释义 |
Milazzo miˈlɑːzoʊ Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本例句 n.米拉佐在意大利;东经 15º15' 北纬 38º14' Come out of the station onto Via Marsala, and turn left into ViaMilazzo.如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。 From Catania you can take the bus toMilazzoport, which takes approximately 90 minutes.取消政策:如果在入住日7天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。 -Turn right and then take the first left which is ViaMilazzo.从酒店搭乘地铁只需3站就能抵达罗马竞技场。 Augusta , Bagnoli, Bari, Brindisi, Gela, Genoa, La Spezia, Livorno,Milazzo, Naples, Porto Foxi, Porto Torres , Salerno, Savona, Taranto, Trieste, Venice (2001主要港口有热那亚、那不勒斯、威尼斯、的里雅斯特、塔兰托、里窝那、锡拉库扎等。 |