

单词 might've
释义 might've 'maɪtv ☆☆☆☆☆高IMDB³⁶³²
Speculation and rumors have been flying, from titanium teeth to canine parachute jumps to just how a dog might've brought down bin Laden.
从它们装备有钛牙、配备有犬用降落伞,以及这只狗如何将突击队员引向本拉登等等,应有尽有,不一而足。 yeeyan

“ Okay! And now, we shall set off!” I said as we started walking towards the places the donkeys might've set off.
“好吧,那我们现在就出发!”说着我们开始向那些驴子消失的地方走去。 yeeyan

I think you might've pushed him too far this time.
我想这次你是真的把他逼急了。 blog.sina.com.cn

I wasn't sure, and tried to retrace the evening backwards, but she might've excused herself to the bathroom and smoked some pot in there.
我不太确定,想去回想下那个晚上,但她以回盥洗室熏制壶为由走开了。 yeeyan

I might've said something to encourage him.
我应该说什么去鼓励他。 blog.sina.com.cn

If he'd focused his life on keeping his nose and hair, and maybe not sparking two Wizarding Wars, he might've been happier.
如果他能将精力花费在保住他的鼻子和头发上,而非发动两场巫师界的战争,那么他或许会幸福的多。 yeeyan

My home town might've held 2,000 residents.
我的家乡有2000居民。 yeeyan

Never mind. Doesn't matter. Might've let your best friend know, though.
算了,反正也无所谓,不过应该告诉你最好的朋友吧。 blog.sina.com.cn

Solicit advice from your boss and trusted associates to help you analyze what went wrong and how you might've avoided the error entirely.
请求你的上司和你信任的同事帮忙分析事情错在哪里,你以后该如何避免再犯这些错误。 iciba




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