

单词 Milky Way
释义 Milk·y Way 英ˈmɪlkiː美ˈmɪlkiAHDmĭlʹkē 高T
🌌银河; 银河系,=Milky Way galaxy

the galaxy containing the solar system; consists of millions of stars that can be seen as a diffuse band of light stretching across the night skyMilky Way银河
近义词 galaxy银河
A faint silvery vapour stood for theMilky Way.代替银河的是一团稀薄的银色的云雾。
I am a pupil of grade 3 in Qingdao PrivateMilky WaySchool.我在银河学校上学,十三年级的学生。
Some stars out ofMilky Wayoutblaze the sun.〈银河系〉外的有些星体其光度超过太阳。
TheMilky Waygalaxy is supposed to be like this?〈银河系〉应该也差不多是这样吧。as in.galaxy
同义词 elliptical galaxy,irregular galaxy,island universe,spiral galaxy,star cluster,star system
galaxynoun nebula
elliptical galaxy,irregular galaxy,island universe,spiral galaxy,star cluster,star system Similar to the icon of a fictional ghost, NGC2080 is actually a star forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way Galaxy.
NGC2080看上去就像虚构的鬼魂的典型形象,它实际上是在我们的银河系的一个卫星星系——大麦哲伦星云里的一个恒星形成区域。 yeeyan

The absence of X would mean there's some other oddity out there throwing off the calculations— perhaps an unexpected distribution pattern of the halo of dark matter thought to surround the Milky Way.
如果 X星系不存在,这将说明存在其他的问题导致这样的计算结果,也许是一个意料之外分布模式——这些暗物质本认为环绕着银河系分布。 yeeyan

The Earth may exist in an underpopulated portion of the Milky Way, meaning we might not encounter another alien intelligence for a long, long time, if at all.
也许,地球所在之处是银河系的犄角旮旯,如果真是这样,我们在短期内不太可能与其他外星智慧生命有接触。 yeeyan

Annihilating dark matter at the heart of the Milky Way could account for signals detected by two space telescopes, according to a pair of US physicists.
据两位美国物理学家称,银河中心暗物质湮灭的这一设想,可以解释近年来两台空间望远镜探测到的信号。 yeeyan

But he also saw something else, a thing that is often now forgotten. He saw that the Milky Way, that cloudy streak across the sky, is made of stars.
然而他还看到其他的事物,一种现代人常常忘记的事物——他看见了银河,那条横跨天际的朦胧亮带,是由繁星点缀而成的。 ecocn

But no- one knows how much of the Milky Way's mass lies beyond its glittering disc.
但没有人知道银河系的质量里有多少是在它那闪闪发亮的圆盘之外的。 yeeyan

Each December the Earth and sun align with the approximate center of the Milky Way Galaxy but that is an annual event of no consequence.
每年冬天地球和太阳都会和银河系的中心连线,但是那只是个例行的事件,没有任何后果。 blog.sina.com.cn

Hubble not only proved that there were other galaxies besides the Milky Way, he also discovered that these galaxies were zipping away from our own, a motion he called recession.
哈勃不仅证明了除了银河系外还有其他星系的存在,也发现了这些星系正远离银河系,他讲这种运动称之为星系后退。 yeeyan

Jenkins says that he personally established the Milky Way’s edges by viewing it from 11,000 feet, far above anywhere the Maya lived.
詹金斯说他在11,000英尺——远高于任何玛雅居住地——的高空观察银河,从而建立了他自己的银河边界。 yeeyan

Knowledge about the larger world we live in, from planet Earth to the Milky Way galaxy to the universe itself, is the ultimate human legacy.
从行星地球到银河系再到整个宇宙,有关我们生活的这个更大世界的知识是最终的人类遗产。 yeeyan

More of our children should be able to look up at night and see that the Milky Way is not just a candy bar.
我们应该有更多的孩子能够仰望夜空,眼中所看到的银河不应仅仅只是模糊的“一条糖块”而已。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Our Milky Way, if it could be viewed edge on, would display a good example of one of these galactic bulges: Imagine the profile of a stereotypical flying saucer, though with a wider and flatter disk.
我们的银河,如果可以从边缘看向中心,就会呈现出一个这种星系凸起形态的好例子:想象一下从侧面看一个传统意义上的飞碟,尽管它有一个又宽又平的圆盘。 yeeyan

Residual sunlight from a sun already set lit the horizon and clouds while the stars and Milky Way galaxy revealed themselves up above.
太阳剩余的阳光已经了照亮了地平线和云彩,而恒星和银河星系把它们自己透露在天空的上方。 yeeyan

So, either the laws of physics are wrongly understood, or the super-rays are coming from close by, even if not from the Milky Way itself.
所以,不管是物理学的定律被错误地理解,或是高能射线就来自附近,高能宇宙射线也不可能来自银河系本身。 ecocn

Some stars out of Milky Way outblaze the sun.

Space is not space between the earth and the sun to one who looks down from the windows of the Milky Way.
对于从银河的窗户里下望的人,空间就不是地球与太阳之间的空间了。 ebigear

There are few, if any, young globular clusters in our Milky Way Galaxy because conditions are not ripe for more to form.
我们银河系有几个如果有的话年轻的球状星团,因为形成更多的条件不成熟。 yeeyan

They likely formed before the disk of our Milky Way, so they are older than nearly all other stars in our galaxy.
他们很可能在我们的银河系大圆盘出现之前就已经形成,所以他们几乎比我们银河系的所有恒星都要古老。 yeeyan

This is where most stars in the Milky Way form today; but because this picture records only light at long wavelengths microwaves to the very far infrared, what we actually see are not stars at all.
这里有现在组成银河系的大多数恒星,但由于这张照片只记录了长波光线微波是远红外光线,我们实际上根本看不到这些恒星。 yeeyan

We live in a galaxy of other stars; the Milky Way is not merely a glowing cloud but what we have come to call a galaxy, an island universe.
我们存在于由其它恒星组成的一个星系中,银河不再仅仅是一朵发光的云,而是必须被称作星系,它是一个岛宇宙。 yeeyan

We now know that the Milky Way is but one of many galaxies scattered throughout the Universe.
我们现在知道,银河只是宇宙各处散布的众多银河中的一个。 yeeyan




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