

单词 milligram
释义 mil·li·gram 英ˈmɪlɪˌgræm美ˈmɪlɪˌgræmAHDmĭlʹĭ-grăm' ★☆☆☆☆高牛八COCA⁴⁸⁹⁶⁶BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb¹⁴⁴⁷⁶
one thousandth 1/1,000 grammilli-,毫,gram,克。milligram radium equivalent毫克镭当量milligram molecule毫克分子milligram method毫克法milligram hour毫克小时milligram equivalent毫克当量
milligram-写|图⇒n.毫克近义词 Mg元素镁=magnesi…

用作名词An average teenage girl produces around half amilligramof testosterone per day.一个平均年龄的少女每天约产生半毫克的睾丸酮。 A method of characterizing crimp and crimp stability by means of a tensile tester sensitive to a fraction of a milligram was described.
本文研究了测定卷曲性能及其稳定性的方法,所用仪器是一具灵敏强力计。 cnki

It is approximately twice as potent as controlled-release morphine, a milligram per milligram basis, but with lesser adverse effects.
临床应用于中、重度癌痛与非癌痛,疗效相当于吗啡控释剂,等效止痛剂量约为吗啡的一半,不良反应较少。 chemyq

The king cobra’s venom is not, ounce for ounce or milligram for milligram, as the professionals would measure it, the most potent.
眼镜王蛇的毒液,如果按每盎司(或者按毫克,这取决于专家们如何测量他算并不是最毒的。 yeeyan

An average teenage girl produces around half a milligram of testosterone per day.
一个平均年龄的少女每天约产生半毫克的睾丸酮。 yeeyan

And the American Heart Association believes the 1,500- milligram-a- day recommendation should apply to all Americans.
并且美国心脏协会推荐1500毫克每天应当适用于所有的美国人。 dxy

And the American Heart Association believes the 1, 500- milligram-a- day recommendation should apply to all Americans.
并且美国心脏协会认为每天1500mg的推荐量适用于所有的美国人。 yeeyan

Health Ministry official Wang Xuening announced today Wednesday that the melamine limit for baby formula is one milligram of the industrial chemical per kilogram.

I found this profoundly made a change in systemic infections I suffered from; edema, asthma, and sinus. I used1 milligram per milligram weight.
我发这个完全的改变了我的全身性感染,我深入水肿,哮喘和鼻炎的困扰,我按一公斤体重用1毫克的剂量来算。 yeegt

Indeed, it is humbling to think that a honeybee, with its milligram- size brain, can perform tasks such as navigating mazes and landscapes on a par with mammals.
事实上,令人不敢相信的是,一只蜜蜂,其毫克大小的脑,可以同哺乳动物一样执行诸如迷宫和景观导航任务。 yeeyan

Ion exchange HPLC is an alternative that yields milligram quantities of purified plasmid DNA within an hour.
离子交换 HPLC作为替代方法可以在一小时内生产毫克量的纯化的质粒 DNA。 sepu

Janssen, a unit of Johnson & Johnson, said in a letter to pharmacists and health care providers Friday that the voluntary recall affects lots of its234- milligram-strength injections.
杨森,强生公司的一个部门,表示星期五一封信发至制药者以及医疗服务机构人员,自动召回大量受影响的234毫克注射剂。 aitrans

Mice given that amount in a second feeding trial have shown similar, but less pronounced, results as those on the24- milligram-a-day dose, he said.
他说,这种剂量喂饲的白鼠跟24微克喂饲的对照组相比,也有相似的效果,只是不那么显著。 yeeyan

Portfolio showcase site for milligram architectural studio, founded in Japan in 1998.
证券组合毫克建筑工作室成立于1998年在日本,展示现场。 movingshop.org

Soon after, the first off- world teleportation moved a milligram of iron to Mars.
很快,第一次将一毫克的铁传送到了远离地球的火星。 bab

The average dosage the subjects took was450 milligrams, well below the 1,000- milligram maximum level.
这些受试者的平均剂量是450毫克,远低于最大剂量1000毫克。 yeeyan

The study in which Cymbalta bested the placebo for average weekly pain scores used a60 milligram dose of Cymbalta, a 120 milligram dose, or a placebo.
每周平均疼痛分数上欣百达胜过安慰剂的那项研究中,使用了60mg欣百达、120mg欣百达和安慰剂。 dxy

Unlike a powder or liquid fill, a low fill would not be readily apparent after lyophilization particularly for a biopharmaceutical drug product where the active ingredient may be only a milligram.
不象粉末和液体灌装,冻干后的产品不能明显的发现低灌装量。特别是生物药品,它们的活性成分可能仅有几毫克。 tofflon

When injected or inhaled, as little as one-half milligram of ricin is lethal to humans.
当注射或吸入少量,仅半毫克的蓖麻毒素就会致死。 dxy




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