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释义 AREVACOCA¹⁴⁷⁴⁸³
阿雷瓦; n².;阿海珐⁹⁴
For its part, Areva blames poor Franco- German diplomatic relations for Siemens’s exit.
阿海珐也把西门子的退出部分归咎于冷淡的法德外交关系。 ecocn

For the time being Siemens and Areva will still be bound together in one way at least.
目前,西门子和阿海珐将至少会以一种形式结合在一起。 ecocn

In2009 Siemens, a German engineering firm, unexpectedly pulled out of a joint venture with Areva.
2009年德国西门子能源公司出乎意料地退出一项与阿海珐集团的联合投资。 ecocn

Ms Lauvergeon has managed to run Areva in a remarkably autonomous fashion over the past few years, insiders say.
内部人员说:在过去这几年,她成功地以高度自治的方式运营阿海珐。 ecocn

Nicolas Sarkozy, the president of France, wants to create a national nuclear- energy champion, and Alstom, a French engineering company, has been lobbying hard for a merger with Areva.
法国总统尼古拉斯•萨科奇希望创建一家顶级的核能企业。法国的一家工程公司阿尔斯通也一直在竭力游说,希望能与阿海珐合并。 ecocn

Paradoxically some of Ms Lauvergeon’s headaches may stem from her success in consolidating her power at Areva.
荒诞的是,另她头疼的一些问题也许源于她在阿海珐成功加强了她的权利。 ecocn

COGEMA became Areva after a merger with Framatome, a maker of nuclear reactors, in 2001.
2001年,高杰马和核反应堆制造公司法马通合并成为阿海珐集团。 ecocn

Even after Fukushima, indeed, Areva still urgently needs to bring down the cost of its EPR, argues a Paris-based adviser to the industry.
一位来自巴黎的核工业顾问认为,即使是在福岛事件之后,阿海珐还是迫切需要降低其 EPR反应堆的成本。 ecocn

For Areva, that would mean jeopardising its relationship with its other customers, such as Germany’s E.ON, which compete with EDF.
然而对于阿海珐集团而言,这意味着将会危及它与其余客户的关系,比如说法国电力公司的竞争对手德国意昂集团 E.O N。 ecocn

Meanwhile, Areva, a French nuclear company, is engineering ever more powerful plants.
同时,法国的核能公司阿海珐也在设计更强大的电站。 ecocn

Ms Lauvergeon opposes a sale, arguing that the division helps Areva sell nuclear reactors. Instead she hopes that Areva will be allowed to launch a share offering.
她反对这项举措,为部门帮助阿海珐销售核反应堆而据理力争,相反她希望阿海珐能获准推行股票。 ecocn

Nevertheless, the decision came as a shock to Areva.
然而这一决定却令阿海珐公司震惊不已。 ecocn

She badly wanted to stay on at Areva, a company she helped to create in2001.
她非常渴望待在阿海珐集团,她在2001年协助创立了该公司。 ecocn

The proposed plant will be built by the French company Areva.
被提议的核电站将由法国公司阿海珐建立。 yeeyan

There is a small chance that Siemens will get its way after all—its decision will not be final until Areva buys back its shares— but that is unlikely, says an insider.
但是西门子公司能够如愿以偿的几率不大——直到阿海珐购回其股份,这一决定才会最终定夺——但一名内部人士说这是不可能的。 ecocn

Until this week Areva NP was an example of a successful partnership between French and German companies in a promising industry.
直到本周,阿海珐核电公司仍是法德两国在这一前景光明的领域成功合作的一个典范。 ecocn

Walking away from Areva NP means turning its back on a big chunk of its former assets.
离开阿海珐就意味着要放弃自己先前的一大笔资产。 ecocn

With a new, possibly less combative chief executive, some fear that Areva’s independence may be compromised.
随着可能是缺乏进取心的新任总裁的到来,有人担忧阿海珐集团的独立地位可能会被出卖。 ecocn

Women run many of the world’s great companies, from PepsiCo in America to Areva in France.

Areva and Mitsubishi are hoping their alliance will help to reduce development costs and are understood to be planning to target orders in the US and China.

Areva is currently building four EPR reactors, two in China and two in Europe.
阿海珐目前在建的有四个进化动力反应堆,两个在中国,两个在欧洲。 yeeyan

Areva is now the only company to supply all stages of the nuclear-energy cycle, and it has expanded into America, Britain, China and elsewhere.
如今阿海珐是唯一一家能提供核能循环所有步骤的公司,并扩展到了美国、英国、中国和其他国家。 ecocn

Areva may succeed only in winning a higher share of a shrunken market for reactors, as governments delay or stop new- build programmes.
随着政府推迟或停止新的建造计划,阿海珐可能只是在不断缩小的反应堆市场中获得较大份额方面取得成功。 ecocn

Areva said this month that it expects to sign a big contract this year to supply reactors to India.
阿海珐在这个月表示,将在今年签订一份重要合同,为印度建造核反应堆。 ecocn

Areva's political problems pale next to those of E.ON, a German electricity giant.
阿海珐的政治问题还没有德国电力巨头 E.O N那样严重。 ecocn




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