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MIGACOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺⁶ 基本例句 n.多国投资保证机构¹⁰⁰ And MIGA also stands ready to mitigate the risks that typically affect infrastructure investments. 此外,多边投资担保机构也已为缓解尤其会影响基础设施投资的风险做好了准备。 worldbank “ MIGA has a key role to play in helping to jumpstart paralyzed financial sectors in this manner and disseminate best practices to ensure well- functioning private sectors,” explained Bond. “在帮助通过这种方式迅速启动受重创的金融部门以及传播最佳做法以确保私营部门有效运作等方面,多边投资担保机构也可以发挥关键作用,”邦德解释说。 worldbank By fronting transactions, MIGA provides access to insurance capacity that otherwise would not have been available to clients and host countries. 通过提前进行交易,多边投资担保机构向世行借款客户和借款国提供保险服务,而不这样做,则得不到此类服务。 worldbank In order to maximize the insurance capacity that MIGA can bring to a project, the agency also works closely with its private and public sector reinsurance partners. 为了最大限度提升多边投资担保机构为项目提供保险的能力,该机构也与其公共和私营部门再保险合作伙伴开展密切合作。 worldbank In this environment, we continued to focus on meeting client needs and achieving strong development impact and worked hard to position MIGA for the future and recovery in the market. 在这种环境中,我们继续着眼于满足客户需要,争取实现强大的发展效应,努力将 MIGA定位于市场的未来与复苏。 worldbank Indeed MIGA has acted quickly to help countries caught up in the crisis. 确实,多边投资担保机构在向深陷这场危机的国家提供帮助方面采取了迅速行动。 worldbank James Bond of MIGA, the arm of the World Bank that provides political risk insurance in developing countries, saw investor and institutional confidence fall to a low ebb by the end of September. 多边投资担保机构工作人员 James Bond认为投资者和机构信心到去年9月底已降至新低。多边投资担保机构是世行向发展中国家提供整治风险保险的下属机构。 worldbank Last but not least, our Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency MIGA provides political risk insurance to investors and supports developmentally sound investments. 最后但并非最不重要的是,我们的多边投资担保机构 MIGA为投资者提供政治风险担保,支持有利于发展的投资项目。 worldbank Other tools include funds to boost trade, safety nets, and infrastructure development, and providing political risk insurance to banks MIGA. 其他举措包括建立基金来促进贸易、加强保障网络和加大基础设施力度、向银行提供政治风险保险多边投资担保机构等。 worldbank Private insurers, national export- credit agencies and multilateral bodies like MIGA offer businesses cover against political shocks. 私营保险公司,国家出口信用机构以像 MIGA一样的多边机构都为企业提供应对政治风险的保障。 ecocn The new Access to Information Policy applies to IBRD and IDA. IFC and MIGA have their own disclosure policies. 新的信息获取政策适用于国际复兴开发银行和国际开发协会,国际金融公司和多边投资担保机构有其自身的信息披露政策。 worldbank The third part presents a comparative research on subrogation modes of overseas investment insurance of the United States, Germany, Japan and MIGA. 第三部分是对美、德、日和 MIGA的海外投资保险代位求偿模式的比较研究。 fabiao The World Bank Group is also seeking to combine the tools of the whole World Bank Group, including IFC and MIGA, for innovative financing solutions to expensive infrastructure investment. 世行集团还希望将世界银行集团的各种工具相结合,其中包括国际金融公司 IFC和多边投资担保机构 MIGA,创造新的融资方案来满足大量的基础设施投资需求。 worldbank MIGA is committed to strengthening its role of providing support to emerging and transition economies battered by the global financial crisis. 在向受全球金融危机困扰的新兴和转型经济体提供支持方面,多边投资担保机构致力于强化其作用。 worldbank MIGA’s guarantees act as a catalyst to restore market confidence for investors. 在为投资者恢复市场信心方面,多边投资担保机构的担保业务可发挥催化剂作用。 worldbank MIGA can offer political risk insurance. 多边投资担保机构可以提供政治风险担保。 worldbank MIGA is also looking at new ways to deliver other creative solutions to meet investors' risk financing needs, especially in the wake of the financial crisis. 与此同时,多边投资担保机构也在寻找创新方法,创造性地通过其他手段来满足投资者的风险融资需求,在深陷金融危机之际尤为如此。 worldbank MIGA is uniquely positioned to address the challenge of getting FDI into developing countries. MIGA在应对将外国直接投资引入发展中国家的挑战中处于独特的地位。 worldbank MIGA partners with local information providers such as investment promotion and privatization agencies and business information providers to keep website content fresh and accurate, says MIGA. MIGA说, MIGA与当地信息提供者如投资促进和私有化机构以及商业信息提供者结成合作伙伴关系,以保持网站内容的及时性与准确性。 worldbank MIGA's portfolio of water projects is fairly limited, due to the relatively recent interest demonstrated by private operators in the sector. 因为近期私有营运人对水资源项目所表现出的兴趣有限, MIGA的水资源类项目非常少。 blog.sina.com.cn MIGA's planned support to such projects in Ukraine and Russia is expected to bolster confidence in the financial system in these countries. 多边投资担保机构计划在乌克兰和俄罗斯支持的此类项目预计将会提高这些国家金融系统的信心。 worldbank |