

单词 micromachining
释义 micromachining 英maɪkrəʊmə'ʃiːnɪŋ美'maɪkroʊməˌʃɪnɪŋ COCA¹⁷²¹⁴⁵
And we design the Al structure used for heat dispersion in order to achieve high sensitivity without micromachining, then the resolution of the wind sensor could be optimized.
在设计中对于热场的分析主要从灵敏度的角度进行了考虑,设计出了散热铝条的结构,使得在不通过微加工即可得到比较大的灵敏度,从而提高了传感器的分辨率。 cnki

The measuring results of the above sensors indicate that the micromachining is very important to improve their performances.
传感器性能的测试结果表明了微机械加工对提高传感器性能的重要性。 chemyq

The pixel thermal-isolate structure design and the device micromachining processes are the core issues of the resistor array DIRSP devices.
阵列单元的绝热结构设计以及器件的微细加工工艺是研制电阻阵列红外场景产生器的核心问题。 fabiao

A new test structure for measuring thermal conductivity of polysilicon thin films by using surface micromachining process is proposed. The measuring method and thermal modeling are given.
提出了一种使用表面加工工艺设计多晶硅薄膜热导率的测试结构,论文推导了热学模型,给出了测试方法。 cnki

A new type of bulk acoustic waveBAW composite resonator with micromachining structure is reported in this paper.
本文报道了一种具有表面微机械结构的新型体声波复合谐振器。 cnki

A novel electrostatic actuated deformable mirror with continuous facet is designed and fabricated by using silicon bulk micromachining technology.
基于体硅微加工技术设计并制作了一种新型的采用静电驱动的连续面型可变形反射镜。 cnki

Based on the detailed analysis of MEMS surface micromachining process, the data model of surface micromachining process was built by the process oriented method.
首先对 MEMS表面加工工艺进行了详细的分析,采用面向过程的方法建立了表面工艺过程的统一模型。 cnki

Compared with bulk micromachining, the surface micromachining has the advantages of low manufacturing cost and easy integration with CMOS circuits.
在加工工艺方面,与体微机械加工相比表面微机械加工具有工艺简单,容易与 CMOS电路集成等优点。 cnki

Compared with bulk micromachining and surface micromachining, the advantages of porous silicon technology are presented in detail.
与体微机械和表面微机械加工技术相比,多孔硅技术的优势被详细阐述; cnki

Four fundamental manufacturing technologies namely bulk micromachining, surface micromachining, moulding and wafer bonding are introduced for Micro Electro Mechanical SystemMEMS.
介绍了微电子机械系统的四种基本制作技术,即本体微机械加工、表面微机械加工、铸模工艺和晶片键合工艺。 iciba

In the area of manufacturing, lasers are used for drilling, cutting, joining, hardening, surface modification and micromachining.
在生产领域,激光可以用来钻孔、切割、连接、硬化以及进行表面改性和微加工。 blog.sina.com.cn

In this paper, according to the characteristics of electrochemical micromachiningEMM, the impact factors of micro- hole array machining precision are analyzed.
从电解加工的特点出发,对影响微细阵列孔加工精度的因素进行了分析。 dictall

In this paper, a sets of experiments are carried out on the difficult-to-machine—nickel base superalloys based on the principle of electrochemical micromachining with nanosecond pulse current.
基于纳秒脉冲微细电解加工原理,在难加工材料——镍基高温合金上进行了一系列微细电解加工工艺试验。 dictall

Micro- vibration sensors fabricated by bulk silicon process have the advantage of high sensitivity and low noise compared with the surface micromachining.
体硅工艺微振动传感器与表面工艺微振动传感器相比,具有灵敏度高、噪声低等优点。 cnki

Porous silicon used as a sacrificial layer has some important applications in surface micromachining technology.
多孔硅作为一种牺牲层材料,在表面硅微机械加工技术中有着重要的应用。 cnki

The characteristics and requests of micromachining for silicon based sensors are introduced. The conventional methods of si substrate microfabrication are briefly described.
叙述了硅基传感器微机械加工的特点和要求,简要说明了硅衬底微细加工的常用方法。 cnki

The design and fabrication of a novel deformable mirror based on silicon micromachining technology was presented in this paper.
给出基于硅微加工技术的一种新型可变形反射镜的设计和加工方法。 dictall

This paper examines the possibility and necessity of using micromachining technology for sensor manufacturing.
讨论利用微机械加工技术制作传感器的可能性、必然性。 cnki

This paper presents a low cost MEMS variable optical attenuatorVOA fabricated by a novel bulk- silicon micromachining technology for the optical communication applications.
介绍了一种采用新型体硅微机械加工工艺研制的低成本光通信用微机械可变光衰减器。 dictall

This paper mainly discusses a micromachining technology used during the fabrication of the twin isle structure polysilicon pressure sensor.
详细讨论了双岛结构多晶硅压力传感器制作过程中的一种微机械加工技术。 dictall

This paper presented one single chip micro inertial measurement unit based on ordinary bulk micromachining process such as dissolved wafer process.
论文基于普通的体硅工艺设计实现了一个单片集成式硅微惯性测量组合。 cnki

This paper presents the characteristics of silicon micromachining resonance vacuum sensor and a vacuum meter utilizing this sensor.
文中介绍硅微机械谐振真空传感器的特点及配套研制的真空计。 cnki

With the wide application of micro sensors, micromachining technology is more and more used in manufacture for micro sensors.
随着微传感器的广泛应用,微机械加工技术被越来越多地应用于传感器的制造工艺中。 dictall




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