

单词 microfluidic
释义 microfluidic 英maɪkrəʊflu'ːɪdɪk美maɪkrəʊflu'ːɪdɪk 高COCA⁹⁶³⁸⁵iWeb³⁵⁹³³
The capability of microfluidic chips which often works as separator and mixer is closed with velocity profile of microfluidic.
微流体速度流型对微流控芯片分离分析和混合反应效果都有重要影响。 iciba

The hot embossing and bonding machines have been used practically in microfluidic chip automatic fabrication, and the chips have satisfactory quality, precision, repetition and consistency.
塑料微流控芯片热压键合设备已经投入自动化生产,生产的芯片质量、精度、重复性和一致性良好。 cnki

The driving control system is the important equipment system in the applications of Digitalization of Microfluidic technology.
驱动控制系统是微流体数字化技术各项应用中的重要设备系统。 dictall

A microfluidic chip rapidly identifies pathogens by scanning their genomes.
一个微流控芯片能通过扫描它们的基因组快速地识别病菌。 dxy

Although there are a number of microfluidic tools used to study worms, this is the first device that can be used to observe individual worms over their entire life.
尽管已有许多微流体工具用于研究蠕虫,但这是第一种可以观测蠕虫个体整个生命周期的装置。 yeeyan

And it proposed the special design requirements of piezoelectric driving control system, which were applied for Digitalization of Microfluidic technology by above conclusions.
在此基础上,提出了微流体数字化技术用压电驱动控制系统的特殊设计要求。 dictall

Bernstein says that the microfluidic channels could also be useful for looking at molecules besides DNA.
伯恩斯坦说微流控通道也可以用于观察除了 DNA以外的分子。 dxy

Bonding is one of key processes for fabrication of microfluidic chip.
键合是微流控芯片制作的关键技术之一。 cnki

It presents a new approach to realize the exact metering and quick mixing. The microfluidic device based on PDMS channels is designed and fabricated.
介绍了实现微流体的精确定量和快速混合的基本方法,设计并制作了采用基于 PDMS通道的微流体器件。 cnki

Kamm and his colleagues first described their microfluidic device in a January2007 paper in Lab on a Chip.
发表在2007年1月份的芯片实验室杂志上的一篇论文中,卡姆和他的同事首次介绍了该微流体装置。 dxy

Miniature function device and interface device are applied to microfluidic chip, which has accelerated the industrialization and commercialization process of microfluidic chip.
微型功能器件以及接口器件在微流控芯片上的应用,加快了微流控芯片实现产业化、商品化的进程。 cnki

Miniature function device and interface device are applied to microfluidic chip, which has accelerated the process that the microfluidic chip realizes industrialization and commercializes.
微型功能器件以及对外接口器件在微流控芯片上的应用,加快了微流控芯片实现产业化、商品化的进程。 cnki

Now it is possible to observe them over their entire life thanks to a microfluidic device developed by US scientists.
现在一种由美国科学家发明的微流体设备就可以帮助我们观察蠕虫的一生。 yeeyan

Objective To establish a method of controlling protein adsorption in microfluidic chip electrophoresis to enhance efficiency and reproducibility of protein electrophoresis.
目的探讨抑制微流控芯片电泳中蛋白质的吸附,以提高芯片电泳蛋白质的分离效率及重现性。 cnki

One of the basic components in microfluidic systems is micro pumps.
微泵是微流体系统的基本组件之一。 cnki

Single long molecules of DNA are then fed into a microfluidic chip, where hydrostatic pressure pulls them at a constant speed through a narrow channel.
然后单独的长的 DNA分子被送入微流控芯片,静水压通过一个窄的通道以恒定的速度牵引它们。 dxy

Something like the microfluidic chip he has developing for U. S. Genomics, he says, could be very helpful for studying other biological molecules.
他说,象微流控芯片这样的装置正在美国基因组公司研发,它一定可以对其它的生物大分子的研究大有帮助。 dxy

The combination of SI with microfluidic system is a powerful means for sample introduction and pretreatment.
将 SI与微流控系统联用,是解决其试样引入与前处理问题的一个有效方法。 cnki

There are many factors which affect the mixing of microfluidic, such as the inlet velocity, diffusion coefficient, depth- width ratio, and so on.
影响微流体混合的因素有很多,如入口速度、扩散系数、深宽比等。 fabiao

To enhance fluid mixing in microfluidic system, a novel three-dimensional static micro mixer was designed based on laminar flow mixing principle.
为实现微尺度条件下流体的均匀混合,按层流混合原理设计了一种三维结构的新型静态微型混合器。 cnki

Valves are important components to control flows in microfluidic system.
微阀是微流控系统中起控制限流的重要组成器件。 cnki

Microfluidic chip- based liquid- liquid extraction and multiphase laminar flow separation have proved to be effective means to perform on- chip sample pretreatment.
本工作的主要内容是进行基于微流控芯片的无膜液—液萃取技术和无膜多相层流分离技术的研究。 dictall

Microfluidic technology can address this issue through its ability to control complex reactions at critical times and locations.
微流体技术通过在关键时间和关键区域对此进行控制可以解决这一问题。 cadjy




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