

单词 migratory birds
释义 migratory birds.
Do migratory birds spread highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses?
候鸟是否传播高致病性禽流感病毒? who

In the fall of the year the short days and long nights cause the“ clocks” in migratory birds to undergo a kind of“winding” in preparation for their spring return and breeding.
每年秋季,短暂的白昼和长时间的黑夜令候鸟身体里的“时钟”经历某种转变,为它们春天的返回和繁殖做准备。 hjenglish

The Salyan Rayon is located near wetlands frequented by migratory birds.
萨利亚内区地处经常出现候鸟的湿地附近。 who

Analyses of viruses from the Russian outbreak, recently published on the OIE website, show apparent similarity to viruses isolated from migratory birds during the Qinghai Lake outbreak.
最近在国际兽疫局网站上发表的对来自俄罗斯暴发的病毒分析显示与青海湖暴发期间从候鸟中分离的病毒有明显的相似性。 who

Apart from aesthetics, the threat to migratory birds is the most frequently cited argument against wind farms.
除了美学角度的争议,反对建造风电厂最常引用的论据便是:风电厂对候鸟造成威胁。 ecocn

As the season changes, migratory birds begin to arrive at the coastal wetland.
随着季节的变化,候鸟开始陆续到达沿海的湿地。 yeeyan

Can migratory birds carry H5N1 over long distances?
候鸟会长距离携带 H5N1型禽流感病毒吗? yeeyan

Deaths in migratory birds, infected with the virus, have also been reported.
还报告了受该病毒感染的候鸟的死亡。 who

Experts are debating the extent to which migratory birds are responsible for the spread of H5N1 from one region to another.
对于禽流感在不同地区之间的传播候鸟所应该承担的责任,专家之间存在着争议。 yeeyan

In October, Columbus also hosts thousands of migratory birds at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center.
十月,哥伦布市在格兰奇保险奥杜邦中心迎接成千上万的候鸟。 yeeyan

On their long journeys, migratory birds may also accidentally ingest pesticides or even poisons that were left specifically for them.
在它们漫长的路途中,候鸟们也可能意外地吞下杀虫剂或甚至是专为它们设下的毒药。 ufochn.com

Recent events make it likely that some migratory birds are now implicated in the direct spread of the H5N1 virus in its highly pathogenic form.
最近的事件表明一些候鸟有可能涉及直接传播高致病型 H5N1型病毒。 who

Researchers have focused on how warming trends in temperate breeding areas disrupt the sensitive ecology of migratory birds.
此前,已有调查人员把重点放在了“暖动向”在影响温带繁殖区怎样影响候鸟敏感生境的。 blog.sina.com.cn

SIXTEEN million migratory birds fly to Britain every year from sub- Saharan Africa in a flurry of wing beats that herald the spring.
每年有50多种、1600万候鸟从非洲萨哈拉南部启程,挥动着翅膀、势如疾风来到英国,预示着春天到了。 topsage

The outbreak in Igdir and other suspected outbreaks in this part of the country are thought to have occurred following introduction of the virus by migratory birds.
在伊迪尔的暴发以及在该国这一地区的其它疑似暴发被认为是在候鸟将该病毒传入之后发生的。 who

They insist the lake will attract migratory birds, stimulate biodiversity and make flowers and plants bloom in a country that is80% desert.
他们坚持认为,这个人工湖将能吸引各类候鸟,促进生物多样化,并且使这个80%的土地为沙漠的国家花卉盛开、绿意盎然。 yeeyan

Migratory birds, for example, often become disoriented by fog or storms, causing them to run into towers, bridges, wind turbines and trees.
例如候鸟常常由于大雾或者风暴而迷失方向,导致它们撞向高塔、桥梁、风轮机和树木。 ufochn.com

Migratory birds can carry these viruses, in their low pathogenic form, over long distances, but do not usually develop signs of illness and only rarely die of the disease.
候鸟可以低致病性方式远距离携带这些病毒,但通常不显示疾病体征并且很少死于该病。 who




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