

单词 Milanese
释义 Mil·a·nese 英,milə'ni:z美,milə'ni:z 高iWeb⁴¹⁵⁸⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a native or inhabitant of Milan
of or relating to or characteristic of Milan or its peopleMilan-不|无-ese⇒n.米兰人adj.米兰的³⁶
用作名词Our products meet the demands of the fastidiousMilanese.我们的产品满足了挑剔的米兰人的需求。
Even if the Sicilians successfully start to expand up the peninsula, they will soon have to deal with theMilaneseand the Venetians.即使西西里人成功在半岛上扩张,他们也很快就必需要应付米兰人与威尼斯人。用作形容词What happened to theMilaneseLeonardo?在了米兰的达芬奇身上到底发生了什么事情?
Against Inter it's the match against the greatMilaneserivals, facing the Nerazzurri will be an important exam also for us.和国际米兰的比赛是与米兰最大的对手较量,对我们来说这是一场重要的测试。 The sitter's costume and elaborate hairstyle reflect Milanese fashion of the late15th century.
模特的衣服以及竞争的发型反射了15世纪晚期米兰人的时尚。 qeto

The19-year-old would add some much- needed energy and creativity to the Milanese midfield, but a move for the Scandinavian would be costly for the Serie A champions.
他年仅19岁的年龄优势也会为米兰的中场注入足够的活力和创造性,但是斯堪的纳维亚人的转会可能会为意甲冠军 AC米兰带来一定的风险。 yeeyan

What happened to the Milanese Leonardo?
可以米兰的达芬奇呢? cnblogs

Even if the Sicilians successfully start to expand up the peninsula, they will soon have to deal with the Milanese and the Venetians.
即使西西里人成功在半岛上扩张,他们也很快就必需要应付米兰人与威尼斯人。 clanlong

General Manager Antonioli invested in the infrastructure of the garden of the hotel, turning the habit of the Milanese daily Aperitif into a daily event.
总经理安东尼奥利投资了酒店花园的基础设施,让米兰人将餐前开胃酒变成了日间的大事。 yeeyan

Guest B: I don't really like beef, but what is this Milanese Pork?
客人 B:我不太喜欢吃牛肉,但这个米兰猪排是什么呀? jjbftc

His earliest foray into the fashion world was helping introduce Italian consumers to foreign styles when he worked as a purchaser for a leading Milanese department store.
他首次接触时尚界,是为米兰一家著名的百货公司当销售员,向顾客介绍异国的服装风格。 kekenet

I ordered a risotto alla Milanese to start, which was a delicious mix of saffron, creamy rice and beef marrow.
我点了一份米兰藏红花煨饭作为开胃菜,这是一种用藏红花、脂米和牛肉骨髓混合而成的美味佳肴。 dxy

In New York, notes a Milanese insider, you can find many lawyers who think liken the Harvard- educated Mr Rossi.
一位米兰社会观察家的笔记中写道,在纽约市,你可以发现很多像罗西先生这样有哈佛大学教育背景的律师。 ecocn

Kemp considered the title La Bella Milanese, but decided it sounded more like the name of an Italian gastronomic delight than a work of art.
Kemp曾考虑将其命名为《美丽的米兰姑娘》,但又觉得那听起来更像一种意大利美食的名字,而不是艺术作品。 yeeyan

Milan at the time was as big as Florence. How many fifteenth century Milanese artists can you name?
米兰当时和佛罗伦萨一样大,你能说出多少米兰艺术家? cnblogs

Sebregondi brought her idea to Modo& Modo, a small Milanese stationery company.
Sebregondi带着她的这个想法摆放了米兰一家小的文具公司 Modo& Modo。 yeeyan

That is great news for the big manufacturers of the Milanese speciality back in Italy.
对于意大利的大型米兰特色食品制造商来说,那可是个大好的消息。 ecocn

Then I think you can have Noisettes Milanese.
那么我想您可以要米兰瘦肉。 iciba

You can see how powerful cities are from something I wrote about earlier: the case of the Milanese Leonardo.
你可以从我以前写的文章里看到城市是如何有强大的影响力的:比如生活在米兰的达芬奇。 yeeyan




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