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词汇 Microbubbles
释义 MicrobubblesBNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
微泡¹⁰⁰原型microbubble的复数The progress in preparation methods ofmicrobubblesspeeds up along with the introduction of microcapsule techniques.微胶囊技术的引入大大加快了微泡造影剂制备方法的发展。
Largermicrobubblesshowed higher subharmonic enhancement than non-fractioned ones.通过分级分离除去较小微泡后所得的次谐波响应比未分离前显著增强。
From the present study, the preparation of UCA includes two directions, gases inside themicrobubblesand material outside themicrobubbles.就目前的研究情况来看,UCA的制备主要包括以下两个研究方向:微泡内气体成分的选择:微泡的外包裹材料的选择。
Recently,promising studies indicate that ultrasound in presence ofmicrobubblescan disrupt the BBB efficaciously,and the new advances of this …近期研究显示,微泡介导下超声能有效开放血脑屏障,本文就这一新技术的研究进展作一综述。
Based on the relevant materials, the advances in the application of the echogenic gas-filledmicrobubblesintherapy and delivery system were reviewed.根据国外声振含气微泡最新研究进展,综述了声振含气微泡在治疗方面和作为药物或基因的递送系统方面的应用。
Purpose: To study left ventricular and myocardial opacification by intravenous injection of hand agitated perflurocarbonmicrobubbles.目的:探讨静注手振氟碳微泡造影剂左室腔及心肌显影的能力。




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