

单词 microgrid
释义 microgrid 英'maɪkrəɡrɪd美'maɪkrəɡrɪd Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
A MicroGrid is a low voltage network with different micro generators micro sources and loads operating to supply electric power for the local area.
微网是一种可将各种小型分布式电源组合起来为当地负荷提供电能的低压电网。 www.361xs.com

On the other hand, microgrid is a strong complement to power system and can operate not only in grid mode but also in island mode.
同时,微网系统既可以运行在并网模式,也可以运行在孤岛模式,是大电网的有力补充。 www.71155.com

So, this project will study the operation and protection of the microgrid and propose a feasible technique to overcome the issues regarding its implementation.

The connection of different types of micro sources to form a MicroGrid is an important task.
如何连接多种不同类型的分布式电源形成微网是微网必须解决的问题。 www.361xs.com

The impact of different types of faults and the different locations of faults on the transient stability of the MicroGrid are also investigated.
同时,分析了不同故障类型和不同故障点对微网暂态稳定的影响。 www.361xs.com

Then control strategy of microgrid-connection with no load is formulated to realize flexible grid-connection of wind power system.
制定双馈风力发电机空载并联微电网的控制策略,实现风力发电系统柔性并网控制; fabiao

To that end, the facility will study new resource management techniques that, for example, utilize cooling microgrid.
比如,该研究中心负责研究新的能源管理技术,用以解决微网格的散热。 cn-em

After the fault analysis of microgrid, a protection method based on voltage is proposed.
最后对微网进行故障分析,提出了一种基于电压量的微网保护方案。 fabiao

Converter technology for distributed generation and microgrid is also described.
论述了变流技术在分布式发电和微电网上的应用。 cnki

For these reasons, microgrid has become a hot point of research around the world.
因此,微网系统已成为国内外研究的热点。 www.71155.com

In this paper the concept of microgrid and present situation of the research in this field home and abroad are described.
文章介绍了微型电网的概念及国内外研究现状。 www.dwjs.com.cn

This paper introduces distributed generation technology and general construction of microgrid, presents their advantages and the problems to be solved.
介绍了分布式发电和微电网的构成,在技术上和经济上的优势以及需解决的问题。 cnki

This thesis concentrates on a control strategy and operation characteristics of an inverter- interfaced MicroGrid. The main jobs of the thesis are as the following.
本文研究了分布式电源通过逆变器接口形成微网的微网控制策略,并在该控制策略下分析了微网的运行特性。 www.361xs.com

This platform gives the support to have a deep research on microgrid and lays the foundation for teaching and experiment.
该平台为深化微网技术的研究提供了支撑,为相应的教学、实验奠定了基础。 soso.361xs.com

Microgrid can operate when connecting to the large grid and also can run in island mode when faults happen or as necessary.
微电网既可与大电网联网运行,也可在电网故障或需要时与主网断开单独运行。 boshuo

Microgrid is put forward to coordinate contradiction between the large power grid and distributed generation.
微电网是为协调大电网与分布式电源间的矛盾而提出的。 www.qk114.net




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