

单词 mid-50s
释义 mid-50sCOCA⁶⁵⁹²³BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb³⁹⁹³⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
It is not until mid-50s of the twentieth century that the Soviet Union and other countries began publishing some academicwrtings such as Urbiculture.
二十世纪中叶,苏联等国才开始出版《城市文化》这一类的专著,理论体系尚未完整。 cnki

Ramajit Raghav, a farm laborer from Kharkhoda, said his wife, Shakuntala, who is in her mid-50s, recently gave birth to a son at Kharkhoda Civil Hospital.
老人名叫拉加夫,是一名农地雇佣工,他说他50多岁的妻子夏琨塔拉最近在卡尔克柯达镇公立医院生下一子。 www.china.org.cn

A mid-50s Californian surfer with chemically recalibrated brain insisting that7ft aliens had been discovered in sarcophagi beneath Mayan pyramids.
一位用化学药物治疗脑病的50多岁的加州冲浪者坚持认为,在玛雅金字塔的石棺下面发现了7英尺高的外星人。 yeeyan

Eliza Bussey, a journalist in her mid-50s who now studies harp at the Peabody conservatory in Baltimore, could not read a note of music a few years ago.
艾丽兹 布赛是一名五十多岁的记者,她现在于巴尔的摩市的皮博特音乐学院学习竖琴,几年前她连一个音符都看不懂。 yeeyan

It can extract more than 60% of the energy from the natural gas it burns; earlier generations seldom got above the mid-50s.
它可以有效汲取天然气燃烧热量的60%,而上几代产品能够达到55%左右的都很少。 ecocn

Stone and his colleagues found that stress peaked in those between the ages of22 to25 and decreased drastically after the mid-50s.
斯通和他的同事们发现,压力感在22岁到25岁达到高峰,而在55岁左右迅速下降。 yeeyan

Too many state workers can retire in their mid-50s on close to full pay.
太多政府职员可以在55岁左右拿着接近全额工资的退休金退休。 ecocn




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