

单词 middle-tier
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The database administrator is able to monitor which end- users are allowed to access the database server through specific middle-tier applications.
数据库管理员可以监控哪些终端用户被允许通过中间层应用程序访问数据库服务器。 ibm

The database administrator is able to audit actions of the middle-tier application acting on behalf of a given set of users.
数据库管理员可以对中间层应用程序代表给定一组用户执行的动作进行审计。 ibm

Developers use the same tools for developing and debugging database objects and scripts as they use to write middle-tier or client- tier.
开发人员在开发和调试数据库对象和脚本时所使用的工具与他们编写中间层或客户端层的 。

For those students who think they can bank on getting into a middle-tier school, think again.
对于那些认为可以把中等学校作为保底的学生们,再想一想吧。 yeeyan

If that middle-tier authorization ID is ever compromised, then all those resources are exposed.
如果中间层授权 ID被泄漏,那么所有那些资源都将被暴露。 ibm

Many middle-tier servers do not have the user's authentication credentials needed to establish a connection.
很多中间层服务器并没有建立一个连接所需的用户的身份验证凭证。 ibm

Proxy authentication and authorization: The middle-tier server performs authentication.
代理身份验证和授权:中间层服务器执行身份验证。 ibm

Runtime patterns represent the major middle-tier nodes, their roles, and the interfaces between them.
运行时模式代表了主要的中间层节点、它们的角色以及它们之间的接口。 ibm

The client tier is typically a person using a Web browser to“ talk” to the middle-tier.
而客户层通常是使用 Web浏览器与中间层“交谈”的人。 ibm

The properties are pertinent because it is a middle-tier business object definition.
这些属性为关联属性,因为此类定义为中间层业务对象定义。 microsoft

The middle-tier establishes a trusted connection and has the ability to switch end- users through the trusted context.
中间层只需建立一个受信任连接,就可以获得通过受信任上下文切换终端用户的能力。 ibm

Therefore, it is recommended that Windows2003 be used for all Document Manager middle-tier servers.
因此,建议对于所有 Document Manager中间层服务器使用 Windows2003。 ibm

This article is written for administrators of Document Manager middle-tier servers.
本文是为 Document Manager中间层服务器的管理员编写的。 ibm

Use of these features is strongly recommended for all Document Manager middle-tier servers.
强烈建议对所有 Document Manager中间层服务器使用这些特性。 ibm

Using the analogy of heart bypass surgery might be appropriate because the BPM approach extends core applications with a process and service middle-tier.
使用心脏旁路手术对此进行类比可能比较合适,因为 BPM方法使用了由流程和服务组成的中间层来扩展核心应用程序。 ibm

With a fatter stack of applications to choose from, middle-tier schools could shock prospective students with rejection letters they didn't expect.
由于拥有更多选择,中等学校可能会用他们从未想过的拒信来让那些申请者们吃惊。 yeeyan




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