

单词 military region
释义 military region ˈmilitəriˈri:dʒən 短语¹¹⁴⁴⁶⁷⁺
Demobilized Zhang: I joined the army in 1975, in the logistics department of the Chengdu Military Region XIII mission work, and often out of Tibet.
军队转业干部张伟:我是1975年参军入伍的,在成都军区后勤部第十三团工作,而且经常进出西藏。 blog.sina.com.cn

Giants by the Nanjing Military Region, jointly developed with Wuxi in China's first military FPS game“ glorious mission” has successfully developed.
由南京军区与无锡巨人公司联合开发的中国第一款FPS军事游戏《光荣使命》日前研发成功。 xunbin

Headquarters is located in Jinan Military Region and the Jinan Railway Bureau in Jinan.
济南军区和济南铁路局本部位于济南。 yffs8

I am the Battle Flag from the PLA Chengdu Military Region, retired art troupe of singing actors in the armed forces of the literary arena, fought for decades.
我是从中国人民解放军成都军区战旗文工团退休的歌唱演员,在部队的文艺舞台上,摸爬滚打了几十年。 blog.sina.com.cn

I left mother to enlist in a troop of Shenyang military region at age of18. Mother saw me off in station, she had cried.
我于十八岁时离别母亲到沈阳军区某部服兵役,母亲到火车站送我,她哭了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Methods The systemic training was provided for 504 civil nurses in a military region, including pre-post training and group training.
方法对某部队504名文职护士进行招聘后集中培训、上岗前培训,并对其进行考核。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Motor vehicles pose showcase beauty care centres located in Zhaoqing City Song Story 2 Road Military Region opposite oblique!
车姿饰汽车美容护理中心位于肇庆市宋城西二路军分区斜对面! tietai.net

Soldiers from the Hunan Military Region made donations to the quake-hit zone.

The methods and experience of developing the small hospitals in the whole Nanjing Military Region are elaborated.
本文阐述了全区小医院发展的做法和体会。 cnki

Thus, the Military Region headquarters planned for and executed the deployment of two brigades from different group armies outside of the MR borders simultaneously.
因此,总部,军区和执行计划的部署两个旅从不同集团军议员以外的边界的同时进行。 bbs.news.163.com

Brigadier Chea Keo is the deputy commander of the Cambodian Military Region.
谢乔准将是柬埔寨军区的副司令。 kekenet




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