

单词 military parade
释义 military parade ˈmilitəripəˈreid 短语⁴⁹⁷⁷⁰
It extended an extremely rare invitation to the world's media to come to Pyongyang to see a major military parade.
朝鲜向全世界的媒体发出极其罕见的邀请,邀请其前来平壤观看一次重大的阅兵。 yeeyan

On April18,2009, , a military parade was held to celebrate the Army Day in Iranian capital Tehran.
2009年4月18日,在伊朗首都德黑兰举行了盛大的建军节阅兵仪式。 kekenet

On August24,2009, a grand military parade was held in Kiev, Ukraine to celebrate the18th anniversary of independence.
2009年8月24日,乌克兰首都基辅举行盛大阅兵式庆祝独立18周年。 kekenet

On May21,2009, a grand military parade was held in Sana, the capital of Yemen, celebrating the19th anniversary of the reunification.
2009年5月21日,也门首都萨那举行隆重的阅兵式庆祝也门统一19周年。 kekenet

On May6,2009, Bulgaria held a grand military parade to mark the section of the country's armed forces.
2009年5月6日,保加利亚举行盛大阅兵仪式,庆祝该国军队节。 kekenet

Every year there is a grand military parade to celebrate the day.
当日是伊朗的建军节,每年的这一天都会举行隆重的阅兵仪式。 kekenet

The French hold military parade on the Champs-Elysees, ballroom dancing and picnics to celebrate.
每年的这一天,香榭丽舍大道上都有盛大的阅兵式,各地都会举办各种舞会和野餐会。 www.chinadaily.com.cn




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