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Microendoscopy 基本例句 显微内窥镜¹⁰⁰ Beechey Newman N,Kulkarni D,Kothari A,et al.Breast ductmicroendoscopyin nipple discharge.周坚;邹强;王红鹰;等.;纤维乳管镜诊断乳头溢液的临床价值 Objective To study the possibility and method ofmicroendoscopydiscectomy for extraforaminal lumbar disc herniation.目的探讨显微内窥镜下微创治疗椎间孔外型腰椎间盘突出症的可行性。 Treatment of lumbar disc herniation withmicroendoscopydiscectomy and nerve root canal enlargement椎间盘镜下髓核摘除及神经根管扩大术治疗腰椎间盘突出症 Treatment the dens fracture by themicroendoscopysystem and image guidance through the anterior approach计算机导航及内窥镜下颈前路齿突螺钉固定术 lubarmicroendoscopy椎间盘镜 |