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释义 MIMDBNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
=Multiple Instruction Multiple Data 多指令多数据¹⁰⁰
In the early1960s, Burroughs Corporation introduced a symmetrical MIMD multiprocessor with four CPUs and up to sixteen memory modules connected via a crossbar switch the first SMP architecture.
世纪 60 年代早期, Burroughs Corporation引入了一种对称 MIMD多处理器,它带有四个 CPU并通过交叉开关可连接最多十六个内存模块第一种 SMP架构。 ibm

It is one of the most advanced subjects to carry out the parallel algorithm design for finite element methods on distributed memory MIMD computer in computational mechanics.
在分布式并行计算机环境下开展有限元并行算法研究是计算力学领域的前沿课题之一。 cnki

The proposed algorithm for knapsack problem is based on MIMD. The sort algorithm by sampling is introduced in the sorting stage.
并行背包算法基于 MIMD结构,在排序过程中引入基于采样的排序算法,然后对子集和生成和搜索过程加以优化。 cnki

The long wave infrared image signal processor system is a special purpose multiprocessor system which has a typical MIMD structure.
长波红外图象信息处理机是一种专用多处理机,它具有典型的 MIMD结构。 cnki

This paper compares the MIMD and SIMD stream processors, and gives an implementation the SIMD stream processor. At last, it introduces the two-level program mode.
比较了典型的 MIMD和 SIMD两种流处理器结构的优劣,给出了 SIMD流处理器的一种实现方式,介绍了流处理器上的两级编程模式。 cnki

Always bear in mimd that you own resolution to succeed is more important than other thing.

Based on MIMD parallel computer model, parallel implementation of explicit finite difference methods has been discussed for computational fluid dynamics CFD problems.
基于 MIMD并行计算机模型,本文讨论了 CFD问题应用显式有限差分方法的并行化问题。 cnki

Especially, this method offers an efficient parallel algorithm for solving tridiagonal linear systems of algebraic equations on multiprocessors MIMD.
特别值得一提的是,对于 MIMD多处理机系统,此解耦分解方法是一求解线性三对角方程组的有效并行算法。 cnki

Finally, an extended distributed parallel algorithm for the GA and MIMD model is presented.
最后,提出了该算法基于 MIMD模型的扩展分布式并行算法。 cnki

For the reason that the executing time of the existing serial algorithm is too long, a parallel algorithm under the shared memory MIMD model is proposed in this paper.
由于已有的串行匹配算法在进行多项式的分解时,时间复杂度太高,于是本文在共享主存多指令流多数据流 MIMD编程模型下,提出了一种并行算法。 fabiao

From the point of view of program structure and program running, the formal definitions about SIMD and MIMD parallelism are presented clearly, which are criteria of extracting program heterogeneity.
从程序结构和程序运行的观点出发,清楚地给出了 SIMD, MIMD并行性的形式定义,它是提取程序异构性的依据。 cnki

In the past, successful SIMD and MIMD parallel processors were often special-purpose machines dedicated to a single class of scientific or real-time single processing applications.
过去,成功的 SIMD和 MIMD并行处理机通常是指用于科学处理应用或实时信号处理应用的专用计算机。 xkdwyx

Parallel computer architecture consists of two classifications: simple instruction stream-multiple data stream SIMD and multiple instruction stream-multiple data stream MIMD.
并行计算机体系结构包括单指令流多数据流 SIMD和多指令流多数据流 MIMD两种结构。 cnki

The paper presents and analyses the domain decomposition and function decomposition methods, the MIMD model brought about by the methods and parallel programming technique.
文章提出并分析了域分解和函数分解方法、方法导致的 MIMD模式和并行程序设计技术。 cnki

This paper introduces the dynamically allocating scheme of tasks which suitable for MIMD parallel computers.
介绍一种适合于 MIMD并行计算机的任务动态分配模式。 cnki

MIMD systems can be further classified into throughput-oriented systems, high- availability systems, and response oriented systems.
多指令流多数据流系统可以进一步分为面向吞吐量的系统、高利用率的系统和面向响应时间的系统。 xkdwyx




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