

单词 microsystem
释义 microsystem 英'maikrəu,sistəm美'maikrəu,sistəm 高COCA¹⁴⁵⁹³⁸BNC⁶⁷⁵⁶⁷
A high precision scanning and control system is an important part in modern scanning microsystem, which affects the quality of sample imaging for scanning microscope.
高精度扫描控制系统是现代扫描显微系统的重要组成部分,它影响着扫描显微镜对样品的扫描成像质量。 opticsjournal

The development trend is with microsystem for lie detection.
在此基础上,测谎系统微型化是必然发展趋势。 cnki

The microsystem, which has the ability of both picking up, managing and executing of information, is based on micron scale theory, manufactured with the technique of IC and3D processing.
它以微米尺度理论为基础,用批量化的微电子技术和三维加工技术制造,用以完成信息获取、处理及执行的功能。 cnki

Microsystem or micro electromechanical systemMEMS is briefly introduced.
本文简要介绍微系统的涵义、发展和主要特点。 chemyq

An Analog Hardware Description Language AHDL model of the membrane was developed to enable the simulations of the complete microsystem.
一个模拟硬件描述语言 AHDL模型膜发展使模拟系统完整化。 queshao

As a language carrier, Chinese characters are known as the microsystem of Chinese culture.
作为语言载体的方块汉字被誉为是中国文化的缩微系统。 cnki

As the Three Gorges reservoir area environmental monitoring terminal Microsystems, the system plays a decisive role for the Environmental Monitoring Microsystem.
该系统作为三峡库区环境监测微系统的终端,对整个环境监测微系统有着重大意义。 fabiao

Ferromagnetic amorphous ribbon is a novel material used in the magnetic fluxgate sensor microsystem. Its mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties are critical to the properties of the sensor.
非结晶铁磁合金薄带是一种用于磁传感器微系统中的新型材料,其电、磁及机械性能对磁传感器的性能有着极大的影响。 chemyq

Implication of the Microsystem, the main technologies, history of development, current status and development perspectives are briefly presented.
简要介绍微系统的含义,主要工艺、发展历史、现状和发展前景。 dictall

In this paper, a portable microsystem with thin film biosensors for multichannel biochemical measurement is reported.
本文介绍了用于检测多种生化参数的手持式多通道微系统的研制过程。 iciba

Some concepts used in development of RF- IC intelligent microsystem with a single chip microcomputer, such as RF- IC cards, the working states and reading components of them, etc. , are first described.
详细介绍了关于射频 IC卡智能系统开发的基本概念,例如射频 IC卡以及它的工作状态、相应的读卡器等。 cnki

The second part is the research on the relationship between the internet usage and self identity and microsystem.
第二部分是大学生上网行为与自我认同及微系统之间关系的研究。 fabiao

The thesis mainly discussed the realization with software and hardware of the seismic signals detecting and target identifying microsystem.
本文重点讨论了小型便携式地震动目标探测识别系统的软、硬件实现。 fabiao

Then we developed the “Component-Based Software Development Kits” CBSDK, under the architecture of J2EE which made by SUN Microsystem, Inc, including software development thoughts- RUP.
然后结合 RUP的软件开发思想,在 SUN公司 J2EE架构下,研制开发了基于构件开发的工具包 CBSDK系统。 cnki




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