

单词 milks
释义 milk·s 英mɪlk美mɪlk COCA⁵⁷⁸⁶⁶BNC⁵³⁷²⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a white liquid produced by women or female animals for the feeding of their young, and in the case of cow's and goat's milk drunk by human beings or made into butter and cheese

vt. & vi. 产奶,挤奶

yield milk; draw milk from a cow, goat, etc.

vt. 榨取; 勒索

extract money, information, etc. by guilt or dishonesty from a person or institution

a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beingsproduced by mammary glands of female mammals for feeding their younga river that rises in the Rockies in northwestern Montana and flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri Riverany of several nutritive milklike liquids
take milk from female mammals;

Cows need to be milked every morning

exploit as much as possible;

I am milking this for all it's worth

add milk to;

milk the tea


❌ It is a cow in the milk.

✔️ It is a cow in milk.


❌ The wheat then was in milk.

✔️ The wheat then was in the milk.

in milk的意思是“在出奶时期”; in the milk的意思是“谷粒等正在灌浆”。

用作名词 n.
动词+~absorb milk吸收乳汁add milk添奶boil milk煮牛奶cut off milk断奶deliver milk送牛奶dilute the milk with water用水将牛奶稀释drink milk喝牛奶empty milk倒干奶express milk挤牛奶feed milk to a baby用牛奶喂婴儿give milk产奶lap milk舔食牛乳make the milk go bad使牛奶变质obtain milk获得奶pollute milk使奶受污染pour milk倒奶suck milk吮乳water milk down给牛奶掺水形容词+~boiling milk沸腾着的奶clean milk干净奶cold milk冷奶drinkable milk饮用奶enough milk足够的奶fresh milk鲜牛奶low-fat milk低脂牛奶non-fat milk去脂牛奶pure milk纯净的奶skimmed milk脱脂乳sour milk酸奶spilt milk洒了的牛奶sweet milk甜奶,加过糖的奶warm milk温奶名词+~breast milk人乳chocolate milk巧克力cow's milk牛奶goat's milk羊奶ice milk冰奶mother's milk母乳~+名词milk board牛奶管理部milk resources奶资源介词+~a basin of milk一盆奶a bottle of milk一瓶奶a bowl of milk一碗奶a glass of milk一杯奶feed on milk用乳汁喂养用作动词 v.~+名词milk a cow挤牛奶milk a piece of news套出一条新闻milk little bugs挤小虫子的液汁milk the people榨取人民的血汗~+副词milk bitterly充满仇恨地勒索milk briskly轻松地榨取milk consequently不断地榨取milk furiously愤怒地榨取milk incessantly不断地榨取milk savagely蛮横地榨取milk shamelessly无耻地榨取milk spectacularly特殊地勒索milk tactfully巧妙地榨取milk villainously罪恶地勒索~+介词milk from从…榨取,从…取得milk information from从…处取得信息milk out of从…榨取,从…取得
近义词 drainwringexploitv. bleed
用作名词n.The milk powder has lumped.奶粉结成了块儿。
The milk you put out in the saucer was quickly lapped up.你倒在碟子里的牛奶很快很快给舔光了。
The milk tends to sour.牛奶易变酸。
The milk soured when it was left in the hot sun.牛奶放在炎热的太阳下会变酸。
The milk is overflowing the cup.牛奶溢出了杯子。
The milk was frozen solid.牛奶已冷得凝固了。
The milk was drunk by a little cat.牛奶被一只小猫喝了。
The milk won't keep till tomorrow; we'd better drink it now.牛奶留不到明天,咱们最好马上喝掉。
Go easy on the milk—that's all we've got till Monday.牛奶要慢慢地用——到星期一我们就这些了!
The boy was sent to buy the milk.男孩被派去买牛奶。
She skimmed the milk of its cream.她撇去牛奶上的奶油。
We must save the rest of the milk for tomorrow.我们必须把剩下的牛奶留着明天喝。
The hot weather has soured the milk.热天气使牛奶变酸了。
I poured the milk from the bottle into the cups.我将瓶中的牛奶倒入杯中。
Add the the milk to the flour, and then mix in 3 eggs.把牛奶倒进面粉,再掺入3个鸡蛋。
The milk went sour.牛奶酸了。
The cat licked up all the milk which had overflowed onto the floor.猫把流在地上的奶舔干净了。
You have to keep watching to prevent the milk from boiling over.你要看住,不要让牛奶溢出来。
Blend the milk and eggs together.将奶和蛋混合起来。
Turn off the gas, the milk is boiling over.关掉煤气,牛奶溢出来了。
The cat quickly lapped up all the milk.那只猫很快地把牛奶舔光了。
In our city milk is supplied to each house in bottle.在我们市,供应给各户的牛奶是瓶装的。
Two spoonfuls of sugar are too much for a glass of milk, but one is not enough.One heaped spoonful would strike a happy medium.一杯牛奶加两匙糖太甜,加一匙又不够,满满一匙正合适。
He drinks a glass of milk.他喝了一杯牛奶。
He filled me up a glass of milk他给我盛一杯牛奶。
Every one on the dairy farm pledged that they would not spoil one pound of milk in the whole year.乳品农场的每个人都保证全年中不糟蹋一磅牛奶。
He went to his neighbour to beg for some milk to feed the motherless baby.他找街坊邻居讨了一些牛奶来喂养那个没娘的孩子。
She calmed the baby by giving him some milk.她给婴儿吃点奶,使他不再哭闹。
He squeezed her some fresh milk.他挤新鲜的牛奶给她喝。
He quenched his thirst with a glass of cold milk.他喝了一杯冰冻牛奶解渴。
The pan overflowed with boiling milk.煮沸的牛奶溢出了奶锅。
I owed them for milk and potatoes.我还欠着他们的牛奶费和买土豆的钱。
She existed only on milk.她只能靠喝牛奶活命。
We mix butter, sugar, milk and flour for a cake.我们把黄油、糖、牛奶和面粉拌和起来做蛋糕。
Animals give us meat, milk, wool and leather.动物为我们提供肉、奶、毛和皮革。
For adults, the most common foods are milk, eggs, peanuts and seafood.对成年人来说,最普通的食品为牛奶、鸡蛋、花生和海鲜。
Bread and milk is wholesome food.面包加牛奶是益于健康的食品。
Stir milk into a cake mixture.把牛奶搅和在蛋糕的混合原料中。
Yesterday I read in the paper that milk would cost more.昨天我从报上获悉牛奶将要提价。
The mother told the child to eat up her spinach and to drink up her milk.母亲告诉孩子把菠菜吃掉并把牛奶喝完。
The heat had caused milk to go sour.高温使牛奶变质了。
Cows give milk.母牛产奶。
Children, drink up your milk.孩子们,把牛奶喝净。
The can contains milk.这罐里装的是牛奶。
The owner of the shop is trying to blend water and milk.商店老板正尽力把牛奶和水混合在一起。
Let me remove the milk jug.我来把牛奶缸子拿开。
Some mothers prefer to nourish their babies with milk.有些母亲宁愿用牛奶哺育婴儿。
My brother loves poetry, it's mother's milk to him.我弟弟喜欢诗歌,对他来说这是天生的爱好。
It's no use crying over spilt milk.事已至此,后悔也没有用。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The farmer milks the cows twice a day.那农夫一天挤两次母牛的奶。
The government was accused of milking the people.该国政府被指控榨取人民的血汗。
If I see an advantage,I milk it.假如我看到有好处,就会充分地利用。
The island was milked by the invaders for five centuries.该岛受侵略者压榨达500年之久。


mother' milk意思是“母乳,生来爱好的东西”。




用作名词A baby vomitsmilkfrom repletion.婴儿吃饱会吐奶。
She dribbled somemilkonto the cereal.她把一些奶滴在燕麦片上。
The cat lapped up themilk.猫舔食牛奶。
I am boiling themilk.我正在煮牛奶。
Now the cubs are growing fat on mom'smilk.现在幼仔靠妈妈的乳汁增加脂肪。用作动词The farmer whistled as hemilked.农夫一边挤奶一边吹口哨。
John has tomilkthe cow early in the morning.约翰一大早就要给奶牛挤奶。
They try tomilkinformation from the factory.他们想从那家工厂获取情报。 It is estimated that cultured milks such as sour cream, kefir and others constitute 30% of the total market.
估计酸奶油、克菲尔等这类产品占有总市场约30%的份额。 iciba

Many of raw milks most beneficial properties are heat sensitive, meaning that their destruction can occur when the milk is subjected to high temperatures.
生牛奶所含的大多数营养物质都是热敏的,是指当牛奶时高温,内含的营养物质容易遭破坏。 yeeyan

The serving sizes of the foods in each list starches, fruits, milks, vegetables, meats and fats reflect the mean macronutrient and energy values for each of the groups in this database.
每个列表中的食物的列项如淀粉类、水果类、乳制品、蔬菜类、肉类和脂肪反映了数据库中的每种组群食品的主要营养素和能量值。 yeeyan

The cow milks cream an inch thick.
牛奶结成的乳皮一寸厚。 blog.sina.com.cn

The flavoured milks are bound to be a hit with kids and we wanted to make sure the packaging reflected the innovation and help extend the Moo brand out to new consumers and channels.
调味奶的必然是与孩子们打,我们希望确保包装体现了创新和有利于延长卢武铉向新的品牌,消费者和渠道。 zhongsou

“The parent company milks it for a huge chunk of their revenue, ” says a former staffer. “ She's been cash- strapped trying to do new projects.”
“总公司从这份杂志上榨取了数额巨大的收入,”一位职员说,“她想搞新的报道方案却一直苦于资金短缺。” yeeyan

“The supplemented milks are simply adding back something that was originally present, ” he told Chemistry & Industry magazine, which reported on the research today.
补充的牛奶仅仅添加了原先就存在的东西,母乳含有瘦素,而普通配方食品不含。 dxy

After the process of soaking, beany flavor of soybean milks prepared with different blanching temperature or at various grinding conditions was extracted by SDE.
在浸泡之后,采用同时蒸馏萃取法提取了经不同条件热烫、打浆及添加还原剂所得豆浆的风味物质; cnki

Both mini Moo flavoured milks and Moo Organic are now available in- store at major retailers nationwide.
这两个小卢武铉卢武铉调味奶和有机现已在商店在全美主要零售商。 zhongsou

BUREAUCRACY, AMERICAN STYLE: You have two cows. The government takes them both, shoots one, milks the other, pays you for the milk, then pours the milk down the drain.
官僚主义,美国方式:你有两头母牛,政府将它们都取走,射死其中一头,从另一头身上挤奶并付钱给你,然后把这些奶倒进下水道里。 douban

Fermented milks has thousands years in history, their new products and benefits reached to an extremity already.
发酵乳业已有数千年历史,发展至今,其产品和利润空间都已达到极限。 fabiao

Functional properties of Tibet yak butter and domestic cow milks fat were evaluated by analysis of their fatty acids.
通过脂肪酸组成分析来评价国产牛乳乳脂和西藏牦牛酥油的营养功能特性。 cnki

In addition, some foods such as milks, cheeses, and juices that have not been pasteurized and undercooked animal foods pose high risk for food borne illness and should be avoided.
另外一些食品例如没有经过巴氏消毒的牛奶,芝士,和果汁,以及生的动物类食品的食物传播风险更高,应该避免直接食用或饮用. yeeyan

JOE TIRY milks55 cows in the gentle hills of Wisconsin.
JOE TIRY在威斯康星州的丘陵上养了55只奶牛。 yeeyan

Oliver's not the only one calling for an end to flavored milks in schools.
奥利佛不是唯一一个呼吁学校结束供应奶制品的人。 blog.sina.com.cn

Our shelf- stable milks are ultra pasteurized and aseptically packed, giving it a shelf life of6 months prior to opening.
我们的货架稳定的牛奶是超巴和无菌包装,赋予它的保质期为6个月前开放。 yonghua

Soy, rice, and almond milks generally don't contain the sugar lactose, which can be tough to digest.
豆奶,牛奶糊,杏仁乳由于不含乳糖成份,会较难消化。 yeeyan

The cow milks well.
这头母牛出奶率高。 ebigear

The ewe milks well.

The explanation is: cow- milks from different herds have important differences in their proteins.
其解释是:来自不同牛种群的牛奶,其蛋白质有很大的不同。 yeeyan

The farmer milks the cows twice a day.

The only place in the world that milks the spider for its venom is at the Australian Reptile Park near Sydney where it is collected to be made into Antivenom for hospitals.
现在世界上唯一用奶汁来喂养这种毒蜘蛛、收集其毒液的地方在悉尼附近的澳大利亚爬行动物公园,它的毒液可以制成抗蛇毒血清,供医院使用。 xiuxianqu.com

These milks tend to be low in nutrients, but they are a good source of calcium and vitamin D, and a great alternative to soymilk.
这些奶营养素含量偏低,但它们是钙和维生素 D的很好的来源,是豆奶的很好的替代品。 yeeyan

Toast dip with beat eggs and then milks.
土司沾上打散的蛋液及牛奶。 iciba

We see this as the beginning of a diverse range of products which will entirely change the perception of branded liquid milks amongst consumers.
我们认为一个产品多元化的开始,将完全改变品牌的液体奶消费者之间的这种看法。 zhongsou

What organic milks does Organic Valley produce?
什么有机牛奶是否有机谷生产? yonghua

You thought finally hungry extremely, has drunk box of milks.
终于你觉得饿极了,喝了一盒牛奶。 blog.sina.com.cn




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