

单词 abstractly
释义 abstractly 英'æbstræktli美'æbstræktli 高COCA⁴⁶⁸⁶¹BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹iWeb³⁴⁷¹⁷
A protocol, abstractly, is simply a set of behaviors that an object agrees to conform to.
抽象地说,协议只是对象同意遵循的一组行为。 ibm

So, that only emphasize sketch realistically but neglect sculpt abstractly is not in integrity.
只强调写实而忽视抽象练习的教学在造型意义上是不完整的。 cnki

The operations and messages are described abstractly, but they are bound to a concrete network protocol and message format to define an endpoint.
操作和消息是抽象描述的,但它们绑定到具体的网络协议和消息格式上,用来定义终端。 ibm

Which elements in them account for the fact that to put it abstractly their achievement is the production of a societal unit out of individuals?
究竟在社会化的进程里包含什麽样的要素,才能使它们的功效是来自个人的? iciba

Although a long time has passed since humans had to worry about predators, financial well- being is necessary for survival in the modern world, albeit more abstractly.
长期以来,人类已不必担心掠食者的侵害,但经济利益是人们在现代社会中生存所必须的,尽管这更抽象。 yeeyan

As teens mature, they start to think more abstractly and rationally. They're forming their moral code.
随着十几岁的孩子慢慢成熟,他们开始抽象、理性地思维,并会形成自己的道德标准。 yeeyan

But this was reversed when participants were thinking abstractly.
但做一般性思考的参与者情况正好相反。 yeeyan

Children do not think abstractly as adults do.
儿童不如成人想的那么抽象复杂。 yeeyan

He sighs, then starts to talk, haltingly, abstractly.
他叹了一口气,然后开始说起来,结结巴巴地,讲得很抽象。 yeeyan

However, the rational person is abstractly constructed as an objective person in a technical way, so as to complete the civil code system.
但是,理性人是为了完成民法典体系的构筑而通过法技术的抽象方法塑造出来的一个客观化的人像。 cnki

I've previously covered research here suggesting that self-control can be increased by thinking abstractly about our goals.
我以前探讨过一项研究,在这里可以说明:通过对我们自己的目标做一般性的思考,我们的克己能力可以得到提高。 yeeyan

If the soul be viewed as merely and abstractly simple, it is characterized in an inadequate and finite way.
如果把灵魂仅认为是单一的,则灵魂将会被这种抽象看法说成仅是片面的和有限的了。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the foundation of sketch teaching, sketch realistically and sculpt abstractly are both important courses.
在素描基础教学中,写实与抽象练习都是同样重要的课题。 cnki

In this article, you'll see some relatively fleshed-out examples from the lower-level capabilities, but most of the higher- level capabilities will be simply described abstractly.
在本文中,您将看到关于低层能力的一些相对完整的示例,而对大部分高层次能力将只是进行简单抽象的描述。 ibm

Once the system architecture has been derived abstractly through this process of structural decomposition, the next step is to determine how system elements will be realized.
一旦系统构架通过这个结构分解过程被抽象地产生出来,下一步就是确定如何实现系统元素。 ibm

Programmers understand hierarchies, but many users don't think that abstractly.
程序员了解层次结构,但许多用户并不会用抽象的方式进行思考。 ibm

Specifically, they improved their performance on tests of so-called fluid intelligence, the ability to solve new problems and reason abstractly.
尤其是在液化智力即解决新问题和抽象思维的能力测试中,他们的表现有大幅度提升。 yeeyan

System understanding is after the collection, the analysis and abstractly obtains the system information the process, is the precondition that solves the system evolution to meet the question.
理解系统是经过收集、分析和抽象获得系统信息的过程,是解决系统进化所遇问题的先决条件。 iciba

The experimental model is abstractly established from the rock mass with two groups of main constructional surfaces.
其中实验模型是从含有两组主结构面的岩体中抽象出来的。 iciba

Understands Complex Concepts: Tots who are highly intelligent have the ability to understand complex concepts, perceive relationships, and think abstractly.
懂得复杂的概念。很有天赋的孩子有能力去钻研复杂的概念,理解相互的关系,进行抽象思维。 blog.sina.com.cn

We will truly enable business capacity to reason, plan, predict, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend, innovate and learn.
我们将真正使企业的能力,因此,计划,预测,解决问题,认为抽象,理解,创新和学习。 diybl

You have to be more strategic, think more abstractly, and use communication tools and technologies such as UML to universally describe what you want from your team.
您考虑的东西要更为战略化,需要更为抽象地考虑问题,并使用沟通工具和技术如 UML来全面描述希望团队实现的目标。 ibm

You'll need to think abstractly, navigate politics, set up policies, and think like“the enemy,” for starters.
您将需要以抽象的方式进行思考,了解关系、设置策略并从一开始就从“敌人”的角度考虑问题。 ibm




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