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词汇 miguel
释义 miguel
Along with his mother and his younger sister, Don scattered Jim’s ashes at the juncture of the San Miguel and the Dolores Rivers.
唐和母亲还有妹妹一起将吉姆的骨灰撒在了圣米格尔河与多洛雷斯河交汇处。 yeeyan

Early in the month Juan Miguel Gonzlez came to America hoping to take custody of his son, in accordance with a federal court order.
这个月初,胡安·米格尔·冈萨雷斯来到美国,希望根据联邦法院的判决接手对孩子的监护权。 yeeyan

Edward Miguel, professor of economics at UC Berkeley, said: “ When temperatures rise, the livelihoods of many in Africa suffer greatly, and the disadvantaged become more likely to take up arms.”
加州大学伯克利分校经济学教授爱德华·米格尔说:“气温升高后,非洲许多人的生活将受到极大的冲击,处境差的人更可能拿起武器。” yeeyan

Juan Miguel and Elin Gonzlez remained in the United States a few more weeks, until the Supreme Court finally upheld the lower courts custody order.
胡安·米格尔和埃连·冈萨雷斯在美国又待了几个星期,直到最高法院最终同意初级法院的监护权判定。 yeeyan

THE drugs business, as Miguel tells it, used to offer a promising career for a young man.
毒品交易可以为年轻人提供前途无量的工作——一代毒枭米格尔如是说。 ecocn

The Mexican government's chief epidemiologist, Miguel Angel Lezana, told foreign correspondents no link has been found between these cases, but that possible transmission lines are being studied.
墨西哥政府的首席流行病学专家米格尔·安赫尔·莱萨纳告诉外国记者,尚未发现这些病例之间有何联系,但他们正在研究可能的传播路线。 yeeyan

The San Miguel prison was in similarly poor shape.
圣米格尔监狱也同样处境堪忧。 ecocn

The scale of the opportunity is “ extraordinary”, says Spain’s industry minister, Miguel Sebastian.
西班牙工业部长米格尔•塞巴斯蒂安宣传机遇的尺度的非同凡响的。 ecocn

“ Such women often do not have the time or energy to seek out long-term companions, ” explains another paid companion, Miguel Rivas.
“这些女性经常没有时间或者精力去寻找长期的伴侣,”另一个陪侍 Miguel Rivas解释到。 yeeyan

“ In its social and political side, the values of liberalism are better represented by the PSOE than the PP,” Mr Zapatero's chief economic adviser, Miguel Sebastián, declared in a recent speech.
“在社会和政治事务方面,工人社会党比起人民党更能代表自由主义的价值观,”萨帕特罗的首席经济顾问,米盖尔·赛巴斯蒂安 Miguel Sebastián,在最近的一次演说中这样说到。 ecocn

“ The law establishes vague, generic crimes, which is very dangerous,” in the view of Rocío San Miguel of Citizens' Oversight, an NGO.
非政府组织公民监察Citizens' Oversight的圣米哥Rocío San Miguel表示,“新法以定罪不清,罪行广泛为基础,这是非常危险的”。 ecocn

A man is silhouetted against the outer wall of a church in the colonial town of San Miguel de Allende in central Mexico.
中墨西哥殖民城市圣米格尔阿连德,一名男子的剪影映在一座教堂的外墙上。 yeeyan

Around a dozen rebels at the western gate could be seen wearing new, black body armour supplied by Qatar and made by well-known Colombian manufacturer Miguel Caballero.
在西大门,大约十几名反抗军军人穿着崭新的黑色防护装,这正是由卡塔尔提供的,出自哥伦比亚著名生产商米盖尔·卡巴雷若 Miguel Caballero。 yeeyan

But the neighborhood was also home to undiscovered poets, playwrights, and musicians. These included Miguel Pinero, writer of the award-winning Broadway play “ Short Eyes.”
但是这个社区同时也是那些未被发现的诗人,剧作家,音乐家的家园,包括百老汇获奖作品“ Short Eyes”的作者 Miguel Pinero。 tingvoa

It is now“ pretty certain” that the OAS will vote Honduras back in, says José Miguel Insulza, its secretary-general— perhaps as soon as this week.
现在「非常确定」,美洲国家组织将投票支持宏都拉斯恢复会籍,该组织秘书长 José Miguel Insulza表示——也许就在这个星期。 ecocn

La Mancha’s windmills were famously captured in Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote, when the bumbling knight of the title rushes the windmills, thinking they’re giants.
加那利拉曼查风车是米格尔·塞万提斯的《唐吉柯德》书中著名的俘虏,当时,那位爱管闲事的骑士唐吉柯德认为风车是巨人,因而向它发起冲击。 yeeyan

Most of the victims from the San Miguel fire identified so far were in their twenties and had been sentenced on theft or burglary charges.
大多数圣米格尔监狱火灾遇难者都是二十多岁的年轻人,所犯的罪行大多为偷盗或入室行窃。 ecocn

Rewarding Cuba for releasing prisoners who should never have been locked up in the first place— as Miguel Moratinos, Spain’s recently sacked foreign minister, wanted—would not.
奖励古巴释放犯人,尽管他们一开始就不该被关押。像西班牙最近开除并通缉外交部长 Miguel Moratinos一样,再也不会发生这种事情了。 ecocn

That trip was followed on July6th by a visit from MiguelÁngel Moratinos, Spain’s foreign minister.
这趟旅行之后,紧接著西班牙外交部长 MiguelÁngel Moratinos在七月六日进行访问。 ecocn

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Jose Miguel Insulza, says the U. S. leader will be in great demand.
美洲国家组织秘书长何塞.米格尔.因苏尔萨说,奥巴马总统将成为热门人物。 iciba

The divisions between King Pedro IV and his brother, King Miguel, a conservative, led to the civil war between 1832 and1834 and the signing of the new constitution in 1836.
彼德四世国王和他保守派的兄弟 Miguel国王的分歧导致了1832年到1834年的国内战争,1836年新宪法的设立标志着战争结束。 ebigear

Visitors are greeted by an electronically animated giant baby named Miguel inside the Spain Pavilion.
西班牙馆中一个名为 MIGUEL的巨型电子娃娃正在跟游客打招呼。 yeeyan

We house-sit in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, five or six months a year, taking classes, doing volunteer work, reconnecting with friends.
我们一年中有5、6个月在墨西哥的圣米格尔德阿连德 San Miguel de Allende代人看管房子,上课、做志愿工作、联络旧友。 yeeyan

Miguel’s trafficking career ended in1988, when he was caught.
米格尔的非法交易生涯在1988年划上了句号。 ecocn

Miguel de Senna Fernandes, a lawyer and playwright whose ethnicity — Portuguese and Chinese— is considered fairly pure by Macanese standards.
米格尔·费尔南德斯是一名律师及剧作家——他是一名中葡混血儿——他被认为是一个标准的澳门人。 yeeyan

Miguel is also offering a reflection based design for quick and dirty configuration screens.
Miguel也为快速而简单的配置界面提供了基于反射的方式。 infoq




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