

单词 military service
释义 military service.

a force that is a branch of the armed forcesland tenure by service in the lord's army比喻用法。近义词 service服务
He did a year'smilitary service.他服过一年兵役。
It is dishonorable to shirkmilitary service.逃避兵役是可耻的。as in.armed forces
同义词 military,troopsarmament,armed services,defense forces,fighting machine,service
armed forcesnoun military forces
armaments,armed services,defense forces,fighting machines,militaries,military services,services,troops Where compulsory military service is enforced in Europe it ranges from260 daysin Switzerland, to26 monthsin Cyprus.
欧洲执行的义务兵役制期限从260天瑞士到26个月塞浦路斯不等。 ecocn

Everything went right except Jaseph must stop his work because of compulsory military service. He computed his losses at three months.
所有的事情都进展顺利除了约瑟夫必须因义务兵役而暂停工作他估计他损失三个月的时间。 ebigear

Much of the research on suicide and IQ has been conducted in Sweden, where military service is mandatory for men.
很多关于自杀和智商的研究都在瑞士进行,在瑞士男士是强制服兵役的。 yeeyan

The immediate savings would come from postponing the retirement of many Italians by excluding from their pension calculations time spent at university or doing military service.
目前的节省措施是通过从养老金计时间中除去上大学或者服兵役的时间来推迟许多意大利人退休时间。 ecocn

We have come together to honor the military service of American men and women, particularly those who participated in the war in Vietnam.
我们齐聚一堂,向服过兵役的美国男人和女人,尤其是那些参加过越战的老兵,表示敬意。 edu.sina.com.cn

Whether these are worthwhile, and if military service is the best way to create them, are questions for politicians, not economists.
至于这些是否值得去做,实行兵役制度是否是创造他们最好的途径,这是政治家而不是经济学家该考虑问题。 ecocn




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