

单词 milieu
释义 mi·lieu 英mɪlˈjʊ, miːˈljɜː美mɪlˈjʊ, miˈljɝAHDmĭl-y‹“, mē-lyœ“ ★☆☆☆☆高GSTCOCA¹⁷⁰⁹⁶BNC²⁰⁹⁰²iWeb²¹⁷²⁴

the environmental condition来自法语milieu。来自mi,中间的,词源同middle, lieu,地方,词源同location, lieutenant。引申词义周围的环境,社会环境。 milieu来自法语milieu。来自mi,中间的,词源同middle, lieu,地方,词源同location, lieutenant。引申词义周围的环境,社会环境。 middle来自古英语middel。来自原始日耳曼语*medjaz。来自原始印欧语*medhyos,中间的,词源同medial, mezzo。可能来自原始印欧语*med,测量,词源同measure, modal, *yos,比较级后缀,现-er原型,即精确测量的,引申词义中间的。 lieu来自古法语lieu,地方,位置。来自拉丁语locus,地方,词源同location。引申词义代替,放置。 location来自locate,定位,定位的地点。 lieutenant来自古法语lieu tenant,替代,副职,lieu,地方,tenant,占用,引申词义代替,副职官员,陆军中尉等。internal milieu内环境milieu therapy环境疗法milieu interne内部环境,内环境…
谐音记忆milieu音“迷离啊”⇒扑朔迷离的社会环境GRE难词记忆milieu 音“迷离啊”→扑朔迷离的社会环境近义词 scene情景locale现场setting背景climate气候location位置ambience气氛ambiance环境habitat栖息地situation形势atmosphere大气background背景environment环境entourage随行人员surroundings周围的事物

用作名词David found it much easier to make friends in his newmilieu.大卫发现在新环境里交朋友简单多了。
Foods usually provide a goodmilieufor the persistence of viruses.食品通常为病毒存续提供了一个良好的栖身所。noun.environment, atmosphere
同义词 ambience,surroundingsbackground,bag,climate,element,locale,location,medium,neighborhood,place,setting,space,sphere,turfambient,mise en scène,nabe
ambiancenoun environment
climatenoun mood of situation
ambience,ambient,atmosphere,disposition,environment,feeling,medium,milieu,mise en scène,mood,surroundings,temper,tendency,trend
elementnoun place where one feels comfortable
environmentnoun surroundings, atmosphere
ambiance,aura,backdrop,background,circumstances,climate,conditions,context,domain,element,encompassment,entourage,habitat,hood,jungle,locale,medium,milieu,mise en scène,neck of the woods,neighborhood,purlieus,scene,scenery,setting,situation,status,stomping ground,surroundings,terrain,territory,turf,zoo
environmentsnoun surroundings, atmosphere
ambiance,auras,backdrops,backgrounds,circumstances,climates,conditions,contexts,domains,elements,encompassments,entourages,habitats,hoods,jungles,locales,media,milieus,neck of the woods,neighborhoods,purlieuses,sceneries,scenes,settings,situations,statuses,stomping grounds,surroundings,terrains,territories,turfs,zoos
localitiesnoun environment
ambiance,areas,auras,backdrops,backgrounds,circumstances,climates,conditions,contexts,domains,elements,encompassments,entourages,environs,habitats,hoods,jungles,locales,locations,media,milieus,neck of the woods,neighborhoods,places,purlieuses,sceneries,scenes,settings,situations,statuses,stomping grounds,surroundings,terrains,territories,turfs,vicinities,zoos All of a sudden you move outside the mainstream milieu.
突然之间,你移出了主流环境。 yeeyan

In a tropical forest, for example, the advantages of insects are great: they provide highly targeted pollen- delivery in a complex milieu.
举例说来,热带森林里,昆虫的优势大:它们在这个综合环境里提供的是高精准度的花粉传送。 yeeyan

In no other milieu do so many people, from such a broad demographic swath, willingly answer so many intimate questions.
没有其它途径有这么多人,在如此宽的人口统计学范畴内,愿意回答这么多私密的问题。 yeeyan

This was the milieu in which Mr. Pang operated, as he bounced from one business to another.
彭日成就是在这样的环境里经营,不停地转换着公司。 iciba

Because it is written with FUSE, it operates outside of the milieu of the kernel and can be extended by any developer.
因为它是用 FUSE编写的,它在内核的环境之外操作,任何开发人员都可以扩展它。 ibm

But the Egypt in which he had grown up, the milieu of the country's multi- ethnic urban elite, was fast disappearing; the summer of1959 was the last Moreno would see of it.
但当初他成长起来的地方——埃及的多民族混合聚居地,如今正在逐渐没落。1959年夏天,将是摩惹诺参观故地的最后机会。 yeeyan

But how does a teacher succeed in “ dismantling” their students' egos in this kind of cultural milieu?
但是在这种文化环境下,一个导师要如何才能成功地「拆解」学生的自我? blog.sina.com.cn

Calculating the fluid dynamics of this unusual milieu is no mean feat.
计算这种不寻常环境的流体动力学无疑是项壮举。 yeeyan

CHARMING in private, awkward in public, scrupulously honest and a bit out of touch, Lech Kaczynski exemplified the strengths and weaknesses of the political milieu from which he came.
莱赫•卡钦斯基私下里充满魅力,大庭广众却举止笨拙,严谨正直,有点儿跟时代脱节,在他身上,体现了他所出身的政治环境的种种优缺点。 ecocn

Cracks can always be found for it to penetrate, levels where it can go on developing, ways in which, even in this suffocating milieu, it can arrange itself into stories.
生活总能够找到一些裂隙去穿透,一些层面去发展,一些即使是在这样令人窒息的环境中,还是能够去形成自己的故事的方式。 yeeyan

Gingerbread houses are adaptations of French and Victorian architectural styles to Haiti's Caribbean milieu.
姜饼屋融合了法兰西风格和维多利亚建筑风格与海地加勒比海环境相映成彰。 yeeyan

Ideas and concepts, even paradigms, come to fruition because of their social and historical milieu, as Merton and others have so aptly shown.
思想和观念,甚至范式因其社会和历史环境而成熟,正如默顿以及其他人适当表明的一样。 yeeyan

In a milieu of unhealthy relationships, some question whether the government has the resolve to police the scientific community strictly.
在不健康的关系网环境中,有些人对于政府是否应当担当警察严格监督科学界很有疑问。 blog.sina.com.cn

Likewise, the various microbial pathogens that invade our bodies and cause infectious disease interact with this complex3-D tissue milieu.
与之相似的是,侵入我们身体并引发传染病的各类病原微生物也是同这个复杂的三维组织环境发生作用的。 yeeyan

Most of what we call apocalypses comes from either an ancient Jewish or ancient Christian milieu.

Procrastinators are made not born. Procrastination is learned in the family milieu, but not directly.
拖拉症并非是先天的,而是间接从家庭环境中学来的。 yeeyan

The shock and awe which I felt while reading entire sections of Blood Meridian fit entirely into the milieu of my home life with the arrival of our squalling, sleepless baby boy.
我读完《血色子午线》所感到的那种震撼和惊惧,完全适合于我对我们那号啕不眠的男婴来临后的家庭环境的感觉。 yeeyan

To be sure, obesity is genetic and many times the social milieu of obese patients I work with is chaotic with issues of abuse, abandonment, shame, ridicule, and anger.
可以肯定的是,肥胖是遗传的,而且很多时候,我工作中遇到的肥胖病人的社会环境是一片混乱,充斥着虐待、遗弃、羞辱、奚落和愤怒。 yeeyan

Whatever the source, a rich milieu ended up in Cabeus, a small crater in permanent shadow on the moon's south pole.
无论一个丰富的环境,最终在 Cabeus、小陨石坑在永恒的影子在月球南极。 yeeyan

Within this milieu of vibrant working- class militancy, at a time when Chinese capital has been significantly strengthened, new workers' organisations both economic and political can be established.
在中国政权巩固坚定时,这个精神饱满、充满活动的工人阶级团体将会使国家的政权和经济发展迎来前所未有的光明前景。 yeeyan




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