

单词 milk bottle
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Doudou has learned to grasp her milk bottle herself! Whole family were laughing for that!
豆豆学会了自己拿奶瓶!全家老少乐得不可开交… blog.sina.com.cn

Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of Flour Protector in treatment of teeth with early milk bottle primary caries.
目的探讨用氟保护漆治疗乳切牙早期奶瓶龋的临床效果。 dictall

Suitable for washing vegetables, milk bottle, pacifier, food utensils, toys, etc. , protecting your health.
适用于蔬菜﹑水果以及奶瓶﹐奶嘴﹐餐具﹐玩具等的清洗﹐呵护宝宝健康。 yihaodian

This also happen to likely has drafted company's main business product is the baby milk bottle, the nipple as well as the pregnant woman thing.
这也正好象征了公司的主营产品为婴儿奶瓶,奶嘴以及孕妇用品。 zhubajie

With our Computerized Steaming& Stewing Mug, you can disinfect milk bottle& tableware cook.
采用我公司的电脑蒸炖盅,可消毒奶瓶和餐具。 www.purple-clay.com.sg

You can also add one teaspoon of green leafy vegetable juice to your baby's milk bottle once in two days.
你也可以两天一次地加上一茶匙的绿叶蔬菜汁到你宝宝的奶瓶上。 yeeyan




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