

单词 Areopagus
释义 Ar·e·op·a·gus 英ˌæriːˈɒpəgəs美ˌæriˈɑpəgəsAHDăr'ē-ŏpʹə-gəs COCA¹⁸²²⁹⁴BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺

a hill to the to the west of the Athenian acropolis where met the highest governmental council of ancient Athens and later a judicial courtthe highest governmental assembly in ancient Athens later a judicial courtA member of the council of theAreopagus.最高法院法官古雅典最高法院理事会的一员
The hill was ever after calledAreopagus, “the hill of Ares”, and the judges received the names of Areopagitae.从那以后,这座山就称作雅典的最高法院,即“阿瑞斯之山”;而出审的法官们被称作雅典最高法院的法官。
Acts 17:22 And Paul stood in the midst of theAreopagusand said, Men of Athens, I observe that in every way you very much revere your deities.徒十七22保罗站在亚略巴古当中,说,诸位,雅典人哪,我看你们凡事都很敬畏鬼神。
So Paul stood in the midst of theAreopagusand said, Men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all respects.徒17:22保罗站在亚略巴古当中、说、众位雅典人哪、我看你们凡事很敬畏鬼神。
So the study on the function ofAreopaguswill be useful for us to understand the Athenian democracy.因此深入研究贵族议事会在雅典民主政治时期的作用,对于我们深入认识雅典民主社会的性质会有所启发。
The hill was ever after calledAreopagus,“the hill of Ares”,and the judges receivedthe names of Areopagitae.这些崇拜者战前都要向他祈祷,战后将战利品供奉在他的祭坛前。 The title comes from the Areopagus, a Greek place of debate.
这个标题来自“阿勒奥珀格斯”——希腊辩论的地方。 eblcu




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