

单词 middletown
释义 Mid·dle·town 英ˈmɪdlˌtaʊn美ˈmɪdļˌtaʊnAHDmĭdʹl-toun' COCA³⁴³⁰⁸BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
At Middlesex Hospital in Middletown, Peg Arico, a spokeswoman, said26 people were brought from the site for treatment.
中部城米德塞斯医院的女发言人,派格·阿瑞可,介绍说目前已有26人入院接受治疗。 yeeyan

So Ruth Trimble basks in the warmth coming off her gas boiler, which a couple of years ago replaced the oil heat system in her mid-century home in Middletown, Pennsylvania.
几年前,住在宾夕法尼亚州米德尔敦的 Ruth Trimble换掉了她中世纪风格的家里的燃油取暖设备,而改用煤气锅炉来取暖。 yeeyan

A Maryland exterminator killed six snakes that were captured in Dressner's Middletown apartment.
马里兰州灭虫人员在格拉迪斯女士的公寓里又找到六只蛇,然后把它们消灭了。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

As he tried to calm the frayed nerves of Middletown citizens, Reid also had to take measures to make sure no one took advantage of the disruption.
当他尝试让已经极度紧张的中心城镇居民平静时,里德同时必须设法保证没有人趁这个混乱的时期出来捣乱. yeeyan

Fire and rescue teams from Middletown, Durham, Portland, Cromwell and other towns converged as crews fought the blaze into the afternoon.
消防和救援队伍来自中部城,达勒姆,波特兰,卡姆威尔,以及其他城市,队伍汇集在一起救援了整个下午。 yeeyan

He was interested in the lives and well-being of the people of Middletown.
他对中心镇居民的生活和幸福感很热心。 yeeyan

Like many workers, Ivelisse Rivera, a physician at Community Health Center, Middletown, Conn. , feels stressed- out by mounting workloads.
像很多上班族一样,康涅狄格州 Middletown市社区卫生中心的医生里韦拉 Ivelisse Rivera被越来越多的工作压得喘不过气来。3us.enghunan.gov.cn

Orlando is appealing the decision, and Middletown, Connecticut, is in the midst of a crackdown.
奥兰多市正在申诉,而康涅狄格州米德尔敦正处于镇压之中。 yeeyan

Police served two search warrants on Mr. Clark Tuesday night: one to obtain evidence from his apartment in Middletown, Conn., and one for his DNA.
警方周二晚间向克拉克出示了两份搜查令,一份是从他的公寓获取证物,另一份用于提取他的 DNA样本。 iciba

Since sociologists Robert and Helen Lynd rechristened it “ Middletown” in a famous study in1929, Muncie has been regarded as representative of the American experience.
自从1929年,罗伯特.林德和海伦.林德夫妇在其著名的研究中对“理想的中产阶级城市”重新作出定义后,芒西就一直视为美国经历的代表。 ecocn

The excerpts of the talk released by the prosecutor show why Weinstein was a beloved figure at Thorne Middle School in Middletown, where she was a special-education teacher.
检查官发表的那部分谈话的节录表明为什么温斯坦在米道镇桑恩中学是一位受人爱戴的人。 hjenglish

These expressions of digital grief put me closer to Middletown than I would have ever imagined.
这些悲伤的表情在卫斯里大学比我所想象的多得多。 dltcedu

Three nights a week he would ride along in the patrol car of a policeman friend, Earl Anderson, making his presence known on Middletown's streets.
每星期有三晚他会坐着他的警察朋友俄尔.安德森的巡逻车现身中心镇大小街道上。 yeeyan

While the number of casualties was uncertain, hospitals in Middletown, Hartford and New Haven reported receiving more than two dozen injured people.
目前的伤亡人数还没有最终确定,在中部城,哈特福德,纽海文的医院报告已经接收二十多名受伤人员。 yeeyan

Middletown, Pennsylvania, Mayor Robert Reid later spoke of Carter's visit as providing a much- needed morale boost.
而后,宾州米德尔顿市市长罗伯特·里德发言称,卡特的造访非常及时地振奋了士气。 yeeyan

MIDDLETOWN— Christopher Pearce’s freshman English class is a little unusual, from a traditional education standpoint.
米德尔敦报道: Christopher Pearce本学期给新生上的第一节英语课与我们传统的教学方式有一点不同。 yeeyan




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