构建一个标记中不包含任何值的 DOM对象。 ibm

AIM and METHODS:To study the protective effects of liposomes containing L- Arg, Se and taurine on intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats.
目的:探讨人工合成的富含 L-精氨酸、亚硒酸钠、牛磺酸的复合脂质体对抗大鼠肠缺血再灌注损伤的作用及机制。 cjpp

Analysis of amino acid composition of LPL shows that it has a high content of acidic amino acid, a few of basic amino acid but no Arg.
氨基酸组成分析表明,该凝集素富含酸性氨基酸,而碱性氨基酸含量较少,不含精氨酸。 cjbmb.bjmu.edu.cn

ArgC How many words were typed at the prompt, by default, Arg C, should always be at least one.
提示符那里默认要输入多少单词,至少需要一个单词。 v.163.com

Arginine Arg, as an important essential amino acid, presents many physiological and biochemical functions in young mammals.

By convention, it's Arg C, because it means argument count.
按照惯例,它叫 ArgC,因为它的意思是参数计数。 v.163.com

Given the game’s subject matter, it comes as no surprise that Fuel, one of the organisations behind this ARG, has a mission statement focused on the protection of human rights.
由于这个游戏的类型特殊,所以游戏主办方之一 Fuel有一份旨在保护人权的宣言也毫不奇怪了。 yeeyan

If a filename arg was not given on the command line, we use stdin.
如果命令行上没有给出文件名参数,我们就使用标准输入。 ibm

If no arg is given, it displays all defined error messages.
如果不给出参数,则它会显示所有定义的错误消息。 ibm

If passed an argument, it will display only the message corresponding to that arg.
如果向该程序传递一个参数,则它将只显示对应于该参数的消息。 ibm

Just iterates from zero to Arg C. The indented line here print F is clearly printing a string, as per the percent S, but what is it printing?
只是从零开始迭代,到 ArgC,这个缩进行 printf显然是打印一个字符串,就像每一个% s,它在打印什么呢? v.163.com

Now let's run Arg V1; enter.
现在让我们运行 argv1,回车。 v.163.com

Objective To introduce the current research status, value and development future of Arg-Gly-Asp RGD peptides in diagnosis and treatment of neoplasms.
目的介绍精氨酸甘氨酸天冬氨酸 RGD肽在肿瘤诊治领域的研究现状、价值及发展前景。 cnki

Objective: To inquire into the effects of L- ArginineL- Arg on liver of heat stressed mouse and its possible mechanism.
目的:探讨 L-精氨酸对热暴露小鼠肝脏的保护作用及可能机制。 fabiao

Objective:To explore the effect of L- Arg on mice immunity subjected to heat stress and its possible mechanisms.
目的:探讨补充 L-精氨酸对热应激小鼠免疫功能的影响及可能机制。 fabiao

Oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, Glu, Asp and Arg were main flavour material of air drying duck.
油酸、棕榈酸、亚油酸、谷氨酸、天门冬氨酸、精氨酸是风鸭风味的主要呈味物质。 cnki

Players will also learn a lesson familiar to many ARG veterans: that everyone involved has something to contribute.
玩家也会从那些他们熟识的老 ARG玩家那里学到一课:每个参与者都需要有所贡献。 yeeyan

Similar checks and actions are done as for the 1st arg.
进行的检查和操作与第一个参数基本相同。 ibm

So here's a program called Arg V, this is fancy speak for argument Vector, a list of arguments for the left or right.
这里有一个叫做 ArgV的程序,这个设想讲述了,参数矢量,从左到右的一列参数。 v.163.com

So Arg V bracket I, gives me the Ife string that I typed in.
那么 Argv,把我刚键入的字符串 Ife传给我。 v.163.com

Usages with just one SRC arg and no DEST arg will list the source files instead of copying.
仅使用一个 SRC源参数而没有 DEST目标参数将列出源文件而不是复制。 csdn

Well, Arg V bracket 1, is, in fact, a string.
好的, Argv,实际上是一个字符串。 v.163.com

ARG coordinates and schedules all freights services, storage, loading, and in- plant labor as directed. ARG contracts reliable regional companies to ensure the highest quality of service.
爱瑞集团科学有序地协调安排所有的货运服务、装载以及工厂劳工,并选择可靠的当地合作伙伴以保证最优质的服务。 www.arrowrecovery.com.cn

ARG reports back material volume numbers on a weekly basis, utilizing email, web-based imaging, and spread sheet communication.
爱瑞集团通过电子邮件、网页图片和电子表格等方式向客户报告每周的材料体积数据。 www.arrowrecovery.com.cn




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