

单词 mills
释义 mills 英mɪlz美mɪlzAHDmĭlz 高ICOCA⁹⁷⁵¹BNC⁶⁴¹⁹Economist¹¹⁷⁷⁹
United States architect who was the presidentially appointed architect of Washington D.C. 1781-1855近义词 Robert Mills米尔斯
用作名词Mills used to depend on wind power or water power.从前磨坊常常得依靠风力或水力来作动力。
Here bundles of cloth arrive from themillsdecked in bar codes.成捆的布从磨坊中带着条形码被送到这里。用作名词Mr. Mills was given a warm welcome by us.米尔斯先生受到了我们的热烈欢迎。
Neither the former Beatle nor Mills was present for the ruling.前披头四成员的麦卡尼与喜爱从事社会活动的米尔斯都没有出席是日的判决。 Mr. Mills suggests that small businesses interview at least three CFO candidates, assess the quality of the firm they work for and avoid long-term contracts, if possible.
米尔斯建议说,小企业应该面试至少三名CFO候选者,如果可能的话,要评估他们供职公司的资质,还要尽可能避免签订长期合同。 iciba

The plan is to build five new mills, with the first adding120 jobs to one of America’s most economically depressed states, Mississippi.
计划建立五个新的钢铁厂,这一计划将为美国经济最萧条的州之一---密西西比州带来120个就业机会。 yeeyan

“ Instead of thinking we'll leave it alone, film- makers decide the only solution is to develop new technology so they can film it, ” Mills said.
“不是想我们不要管它了,电影制作人决定唯一的解决方法是开发新技术以使他们能拍摄它,”米尔斯说。 yeeyan

After the Mills meeting I flew to Columbia, South Carolina, to meet as many of the convention delegates there as possible.
与米尔斯见过面之后,我又乘飞机到了南卡罗来纳州首府哥伦比亚,尽可能多地约见会议代表。 yeeyan

Analysts expect that iron imports will rebound somewhat in coming months as mills restock and steel production picks up during the traditionally busy winter months.
分析师预计,随着钢厂在传统的冬季旺季期间补充库存和增加产量,未来几个月铁矿石进口将有所回升。 englishto

As well as sampling the sweets, he will also monitor their development at the company's factory in New Mills, Derbyshire.
除了糖果抽样品尝外,他还要监督该公司在德比郡新米尔斯生产厂的糖果开发。 yeeyan

Even as steel mills around the world fall silent, mining’s rumour mill is cranking up again.
正当世界各地的钢厂陷入沉寂之际,传闻中的采矿业工厂又在跃跃欲试。 ecocn

For seniors, churches and senior centers offer more opportunities to socialize, participate in activities and simply get out of the house, Mills said.
米尔斯说,对老年人而言,教堂和老年人中心提供了更多机会来社交、参与活动,或者仅仅是走到室外。 yeeyan

In both the Nun Study and the Mills College research a measure of early positive expression, one through writing and one through smiling, determined the effect of this positivity over the lifespan.
在《修女研究》和米尔斯学院的研究中,有一项早期的积极表达方法,一个是通过写作另一个是通过微笑,被认为对寿命有正面影响。 yeeyan

Men, in particular, may be delaying or shunning marriage altogether because of the divorce laws in England and Wales, according to Joanna Grandfield, barrister in the family team at Mills& Reeve.
乔安娜.格兰特菲尔特是在米尔斯.里夫的家庭律师,她认为男人更可能会延迟结婚或逃避结婚的原因与英国离婚的相关法律有关。 yeeyan

Mr Berlusconi could soon be called as a witness in the appeal hearing in Milan of British tax adviser David Mills.
贝氏可能很快将作为证人被传召出席在米兰举行的关于英国税务顾问大卫·米尔斯的听证会. yeeyan

This is Gary Mills of ABC. Please call me when you get home.
我是 ABC公司的加里·米尔斯,请回来后给我回电话。 hjenglish

Mills said that while it might seem odd to claim animals have a right to privacy, the idea should not be dismissed.
米尔斯说虽然声称动物有隐私权可能看起来很奇怪,但这种想法不应该被抛弃。 yeeyan

Mills said filming such encounters with miniature cameras was a level of surveillance humans would most likely object to.
米尔斯说用微型摄像机拍摄这种邂逅达到了一种人类很可能会反对的监视级别。 yeeyan




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